Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-03-02
Bulletin Contents

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Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (651) 222-6220
  • Street Address:

  • 1111 Summit Ave

  • St. Paul, MN 55105

Contact Information

Services Schedule


We hope that you will make this your spiritual home. Connect with us on our website, Facebook page, YouTube, or sign-up for our email list at

Worship Sunday Orthros 8:15 am & Divine Liturgy 9:30 am

Confession (by appointment - call or email [email protected])

Weekday Services (


Fellowship Hour Sunday following Divine Liturgy

Office Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Our Mission St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a Christ-centered community that: inspires faith and worship, cultivates spiritual growth and fellowship, and encourages benevolence and outreach.

Our Vision Ascending together to the fullness of Life.

Give Online at

Past Bulletins


  • Parish Calendar

    February 24 to March 9, 2025

    Monday, February 24

    +Cheesefare Week - Refrain from Meat this Week

    Sunday, March 2

    Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare)

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM Church School

    11:00AM Philoptochos Cheesefare Luncheon (OCMC Fundraiser)

    11:30AM Basketball Trophy Presenation

    6:30PM Forgiveness Vespers

    Monday, March 3

    +Great Lent Begins - Clean Monday

    +Strict Fast - Great Lent

    6:00PM Compline

    Wednesday, March 5

    1:30PM Online Daytime Bible Study (via Zoom only)

    5:30PM Ninth Hour

    6:00PM Presanctified Liturgy

    7:15PM Lenten Meal & Lecture

    Thursday, March 6

    5:30PM Capital Projects Meeting

    Friday, March 7

    6:00PM Salutations

    7:00PM Lenten Meal & Lecture

    Saturday, March 8

    10:00AM Greek School Independence Day Preparation

    Sunday, March 9

    +40 Martyrs of Sevaste

    Sunday of Orthodoxy

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy in Eau Claire, WI

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM Youth Procession with Icons

    11:00AM Church School

    11:30AM Philoptochos Meeting

    4:30PM Missions & Benevolence Meal @ FOCUS


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the 3rd Tone

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord has shown the mighty power of his arm. He has trampled down death by death, becoming the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell and has granted to all the world his great mercy.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Plagal 2nd Tone

O you who are the source of all wisdom and discernment, instructor of the ignorant and champion of the poor, strengthen our hearts, O Master, and grant us understanding. O Word of the Father, bring words to our lips, that nothing would keep us from crying out to you: In your compassion have mercy on us, for we have fallen.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Forgiveness Sunday
The Reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4

Brethren, salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone, the day is at hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves becomingly as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

As for the man who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not for disputes over opinions. One believes he may eat anything, while the weak man eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains pass judgment on him who eats; for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for God is able to make him stand.

Gospel Reading

Forgiveness Sunday
The Reading is from Matthew 6:14-21

The Lord said, "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

"And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."




Misael Jordan & Dean Natto


Paul Werger

Fellowship Hour

Thank you to Philoptochos for hosting today's Cheesefare luncheon.

Basketball Trophies Presentation

Congratulations to all the St George basketball teams!  JOY 2nd place, GOYA Boys 3rd place and GOYA Girls and Women’s team 1st place. Join us for the presentation of the trophies today in the social hall after Liturgy. 

Cheesefare Luncheon in Support of OCMC’s Support-A-Mission-Priest

Please join us for the Cheesefare Luncheon where all proceeds go to OCMC’s Support-A-Mission-Priest. There are Orthodox mission priests all over the world following in the footsteps of the apostles, spreading the message of Christ’s love where people hunger for the peace and truth of the Orthodox Faith. Many are responsible for presenting the Gospel to people for the very first time. Many pastor several communities. Many are seen as THE source for help in times of need. And, many have families of their own. Our Philoptochos chapter is grateful for your ongoing support, which allows us to sponsor two priests committed to sharing the message of Christ’s love. Thank you for your generous support and for being part of this mission!

Spring Phyllo Dough Sale!

We will be taking orders for this flavorful and flaky refrigerated (never frozen) Phyllo dough! Completed order forms can be dropped off in the Social Hall on Sunday, March 2nd, or Sunday, March 9th, or hand to a member of Philoptochos. Orders will be available for pick up on Sunday, March 16th! Thank you for supporting Philoptochos!

