Divine Liturgy and Other Services

Orthos 8:45am (live streamed)
Divine Liturgy 10:00am (live streamed)
Week Day Liturgies:
Regular Vespers/Paracleseis Wednesdays at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted on the calendar.
February 2 at 7:00 am Orthros/ Divine Liturgy Christ' Entrance to the Temple
February 10 at 8:00 am Orthros/ Divine Liturgy St Haralambos
February 18 at 5:00 pm Nameday Vespers, St. Philothea, followed by an Outdoor reception
February 19 at 8:00 am Orthros, 9:00 am Divine Liturgy for our Matronal Feast
February 24 at 8:00 am St Finding of the Head of St. John the Baptist
Sunday School News
In addition to Sunday School every week after Holy Communion we will have the following:
Upcoming Events
Souper Bowl Sunday, February 11th
Forgiveness Sunday, March 17th
Sunday School Students and Teachers will approach to receive Holy Communion first and then go directly to their Sunday School classes.
- Ages 3-6 will meet with Stephanie
- 7- 11 will meet with Maimee
- Jr. and Sr. High will meet with Regina and/or Maximos Salzman.
Panayiota Damianeas, Sunday School Director is sending out emails each week to parents and instructors to see what is happening that week.
**Panayiota Damianeas is our Sunday School Director, Regina is our Religious Education Coordinator and Maimee Cannariato writes the Sunday School News letter.
Stewardship Cards
If you have not yet turned in a card please do so ASAP. So far of approximately 60 families we have collected 35 cards for a total of $102,000. Five of those pledges have come from Associate members. You can download a Stewardship Pledge Card here.
Please prayerfully consider your family’s contribution of time, talent and treasurer and indicate which ministries you would like to participate in.
Grief Support
Grief Support Group will meet on: Monday, February 5th & 19th at the church from 7:00-8:00 pm.
This group meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. All are welcome.
All are welcome.
ACTS Food Bank
Volunteer at the ACTS Food Bank: St. Philothea’s remaining date to volunteer will be Tuesday, Feb 6th. We will serve from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. See Fr. Anthony if you would like to help.
Any and all support is appreciated! Area Churches Together Serving
OCF News
OCF: February 6th and 20th. Place TBA
If you would like to host a dinner for our College Students please see Fr. Anthony or sign up here. February 6th is sponsored by Roy and Joyce.
**You may either donate $85 to send us out to eat, cook a meal at the church or have us to your home. Thank you for your support for this important mimnistry.
Fr. Anthony is on campus on Thursday’s from 11:00-3:00 pm at Tate Center Plaza painting icons and talking with students. Come on by.
Inquirer's Class
INQUIRERS CLASS will be Wednesday, February 7th at 7:15-8:30pm
(All meetings are for 1 hour, in person following the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy every Wednesday at 5:45 pm)
Please join the Group Me here for more information. You may also email [email protected] Topic is Spiritualit
Inquirer’s Class Schedule for Great Lent
Great Lent begins on Clean Monday, March 18th
March 20 & 27
April 3, 10, 17 & 24
Lenten Midweek Meals Every Wednesday following Divine Liturgy we will share a Lenten Meal (Soup, bread, salad and dessert). Sign up here if you would like to host by yourself or with someone. We will also discuss a book TBD; they can be ordered online or through the bookstore.
Spaghetti Dinners
Spaghetti Dinners will be held the second Thursday of every month.
Our next Spaghetti Dinner will be Thursday, February 8th from 5:30-7:00 pm.
**Dinner includes spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, dessert and drink. Marinara sauce is available on fasting days. Live entertainment.
Volunteers are needed and eat for free. If you would like to help please contact Kristopher Knisely at 229-854-0299
This fundraiser/outreach program features delicious food, free live entertainment and is open to the public.
Adults $10.00
For more info visit our website HERE.
Prosforon Baking Class
Grab your apron, a bag of all purpose flour and join in the fun! Let's get together to bake Prosforon, the offering bread and to make Koliva on Saturday, February 10th at 10:00 am after the Liturgy.
Calling all men, women, young, seasoned, novice, professionals, this class is open to the whole church.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Sunday, February 11th is the annual Souper Bowl of Caring sponsored by St Philothea's Sunday School team. Souper Bowl was started by a Youth Group in 1990 and has grown all over the world and has collected more than $100 Million which has been donated back into local communities.
Check your local grocery specials this week especially those that feature BOGO deals or great specials. All food collection will be taken to our local ACTS.
They will also collect monetary donations for IOCC (no amount is too small). IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond. Since its inception, IOCC and their partners have provided over $600 million in relief and self-help programs to people in more than 60 countries.
Philoptochos Sunday
Upcoming Second Collections Thank you for your faithful weekly stewardship and support of St. Philothea. From time to time we have second collections to support National and Philoptochos Ministries. Below is the upcoming schedule:
Feb. 11 Philoptochos Sunday Memorial for founding members that have passed.
