Divine Liturgy and Other Services

Orthos 8:45am (live streamed)
Divine Liturgy 10:00am (live streamed)
Week Day Liturgies:
Regular Vespers/Paracleseis
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted on the calendar.
Feast Days in September:
Thursday, Sept. 7 6:00 pm Vespers of the birth of the Theotokos
Friday, Sept. 8 7:00 am Orthros, 8:00 am. Divine Liturgy Birth of the Theotokos
Thursday, Sept. 14 7:00 am Orthros, 8:00 am Elevation of the Holy Cross Liturgy, Strict Fast Day
Tuesday, Sept. 26 8:00 am Liturgy Falling Asleep of St. John the Theologian.
OCF News
The OCF will meet the first and third Tuesdays of every month. w “Chew and Chat” will meet at 6:30 pm on Sept.5, and Sept. 19 (at the church). Sign up here online or with Fr. Anthony if you would like to host a dinner. Fr. Anthony is on campus every Thursday from 11:00am-3:00 pm
Connect Conference
Connect Conference for Young Adults ages 21-39 will be held in Minneapolis, Mn Sept. 29-October 1, a great event to meet other Orthodox Christians from around the country. More info here.
HOLY CROSS GOC FEASTDAY, MACON GA Blessing of the Waters and Cross Dive on Saturday, Sept. 9th, 3:00 pm. See here for details. Also Great Vespers on Sept. 13th, 6:00 pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sept. 14th, 9:30 am Orthros, 10:30 am Divine Liturgy. Everyone is invited to celebrate their Nameday feast events.
If you would like to be a part of this vibrant ministry please see Fr. Anthony. You will need an up to date background check from the Oconee County Jail to participate.
Annual Golf Classic
Golf Classic Tournament Monday, Sept. 11th
This helps raise funds to support the mission and ministry of St. Philothea and Bread for Life. Please spread the word, ask local businesses for donations for door prizes, and get golfers, you can win tickets to the Classic Center Broadway Shows or Hockey Sky box. It is a fun event and a great cause. More information and registration here. Share to your FB page here.
Grief Support
Grief Support Group Meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.
This month we will meet Monday, Sept. 11th & 25th at the church from 7:00-8:00 pm.
All are welcome.
Inquirer's Class
For those who want to know more about the Orthodox Church, both Catechumens and Cradle Orthodox. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 13th at 7;15pm-8:30 pm You can sign up to be added to the Group me by going here. A Zoom link will be sent to the Group Me for those who can not attend in person.
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday’s of the month on Sept. 13th and 27th following Vespers at church. Please contact Garret Klawuhn for more information at [email protected]
Spaghetti Dinners
Our next Spaghetti Dinner will be Thursday, Sept. 14th from 6:00-7:30 pm
**Dinner includes spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, dessert and drink. Marinara sauce is available on fasting days. Live entertainment.
Volunteers are needed and eat for free. If you would like to help please contact Kristopher Knisely at 229-854-0299
This fundraiser/outreach program features delicious food, free live entertainment and is open to the public.
Adults $10.00
For more info visit our website HERE.
Parish Council
Parish Council Meetings:
Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 7:00 pm at the church
Bigger Vision
Be a Blessing....Next Bigger Vision Meal:
Bigger Vision is now allowing in person serving if you would like to join that ministry. Our next meal will be served Monday, Sept. 25th.
Providing a meal for the homeless is a monthly event. We need to cook a meal of protein, starch, vegetable, bread and dessert. Sign up here. We will need to donate food, prepare it, and drop off the dinner. You do not have to commit to every month but together we can do this. Our day is the 4th Monday of each month. If you want to serve the meal you can sign up here.
Please let Fr. Anthony know if you would like to join the team.
All contributions are appreciated!!
Angel Tree
Angel Tree Ministries(Organizing Committee meeting coming in September).
This ministry helps the children, of parents who are incarcerated, feel loved and connected to them. See Kate McClain if you would like to get involved. We will be doing a COVID Social distancing event in decorated cars. Should be fun. It will be Dec. 3 this year.
ACTS Food Bank
Volunteer at the ACTS Food Bank: St. Philothea’s remaining dates to volunteer will be Tuesday, October 3rd and December 5th. We will serve from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. See Fr. Anthony if you would like to help. at 9:00 am-1:00 pm. See Fr. Anthony if you would like to help. They are now allowing people to work who have been vaccinated.
Any and all support is appreciated! (Area Churches Together Serving) would like to help.
WOMEN’S SPIRITUAL GROUP will be starting the week of Sept 18, and meet twice a month. Stay tuned for more information.
“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told to her from the Lord.” Luke I:45
General Assembly
Fall General Assembly: Sunday, November 12th following the Divine Liturgy.
The agenda includes the following:
- Vote on Budget
- Update on Marswood Hall
- Nominations for Parish Council
Please put it in your calendar.
Your input on the vision and well-being of our church is important. We hope everyone plans to attend.
Book Store
BOOKSTORE HELPER NEEDED: We are looking for people to assist with managing the Bookstore. Please speak to Regina Nasrallah. Steve Duke has added many things after his visit to the DRC Gook store, stop by and check it out.