Next Philoptochos Meeting

Our next meeting is next Sunday, March 9th following Divine Liturgy.  We enthusiastically welcome new members to join us and explore how your individual talents can enhance our mission!

Lenten Pantry Drive

With Great and Holy Lent starting on the 3rd, we are organizing our annual Lenten Pantry Drive for Focus House. Practice almsgiving by donating a Pantry Staple such as Jelly, Cereal, Pasta Sauce, Mac and Cheese, or Spam/Canned Meat. Please note that donations to the Clothes Closet are on pause for March and April. We can only deliver Purses, Belts, Backpacks and Closed-toed Shoes in the meantime.

Focus Sunday Meal

Join in to help serve our first Focus meal for 2025. Sunday March 9 at Focus House on Rice Street from 4:30- 6:30ish. We will serve our famous St. George Meal from our beloved chef! The work is easy and rewarding as we serve those in need. Sign up here to ensure we have enough help:

Church Office Closed

The church office will be closed next Tuesday, March 11.

Intro to Orthodox Christianity Catechism Course - Winter 2025

Join us for our MEOCCA catechism course, Intro to Orthodox Christianity. Catechism is open to all: people interested in learning more about Orthodox Christianity, inquirers, catechumens, and current Orthodox Christians as well. Classes will be held on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in person (1111 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN) or online via Zoom. Register online at Learn more at

Host a Lenten Soup Supper

Meal hosts are needed for Wednesday and Friday evenings in Lent during our Pilgrimage and Speaker Series lectures.

Visit this URL for more information and to sign up:

Wednesday Evening Lenten Pilgrimages

Every Sunday in Lent has its own theme – Sunday of Orthodoxy, St. Gregory Palamas, Holy Cross, St. John Climacus, St. Mary of Egypt, and Palm Sunday. Each is a kind of short pilgrimage within our larger journey to Pascha.  Join us on Wednesday evenings in Lent, following the Presanctified Liturgy, to share a Lenten meal and to explore how the stories, icons, and hymns from each week guide us in our journey.  Discussions will be led by Fr. Perry and Dr. Ann.

Fridays Lenten Speaker Series: Faith & Suffering

How does faith help us navigate suffering? This Lenten season, join us for a special speaker series exploring the complex relationship between faith and suffering. Each Friday during Lent, after Salutations and a Lenten meal, we'll welcome guest speakers to lead discussions on this important topic. We'll consider the many forms suffering can take – physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational – and how our faith can offer support and understanding.

Annual Parish Lenten Retreat: Encountering God with St. Gregory Palamas
Friday, March 14 & Saturday, March 15

Our annual Lenten retreat is just around the corner! This year, we are honored to welcome Fr. Paul Hodge of Holy Trinity OCA as our guest speaker. Join us as he guides us in a deeper understanding of St. Gregory Palamas, whom we commemorate on the second Sunday of Lent. Explore the profound concept of "Knowing the Unknowable God," and learn about the vital importance of silence and inner prayer for Christians in our noisy modern world. Let this Lenten season be a time to truly deepen your spiritual life.

Join us Friday, March 14 after the Salutations Service and Saturday, March 15 from 9:30am to 4pm for this retreat.  See attached flyer for more details.

Mark your calendars—we look forward to seeing you there!

Evelyn Daltas 100th Birthday Celebration

Our beloved parishoner Evelyn Daltas is turning 100 years old! She and her family will be celebrating on Saturday, March 15th from 11am to 2pm at the Lexington on Grand, just one block away from the church. Lunch will be a buffet, so people can come and go accordingly, and have a chance to mingle with her. The family asks for donations to St. George in lieu of any gifts.

If you would like to attend please RSVP with Dylan at [email protected] by March 12th

St. George Classical Readers

Fellow readers of classical literature, join us for fun and engaging conversation about some great American literature—short stories from Flannery O’Connor! We’ll be discussing her works on March 13. We meet at 7 p.m. both in person at church and via Zoom. Reach out to Grant Oldre at [email protected] to get the specifics on each week’s readings.