Feb. 11 Souper Bowl Sunday IOCC (monetary donations as well as can goods. Sunday School hosts).
March 17 OCMC Sunday we will be passing out coin boxes to raise money for SAMP during Great Lent.
The group will meet the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
See Nina Herrington for more information.
The next meeting is Tuesday, February 13th & 27th at 6:30 pm at the church.
“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told to her from the Lord.” Luke I:45
Nameday Celebration
St. Philothea Nameday Celebration: If you have been looking for a chance to get involved at Saint Phliothea, the time is now! This event will be a special way to celebrate our patroness and share the beauty of Orthodoxy with friends and family (who we should all invite!)
We will be hosting a beautiful Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, February 18th followed by a bonfire/cookout to honor this Orthodox community and Saint Philothea.Orthros and Divine Liturgy will be Monday beginning at 8:00 amWant to help? We need volunteers setting up, cleaning up, bringing food, and participating in the festivities (which will include bonfires, a grill-out, greek dancing, and music!)
Parish Council
Parish Council: Will meet Wednesday, Feb. 21st at 7:00 pm.
Bigger Vision
Be a Blessing....Next Bigger Vision Meal:
Our schedule in supporting Bigger Vision Homeless shelter continues on the 4th Monday of the month and our next meal will be provided, February 26th. Each month we provide a meal for the homeless consisting of a protein, starch, vegetable, bread and dessert sufficient to serve 40 people. Drop off is at the Church at 4:30pm.
Your help is critical for those in need and greatly appreciated. We are asking each ministry of the church to take a month, e.g. Young Adults, OCF, Music Ministry, Parish Council etc. This is a way to fulfill Christ’s command to ‘feed the hungry, visit me, cloth me’, and it brings you in touch with the humanity of our times and the struggles they face.
You can sign up on line here. To sign up for 2024 click here.
Pet Blessing
Pet Blessing: Saturday, March 9th at 10:00 a.m. following the Divine Liturgy and Saturday of Souls Memorial at 8:30a.m.
Invite your friends to this unique witness of our Orthodox faith; caring for the environment and all of creation through the blessing of the waters. Please bring your pet on a leash unless it's a goldfish or keep them in a carrier. Let Tracey O’Malley know if you would like to help with this outreach ministry.
General Assembly
Spring General Assembly: Sunday, March 10th following the Divine Liturgy.
We will be hearing updates from the Council of MInistry heads.
Your input on the vision and well-being of our church is important and we hope everyone plans to attend.
Family Life Ministry
Meal Train:
As part of our Family Life Ministry we offer meals to those in need within our community due to illness, birth, death or any other need that may require the support of a meal. In those cases a Meal Train Announcement will be emailed out by Regina Nasrallah. It is an easy and convenient way to provide support when a meal could really help out a family. Anyone can sign up.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour Agape Meals– There will be upcoming changes to Coffee Hour. Rather than a single host we will implement Agape Meal Teams who will offer a simple luncheon meal. In this way, we will move away from sugary snacks, while allowing people to enjoy lunch and visit longer, as well as foster small group fellowship amongst the Agape Meal Teams. Please look for more information in the coming weeks.
Book Store
Please stop by and visit the new collections that are available. If you have a great read to share, or want to order through the Book Store please contact Fr. Anthony.
Book Store Helpers Needed. We are looking for people to assist in managing the book store. If this is something you are interested in, please see Regina Nasrallah for details.
Orthodox Study Bible, Old and New Testaments-hardbound are now available for $50 each. WE also have new prayer books and new titles. Stop by after Liturgy and check us out.
The Life of St. Philothea is a beautifully illustrated hardback book about the life of our beloved patron. Available today in the bookstore $26. In addition to books we offer CD’s, prayer ropes, gift items and more.
The St. Philothea Lending Library is now accessible online for at-home browsing. Volunteers continue to refine the categories and subject tags for the 700 plus holdings. Please take advantage of this wonderful resource. librarycat.org/lib/St.Philothea.Library
Facebook Marketplace
Thanks to Kosta Vavlas and several parishioners we have already made over $600! Clean out your home and help raise funds for the Parish. Kosta is overseeing this ongoing Face Book garage sale and will guide us through this process on what we are looking to sell and how to promote it and close the sale. Your item will be picked up and delivered at the Sheriffs office where there are video cameras. If you have an item of value (~$50 or greater) that you would like to contribute so that it can be sold to raise funds for the Church please contact Kosta Vavlas ([email protected] 727-424-2194) to arrange for pick up. Clean, sellable items in good condition only, please. All proceeds will go to St. Philothea's operating expenses.
Work Daze Retreat
Work Daze Retreat March 22-24 for OCF students at the Diakonia Center. Presenter will be Fr. Alex Mackoul. Cost to students is $75. Scholarships are available.
If you would like to be a part of this vibrant ministry, please see Fr. Anthony. We need some more help, and it is not as scary as you might think.
The new schedule for 2024 is out and we will be serving the months of March, July, and December.