The Life of St. Philothea is a beautifully illustrated hardback book about the life of our beloved patron. Available today in the bookstore $26. In addition to books we offer CD’s, prayer ropes, gift items and more.
The St. Philothea Lending Library is now accessible online for at-home browsing. Volunteers continue to refine the categories and subject tags for the 700 plus holdings. Please take advantage of this wonderful resource. librarycat.org/lib/St.Philothea.Library
Facebook Marketplace
Thanks to Kosta Vavlas and several parishioners we have already made over $600! Clean out your home and help raise funds for the Parish. Kosta is overseeing this ongoing Face Book garage sale and will guide us through this process on what we are looking to sell and how to promote it and close the sale. Your item will be picked up and delivered at the Sheriffs office where there are video cameras. If you have an item of value (~$50 or greater) that you would like to contribute so that it can be sold to raise funds for the Church please contact Kosta Vavlas ([email protected] 727-424-2194) to arrange for pick up. Clean, sellable items in good condition only, please. All proceeds will go to St. Philothea's operating expenses.
Athens Nurses Clinic Toiletry Collection
The Athens Nurse’s Clinic provides low-cost medical care for under-insured or uninsured patients with chronic illnesses.
Once again, the Philoptochos is collecting items for the Athens Nurse’s Clinic. The Nurse’s Clinic has had their funding decreased and are in need of these basic items. We will be collecting these items through-out the Lenten period. Please bring one or more of the following items to Church and they may be left in Fr. Anthony’s office or contact Karen Kimbaris, [email protected] or 706-310-0022 and she can collect the items.
Items Needed:
Shampoo/conditioner Soap or Body Wash
Toothbrush and Tootpaste Chapstick or Vaseline
Deodorant Shaving cream and Razor
Body Lotion Wash cloths
Socks Comb
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour – due to water damage in the social hall, we are currently having coffee hour in the narthex. The names and dates will remain as listed.
The 2023 Coffee Hour Hosting Schedule is available online. Everyone will have an opportunity to serve. Keep it simple. Coffee will be made by the Coffee Hour Committee. A simple cookie to go with coffee is sufficient for the host to provide. Then when coffee hour is winding down, the host will be responsible for cleaning up and putting things away.
Lacas Coffee is available for purchase for $10 a bag. It is what we are serving at coffee hour and the proceeds from the coffee sales will help subsidise coffee hour.
Click here for Hosting Schedule and let Presvytera know if you can host that day or need to change. 706-340-6366
MoD Meeting
MoD Meeting: Sept 24 following the Divine Liturgy.
Sunday School News
Bake Sale Sept 10 following the Divine Liturgy.
Procession for the Elevation of the Holy Cross (not CGS)
Greek Language Classes
Greek Classes:
Will meet following Divine Liturgy on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month offering 45 minute classes. Our next class will be September 3.
*Please speak with Nicholas or Thirimachos if you would like to join the class.
AIOPA Events
Holy Cross GOC Feastday, Macon GA Blessing of the Waters and Cross Dive on Sat. Sept. 9, 3:00 pm (see flyer) Also Great Vespers on Sep 13 and Divine Liturgy on Sep 14th. You are invited to celebrate their Name Day feast events.
Atlanta Greek Festival Coming up Sept. 22-25.
Age |
Total |
Number |
Range |
20-40 |
$ 21,220 |
8 |
$500-$4500 |
($10,500 from two people) |
40-60 |
$ 24,400 |
8 |
$500-$6,000 |
($14,500 from two people) |
60-80 |
$ 61,330 |
21 |
$200-$10,000 |
(5.5 working) |
Total |
$ 106,950 |
Top 10 |
$65,480 |
4 working, 6 retired |
< $1000 |
16 Pledges |
5.50% |
$1000 - $3,999 |
11 Pledgees |
22.50% |
$4000 - $6,999 |
9 Pledges |
40% |
$7000 - $10,000 |
4 Pledges |
32% |
40 PLEDGING stewards TOTALLING $106,950 --for 2023
Analysis suggests the need to broaden our stewardship so as our retirees age, other families fill in. Please prayerfully consider an increase each year for the future of our community in Christ.
Stewardship payments: Checks can be mailed directly to Kate McClain 1001 Kings Court, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Your donations are always confidential.
Please consider Post dated Checks or setting up on-line payments for your monthly giving if you will be away this summer. This will help Kate pay the bills through the summer.
If you like to pledge your donation online, please click HERE
Council Of Ministries
Council of Ministry
All budgets will be rolled over from last year unless you notify Kate of new budget requirements.
Council of Ministries
Council of Ministries Meetings
Schedule of Presentations for Fall 2023
Presentations following the Divine Liturgy
Sept. 10 Stewardship/Family Life Ministry/Philoptochos
Sept. 17 Liturgical and Outreach and Evangelism
Sept 24 TBD
Oct 1 TBD
Check out our Council of Ministries chart see if you would like to get involved in a ministry of St. Philothea Orthodox Church www.stphilothea.org/ministries/council-of-ministries