AHEPA Pappas Academic Scholarship

Qualified applicants are to be Parishioner’s children in good standing or members of St George Greek Orthodox Church of St Paul MN and have been accepted or are currently enrolled in an accredited Undergraduate College or University four-year program and have a GPA 2.75 or higher. The award for this scholarship is $1,250 in a single academic calendar year. Recipients may reapply for this Scholarship in subsequent years. The deadline for the application is June 15th. For more details or application, please reach out to Frank Mortari, Dino Contolatis, or Dean Natto.

2025 Vacation Church School

Saddle up for Salvation!
Just as the early settlers faced challenges on their journey west, Christians also encounter obstacles on the path to our heavenly promised land. At Vacation Church School, kids will learn what spiritual equipment they need, how to be courageous, who helps them along the way, and how to use grit and perseverance to stay on the Christian trail to paradise.

WHEN: June 16-20, 2025; June 16-20; 8:45 a.m. – Noon
WHO: Cowpokes 4 years old (and potty trained) through entering grade 6 in the fall
WHERE: Saint Mary's Greek Orthodox Church

Helpers Needed: Parents, please ask your kids going into
grades 7-12 (in the fall) to sign up to help out.

Register Here:

Fr. Perry's Corner

Please let me know ([email protected] or (651) 706-9672) if you can help with any of the following:

1. Donating or Decorating two priest Pascha Candles

Host a Fellowship Hour

Please host an upcoming coffee hour! Individuals, families, or even groups can sign up to host or co-host. Remember that coffee is now provided, courtesy of Thrivent Financial, so your commitment can be as simple as picking up some cookies! Thanks to all who have already hosted this year! Use this URL to sign up.

Stay Informed about YAL Events

There are lots of ways to stay connected to YAL! Fill out our contact form to receive emails, follow @twincitiesyal on Instagram, and join our GroupMe for event reminders!

Contact Form:



Wisdom of the Fathers

Spiritual delight is not enjoyment found in things that exists outside the soul.
St. Isaac of Syria
Unknown, 7th century

Do we forgive our neighbors their trespasses? God also forgives us in His mercy. Do we refuse to forgive? God, too, will refuse to forgive us. As we treat our neighbors, so also does God treat us. The forgiveness, then, of your sins or unforgiveness, and hence also your salvation or destruction, depend on you yourself, man. For without forgiveness of sins there is no salvation.
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Unknown, 18th century


Welcome Visitors!

Thank you for joining us in worship. Whether you are an Orthodox Christian or this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church, we are pleased to have you with us! Although Holy Communion is offered only to baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians, all are invited to receive the Antidoron (blessed bread) at the end of the service. The Antidoron and fellowship hour are reminiscent of the Agape Feast that followed worship in the early Church.

One does not have to be of Greek descent nor speak Greek to be an Orthodox Christian and member of our parish. All people of any background are welcome to join the Orthodox Church. For those interested in learning more about the Christian Faith or becoming a member of our church, please see Fr. Perry after services or contact him at [email protected] or (651) 222-6220.

We hope you will join us in our hall upstairs this morning after services for fellowship and refreshments!


Standing & Sitting in Services

The tradition of the Church is to stand for the duration of services, and you are welcome to do so. You are welcome to sit when you need to, as well. Please note that directions regarding when to sit are suggestions. Please be seated during the homily (sermon), and please do the best that you can to stand during the reading of the Gospel and the distribution of Holy Communion.

Kneeling on Sundays

According to the canons, we are not supposed to kneel on Sundays. However, according to common practice in our Archdiocese, kneeling has become common in the Divine Liturgy on Sundays. Those who are accustomed to the common practice in the US, are welcome to kneel. To those unfamiliar with this practice, coming from a community that does not kneel on Sundays or who would, for various reasons, prefer not to kneel, that is just fine as well.

The Kiss of Peace

It is the tradition of the Church to exchange a greeting, known as the "kiss of peace," during the Divine Liturgy. The exact moment for the brotherly exchange takes place during these prayers in Liturgy before the creed; "Deacon: Let us love one another, that with oneness of mind we may confess: People: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Trinity, one in essence and undivided." Here is an excerpt by Frederica Mathewes-Green from an article titled "First Visit to an Orthodox Church: Twelve Things I Wish I'd Known.”

