May God Bless our Home
There are few things more vital to our lives than our homes. In so many ways, our homes are the center of our lives. The Church even has a name that expresses the centrality of our homes to our spiritual lives: "to kat' oikon ekklesian" (which means the church of the home and our homes should be a living icon of His Church, with Christ as the head).
By blessing our home, we make it "sacred space" consecrated for God, where we live in communion with our families. We work, we talk, we share meals, we work out problems, we order our lives, we work out our marriages, and we pray together. There is no more important place to pronounce for the Kingdom of God than our homes. Thus, we affirm that God rules in this house!
The sanctification of the home takes place with prayer and the sprinkling of holy water. The water sprinkled is a visible sign of the invisible grace of God. The Holy Water is a visible sign that, through His Incarnation, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, lived among us, is present among us, and acts in our lives every day.
When the priest comes, the whole family should be present in the house and should gather around an icon on a table with a small bowl of water, and candle. They should, if they are able to join in, say the Trisagion Prayers and sing of the apolytikon of the Feast of Epiphany. The priest leads prayers for those who live in and who visit the home. Then a family member leads the priest throughout the house as he sprinkles the holy water room by room. When they have gone through the entire house, the family gathers again around the table and the priest blesses each person present. The priest offers a final prayer and asks God to abide in the house, to rid it of every evil and to fill if with every blessing.