Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-01-05
Bulletin Contents

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Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (651) 222-6220
  • Street Address:

  • 1111 Summit Ave

  • St. Paul, MN 55105

Contact Information

Services Schedule


We hope that you will make this your spiritual home. Connect with us on our website, Facebook page, YouTube, or sign-up for our email list at

Worship Sunday Orthros 8:15 am & Divine Liturgy 9:30 am

Confession (by appointment - call or email [email protected])

Weekday Services (


Fellowship Hour Sunday following Divine Liturgy

Office Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Our Mission St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a Christ-centered community that: inspires faith and worship, cultivates spiritual growth and fellowship, and encourages benevolence and outreach.

Our Vision Ascending together to the fullness of Life.

Give Online at

Past Bulletins


  • Parish Calendar

    January 5 to January 12, 2025

    Sunday, January 5

    +Fast Day

    +Eve of Theophany

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM Church School

    11:00AM Agiasmos - Blessing of the Waters

    12:00PM Basketball Practice (after Church School)

    Monday, January 6

    +Theophany (Epiphany) Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:30AM Agiasmos - Blessing of the Waters

    Tuesday, January 7

    +Synaxis of the Forerunner John the Baptist

    6:00PM Icon Class

    Wednesday, January 8

    +Fast Day

    Thursday, January 9

    5:30PM Capital Projects Meeting

    7:00PM Book Group

    Friday, January 10

    +Fast Day

    +St. Gregory of Nyssa

    Saturday, January 11

    +St. Theodosios Cenobiarchos

    11:00AM Blessing of Waters at the Mississippi

    Sunday, January 12

    Sunday after Epiphany

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    9:30AM Reader's Service in Eau Claire, WI

    10:45AM Church School

    11:15AM Vasilopita Prayer

    11:30AM Philoptochos Meeting

    11:30AM Parish Council Oath of Office

    12:00PM Basketball Practice (after Church School)


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the 3rd Tone

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord has shown the mighty power of his arm. He has trampled down death by death, becoming the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell and has granted to all the world his great mercy.

Apolytikion for Eve of Epiphany in the 4th Tone

River Jordan was turned back by Elisseus' mantle once, when the fiery man of zeal Elias had been taken up; then were its waters divided hither and thither. The running streams became dry passage unto him, truly as a sign and type of Baptism, whereby we pass to the other side of the shifting stream of this fleeting life. Christ hath appeared in the Jordan River, to sanctify the waters.

Seasonal Kontakion in the 4th Tone

In the running waters of the Jordan River, on this day the Lord of all crieth to John: Be not afraid and hesitate not to baptize Me, for I am come to save Adam, the first-formed man.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Sunday before Epiphany
The Reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to Timothy 4:5-8

TIMOTHY, my son, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.

For I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

Gospel Reading

Sunday before Epiphany
The Reading is from Mark 1:1-8

The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophets, 'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who shall prepare your way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.' John was baptizing in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And there went out to him all the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey. And he preached, saying, "After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."




Bill Clemons & Paul Werger


Paul Werger

40-Day Blessing

Panagiota Tsiavou & Baby Evelyna Maria

Fellowship Hour

Thank you to Paul & Elise Werger for hosting today's fellowship.

Western Region Family Basketball Tournament Jan. 31 - Feb. 2

It's that time again to get your sneakers on! This year the tournament will be hosted by St. Demetrios in Libertyville, IL.

Player registration and hotel reservations are Now Open on the Western Region Family Basketball Tournament Website.

***Note: Practices will begin at a New Location! due to construction at our previous facility.
Highland Park Elementary School (approx. 3 miles from church)
1700 Saunders Ave, St. Paul, 55116

Practice schedule - Sunday 12-2:30 pm
Jan 5
Jan 12
Jan 19
Jan 26

Scholarships will once more be offered. For inquiries, please contact Fr. Perry, and for any questions, reach out to Angie Kontenakos at [email protected]. See you at the gym! Go St. George!