"We kiss each other before we take communion ("Greet one another with a kiss of love," 1 Peter 5:14). When Roman Catholics or high-church Protestants "pass the peace," they give a hug, handshake, or peck on the cheek; that's how Westerners greet each other. In Orthodoxy different cultures are at play: Greeks and Arabs kiss on two cheeks, and Slavs come back again for a third. Follow the lead of those around you and try not to bump your nose.

The usual greeting is "Christ is in our midst" and response,[…]['He is, and always shall be.'] Don't worry if you forget what to say.[…] Exchanging the kiss of peace is a liturgical act, a sign of mystical unity. Chatting and fellowship is for later.”

You are encouraged to participate in this sacred exchange. Many will not be familiar with or may even be uncomfortable with a kiss on the cheek from someone they do not know. Understandably so! Shaking hands or simply nodding/bowing to the person nearby and greeting them with "Christ is in our midst!" is just fine. Through the liturgical act of the kiss of peace, may we remember that we are a family in Christ and work to continue to grow as such. May we also remember our accountability to one another, the need to seek forgiveness, and to forgive one another in Christ.


Let's Connect!

St. George has moved to a new social media platform designed specifically for parish life. Here, we communicate more dynamically regarding specific ministries, events, and stewardship. For those who haven't, please use the QR code here to sign up! If you have any questions or have issues, please contact Dylan at [email protected].


Text Message Reminders - Sign Up for Youth & Family Events!

We have some AWESOME Youth & Family events, and you don't want to miss out. Join our text message system Remind to stay up to date with all of our communications. Join by visiting


Parish Email List Sign-Up 

Sign up for our email list to see what’s happening at St. George!



From the Church Office

 Prosfora (Offering Bread)

Thank you to those who make the prosfora/offering bread for Liturgy. If you would like to sign up to bake and make an offering of bread to the church, please get in touch with Krisandrea at [email protected].

Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” John 6:27


Content for the Bulletin

All content for the bulletin (flyers, blurbs, calendar events, etc.) is due Wednesday each week. Content submitted after Wednesday will be included in the bulletin for the following week.



To our ministry leaders and volunteers, please save receipts when making purchases for church activities. A reminder that reimbursement forms are located on the tower outside of the admin and treasurer’s office. Please make sure to submit the form with a copy of your receipt (you keep the original receipt). Finally, please make sure to submit for reimbursement contemporaneous with the expense(s). Although we do not have a set cutoff date for reimbursements, please do your best to have all prior year reimbursements submitted before the end of January of the following year. Please contact Lani if you have any questions at [email protected].


Charitable Donations to Philoptochos, Missions & Benevolence, Church School, Youth, Priest Discretionary Fund, Greek School, & other St. George Ministries

Thank you to all who continue to support our parish ministries! For those who would like a receipt of their donations to a particular church ministry for tax purposes, please make all deductible contributions directly to the church, noting a designation of the gift in the memo line. For example, you might put in the memo line "2025 Stewardship" “2025 Philoptochos Stewardship” “donation to Missions and Benevolence,” "priest discretionary fund," etc. Resources will be earmarked and distributed to the ministry you note, and your donations will be included in your end-of-year statement. Thank you again for your commitment to the work of the church! 


2025 Stewardship Program


$19,050 of $285,000 (through January)

Make Your 2025 Stewardship Pledge

Click here to make your 2025 Stewardship Pledge Thank you for your support of the work of the church.

Make a Stewardship Donation Online 


2025 Roselawn Program Prices

Advance planning can give you and your family peace of mind and is also cost effective. Annual cost increases are typically at least 2% and have risen over 29% since 2013. The St. George Roselawn Cemetery Program continues to offer lots at Roselawn in Roseville for a 15% discount off list prices. All revenue from lots support our church and its ministries. These lots are in the St. George section, adjacent to the “Greek” section, and easily identifiable by the monument/altar table. Contact the church office for more information.
2025 Discounted Prices for Parishioners:
$7,395 = Monument Lot (2 Graves)
$5,270 = Flat Lot (2 Graves)
$2,805 = Flat Lot (1 Grave, Limited Availability)
(These prices reflect a 15% off Roselawn Retail Price)
This continues to be one of those great opportunities where you can support the church, save some money and create a legacy for your family all at the same time.
Lots for both monument and marker (flat) stones are still available, however, limited monument lots remain available.
Please follow Roselawn regulations for care and beautification of your loved one’s lots.

