Bulletin Builder Tour

What Is Bulletin Builder?
Welcome to a revolutionary new way to create your Sunday bulletin. With Bulletin Builder, you have access to the fastest and easiest bulletin creation program available, allowing you to put more time back into your weekly schedule.
Bulletin Builder offers all the content your Sunday bulletin might need, including:
- Scripture readings (Matins and Liturgy Gospels, Epistle, in various languages)
- Liturgical and Hymnographic content (hymns of the day, tone of the week, and more)
- Hagiographical content (Saints/Feasts of the day with Synaxarion readings and icons)
And, all of the content offered is according to any Orthodox jurisdiction in America. That means that no matter what Orthodox tradition your parish belongs to, Bulletin Builder is equipped with just what you need.

BB Gives You a Customized Experience
Bulletin Builder isn’t just easy to use; it’s also powerful. You can set your Sunday bulletins to be generated automatically each week, or you can customize them in dozens of ways.
Adding your own content is easy. Have a hierarchical letter to include, or an announcement from your Parish Council? Or perhaps every week you want to include a note about the Eucharist, or a welcome to visitors. In all these ways, and more, you can use Bulletin Builder to make your Sunday bulletin to look and say exactly what you want.

Collaboration: By the Parish, for the Parish
Every parish is a community of faithful, and every parish will have more than one person contributing to the Sunday bulletin. That’s why Bulletin Builder allows for multiple users to contribute to their parish’s bulletin. That way, everyone from the priest to the Youth Director to the Sunday School Director can add and edit content from wherever they are. Many hands make light work!

Sharing: One Mind, One Body
These days, a typical Sunday bulletin is more than just the Scripture readings and hymns of the day. Bulletin Builder helps you integrate content that is being shared by outside sources. Now, you can easily and fluidly include an encyclical from your Diocese or Metropolis, or an announcement from an Orthodox organization you support, such as IOCC, OCMC or OCF.
But Bulletin Builder goes a step beyond, and allows parishes to share original content in their bulletins with one another. You can search for and use open content, or send something to another parish on the Bulletin Builder network. Want to allow your sermon to be published by other churches? Or want to advertize your sister parish’s annual festival? With Bulletin Builder, it’s never been easier.

Publishing: Get Your Bulletin Out There
We know the value of reaching your people. We also know that the Sunday bulletin is no longer just a stack of papers in the church narthex. That’s why Bulletin Builder utilizes today’s technology to publish your bulletin in a number of useful ways.
- Save as an easily printable Word, RTF or PDF file
- Send via email
- Publish on your parish’s website or blog
- Publish using an XML/RSS feed, or on a Listserv
- Aggregate easily to your parish’s Facebook or Twitter page
Thanks to Bulletin Builder, your parishioners will be able to read your church bulletin on their computer or mobile device, as well as in print on Sunday morning.

Ready, Set, Go!
You are just seconds away from creating your next Sunday bulletin with Bulletin Builder—and just minutes away from finishing it! Ready to get started? Just click the ‘Register’ button to create your own FREE account.