Icon Art Studios, Inc. 2025 Winter Icon Class Dates

Session 1- The Holy Face here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, & 28 from 6-9 pm

Session 2- Icon of a saint of the student's choice (full figure) here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, & 25 from 6-9 pm

Please contact Deb at [email protected]/612-889-5868 or Steve Arsenault at [email protected]/ 612-206-7369. Cost for tuition and supplies approx. $298. Cost of tuition only $155

St. George Classical Readers

Fellow readers of classical literature, we have wrapped up our excursion through the novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, and have selected our next read. Our next meeting will be on January 9th where we will be discussing, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. I hope you are able to join us for what will be a fun and engaging conversation on a seasonal classic.
If you have any questions, reach out to Grant Oldre at [email protected]

Intro to Orthodox Christianity Catechism Course - Winter 2025

Join us for our MEOCCA catechism course, Intro to Orthodox Christianity, beginning on Monday, January 13, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Catechism is open to all: people interested in learning more about Orthodox Christianity, inquirers, catechumens, and current Orthodox Christians as well. Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in person (1111 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN) or online via Zoom. Register online at Learn more at

Orthodox Adult Game Night: Winter Edition

It's that time of the year! Welcome to a new year, and with that, a new night for Orthodox adult competition and camaraderie.

Date: January 25, 2025
Location: St. Mary's OCA (1701 5th St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413)
Time: Anytime after 6:00!
Bring a drink, snack, and/or game to share!

For venue-specific questions, contact Mike Schwebach at [email protected]. For all other questions, contact Fiona Lotti at either [email protected] or 651-470-8994.

Make Your 2025 Stewardship Pledge

Click here to make your 2025 Stewardship Pledge Thank you for your support of the work of the church.

Make a Stewardship Donation Online 

Host a Fellowship Hour

Please host an upcoming coffee hour! Individuals, families, or even groups can sign up to host or co-host. Remember that coffee is now provided, courtesy of Thrivent Financial, so your commitment can be as simple as picking up some cookies! Thanks to all who have already hosted this year! Use this URL to sign up.

Silent Auction

Remember to check out the Silent Auction in the hall. Proceeds support our Missions and Benevolence ministry. New items are added regularly. If you would like to donate items that are new with tags or something else valuable, such as theater/sports tickets, please contact Angela Mortari at [email protected] or text 651-280-7123.


Wisdom of the Fathers

Repentance is the renewal of baptism and is a contract with God for a fresh start in life.
St. John Climacus
Ladder of Divine Ascent Step 5:On Penitence, Paulist Press pg. 121, 6th century

It was for that reason that Joshua, son of Nun, removed his sandals (Cf. Jos. 5:15), in order that he also could preserve the gift of so great a function for Him who was to come. It is for that reason that John says, 'A man is coming after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to loose,' ...
St. Ambrose of Milan
Seven Exegetical Works, 4.22, 4th Century



Welcome Visitors!

Thank you for joining us in worship. Whether you are an Orthodox Christian or this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church, we are pleased to have you with us! Although Holy Communion is offered only to baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians, all are invited to receive the Antidoron (blessed bread) at the end of the service. The Antidoron and fellowship hour are reminiscent of the Agape Feast that followed worship in the early Church.

One does not have to be of Greek descent nor speak Greek to be an Orthodox Christian and member of our parish. All people of any background are welcome to join the Orthodox Church. For those interested in learning more about the Christian Faith or becoming a member of our church, please see Fr. Perry after services or contact him at [email protected] or (651) 222-6220.

We hope you will join us in our hall upstairs this morning after services for fellowship and refreshments!


Prosfora (Offering Bread)

Thank you to those who make the prosfora/offering bread for Liturgy. If you would like to sign up to bake and make an offering of bread to the church, please get in touch with Krisandrea at [email protected].

Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” John 6:27


Content for the Bulletin

All content for the bulletin (flyers, blurbs, calendar events, etc.) is due Wednesday each week. Content submitted after Wednesday will be included in the bulletin for the following week.