The table-like monument marking our area from Victoria street is visible on google maps and google satellite view at the links below and can be found on the church website.


Silent Auction

Remember to check out the Silent Auction in the hall. Proceeds support our Missions and Benevolence ministry. New items are added regularly. If you would like to donate items that are new with tags or something else valuable, such as theater/sports tickets, please contact Angela Mortari at [email protected] or text 651-280-7123.


Support the Metropolis of Chicago Vision Campaign

Annual giving to the Metropolis Annual Vision Campaign supports current Metropolis programs and ministries to directly impact parishes and leadership. As operations are covered, the Metropolis can direct GOA Parish Allocations to our parishes to fuel growth locally. His Eminence invites those who have already become active stewards of their local parish, to give to this campaign. Click here to support the campaign:


Please Note

St. George GOC broadcasts its worship services live on the internet. Your presence in the church is subject to audio and video recording.




Saints and Feasts

March 02

Forgiveness Sunday

The Holy Fathers have appointed the commemoration of Adam's exile from the Paradise of delight here, on the eve of the holy Forty-day Fast, demonstrating to us not by simple words, but by actual deeds, how beneficial fasting is for man, and how harmful and destructive are insatiety and the transgressing of the divine commandments. For the first commandment that God gave to man was that of fasting, which the first-fashioned received but did not keep; and not only did they not become gods, as they had imagined, but they lost even that blessed life which they had, and they fell into corruption and death, and transmitted these and innumerable other evils to all of mankind. The God-bearing Fathers set these things before us today, that by bringing to mind what we have fallen from, and what we have suffered because of the insatiety and disobedience of the first-fashioned, we might be diligent to return again to that ancient bliss and glory by means of fasting and obedience to all the divine commands. Taking occasion from today's Gospel (Matt. 6:14-21) to begin the Fast unencumbered by enmity, we also ask forgiveness this day, first from God, then from one another and all creation.

March 02

Hesychius the Martyr

Holy martyr Hesychius lived during the reign of king Maximian in 302. He was the first and the leader in the royal palace and the Senate, because he was magistrianus by office. When Maximian ordered that all Christians who were royal soldiers ought to be deprived of their belts (which were a sign of their royal merit) and live as civilians and without honour, many Christians preferred to live without any outward honour due to this illegal order than to be honoured and lose their soul. St. Hesychius was numbered with these Christians as well. When the king heard this, he ordered that the saint ought to be stripped of the expensive clothes, which he used to wear, and be dressed with a shabby mantle without sleeves woven from hair and to be as disgraced and disdained as to consort with women.

When this had been carried out, the king invited him and asked him: "Aren't you ashamed, Hesychius, that you lost the honour and office of magistrianus and that you have been debased to this kind of life? Or maybe you don't know that the Christians, whose way of life you preferred, have no power to restore you to your previous great honour and office?" The saint replied: "Your honour, o king, is temporary but the honour and glory which Christ gives is eternal and without end." Because of these words the king got angry and ordered his men to tie a great millstone around the saint's neck and then to throw him in the middle of river Orontus, which lies in Coele Syria and which is commonly called Oronge. Thus, the blessed man received the crown of martyrdom from the Lord.

March 02

Our Holy Father Nicholas Planas


Saint Nicholas Planas was born in 1851 A.D. on the island of Naxos in Greece. He was married as a teenager and soon after ordained to the diaconate and then the priesthood. His wife reposed soon after and so he assumed the burden of being a widowed father and a parish priest. He was known for his zeal in serving the liturgy, especially his habit of serving the Divine Liturgy every day for 50 years. Many altar boys would see him radiating light or raised off the ground while serving the liturgy. Being so revered by his parishioners, he became known as “Papa,” which is an affectionate term for a parish priest. Papa Nicholas reposed in 1932 and was formally canonized as a saint in 1992.


Bulletin Inserts