To our ministry leaders and volunteers, please save receipts when making purchases for church activities. A reminder that reimbursement forms are located on the tower outside of the admin and treasurer’s office. Please make sure to submit the form with a copy of your receipt (you keep the original receipt). Finally, please make sure to submit for reimbursement contemporaneous with the expense(s). Although we do not have a set cutoff date for reimbursements, please do your best to have all prior year reimbursements submitted before the end of January of the following year. Please contact Lani if you have any questions at [email protected].


Charitable Donations to Philoptochos, Missions & Benevolence, Church School, Youth, Priest Discretionary Fund, Greek School, & other St. George Ministries

Thank you to all who continue to support our parish ministries! For those who would like a receipt of their donations to a particular church ministry for tax purposes, please make all deductible contributions directly to the church, noting a designation of the gift in the memo line. For example, you might put in the memo line “2024 Philoptochos Stewardship/membership,” “donation to Missions and Benevolence,” "priest discretionary fund," etc. Resources will be earmarked and distributed to the ministry you note, and your donations will be included in your end-of-year statement. Thank you again for your commitment to the work of the church!



Support the Metropolis of Chicago Vision Campaign

Annual giving to the Metropolis Annual Vision Campaign supports current Metropolis programs and ministries to directly impact parishes and leadership. As operations are covered, the Metropolis can direct GOA Parish Allocations to our parishes to fuel growth locally. His Eminence invites those who have already become active stewards of their local parish, to give to this campaign. Click here to support the campaign:


Let's Connect!

St. George has moved to a new social media platform designed specifically for parish life. Here, we communicate more dynamically regarding specific ministries, events, and stewardship. For those who haven't, please use the QR code here to sign up! If you have any questions or have issues, please contact Dylan at [email protected].


Text Message Reminders - Sign Up for Youth & Family Events!

We have some AWESOME Youth & Family events, and you don't want to miss out. Join our text message system Remind to stay up to date with all of our communications. Join by visiting


Parish Email List Sign-Up 

Sign up for our email list to see what’s happening at St. George!


Please Note

St. George GOC broadcasts its worship services live on the internet. Your presence in the church is subject to audio and video recording.



Saints and Feasts

January 05

The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas

When the persecution of Diocletian broke out in 290, Saint Theopemptus, a bishop, was taken for his confession of Christ, and convicted Diocletian to his face for his error and ungodliness. Remaining unhurt after cruel tortures, he was given poison to drink, which had been prepared by a sorcerer named Theonas. Protected by divine grace from this also, he drew Theonas to Christ, and after other torments, was beheaded. Saint Theonas was cast into a pit and buried alive.

January 06

The Theophany of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

About the beginning of our Lord's thirtieth year, John the Forerunner, who was some six months older than Our Saviour according to the flesh, and had lived in the wilderness since his childhood, received a command from God and came into the parts of the Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance unto the remission of sins. Then our Saviour also came from Galilee to the Jordan, and sought and received baptism though He was the Master and John was but a servant. Whereupon, there came to pass those marvellous deeds, great and beyond nature: the Heavens were opened, the Spirit descended in the form of a dove upon Him that was being baptized and the voice was heard from the Heavens hearing witness that this was the beloved Son of God, now baptized as a man (Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:1-22). From these events the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ and the great mystery of the Trinity were demonstrated. It is also from this that the present feast is called "Theophany," that is, the divine manifestation, God's appearance among men. On this venerable day the sacred mystery of Christian baptism was inaugurated; henceforth also began the saving preaching of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

January 07

Synaxis of John the Holy Glorious Prophet, Baptist, & Forerunner

Today we celebrate the Synaxis in honour of the most sacred Forerunner, since he ministered at the Mystery of the Divine Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rest from labour. Fish allowed.

January 08

Domnica the Righteous of Constantinople

Saint Domnica was from Carthage. During the reign of the Emperor Theodosius the Great, she came with four other virgins to Constantinople, where she was baptized by Nectarius, the Patriarch of Constantinople. She remained in Constantinople and became known for her extreme asceticism, the miracles that she worked, and the grace of prophecy that adorned her. She lived until the days of the Emperors Leo and Zeno, reposing in peace about the year 474.


Bulletin Inserts