Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2024-10-13
Bulletin Contents

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Sunday Bulletin - St. George Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (651) 222-6220
  • Street Address:

  • 1111 Summit Ave

  • St. Paul, MN 55105

Contact Information

Services Schedule


We hope that you will make this your spiritual home. Connect with us on our website, Facebook page, YouTube, or sign-up for our email list at

Worship Sunday Orthros 8:15 am & Divine Liturgy 9:30 am

Confession (by appointment - call or email [email protected])

Weekday Services (


Fellowship Hour Sunday following Divine Liturgy

Office Hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Our Mission St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a Christ-centered community that: inspires faith and worship, cultivates spiritual growth and fellowship, and encourages benevolence and outreach.

Our Vision Ascending together to the fullness of Life.

Give Online at

Past Bulletins


  • Parish Calendar

    October 13 to October 20, 2024

    Sunday, October 13

    Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM Church School

    11:30AM Youth and Family Apple Orchard Trip

    Monday, October 14

    +St. Paraskeve Petka of Romania

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    Tuesday, October 15

    7:00PM Catechism #6 - Church I: Birth, Mission, Structure

    Wednesday, October 16

    +Fast Day

    1:30PM Online Daytime Bible Study (via Zoom only)

    Friday, October 18

    +St. Luke the Evangelist

    +Fast Day

    Sunday, October 20

    +St. Gerasimos

    6th Sunday of Luke

    8:15AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    10:45AM Church School

    11:30AM Greek School OXI Day Prep

  • Ministries Calendar

    'Error: no events returned during requested period.'

Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Grave Tone

By Your cross, O Lord, You shattered death; to the thief You opened paradise. You transformed the Myrrhbearers' lamentation, and commanded Your Apostles to proclaim that You arose, Christ our God, granting to the world Your great mercy.

Apolytikion for Sun. of the 7th Ecumenical Council in the Plagal 4th Tone

You are greatly glorified, O Christ our God, who established our Fathers as luminaries upon the earth, and through them led us all to the true Faith. O Most compassionate, glory to You.

Seasonal Kontakion in the 2nd Tone

The protection of Christians unshameable, intercessor to our Holy Maker, unwavering, do not turn from the prayerful cries of those who are in sin; instead, come to us, for you are good; your loving help bring unto us, who are crying in faith to you: Hasten to intercession and speed now to supplication as a protection for all time, Theotokos, for those who honor you.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
The Reading is from St. Paul's Letter to Titus 3:8-15

Titus, my son, the saying is sure. I desire you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to apply themselves to good deeds; these are excellent and profitable to men. But avoid stupid controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels over the law, for they are unprofitable and futile. As for a man who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned.

When I send Artemas or Tychicos to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. Do your best to speed Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way; see that they lack nothing. And let our people learn to apply themselves to good deeds, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not to be unfruitful.

All who are with me send greeting to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
The Reading is from Luke 8:5-15

The Lord said this parable: "A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the path, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold." And when his disciples asked him what this parable meant, he said, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, that they may not believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience." As he said these things, he cried out "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."




Yodahe Gamada




Thank you to Alexis Bighley for hosting today's fellowship!

Focus Back-to-School Clothing Drive

As your children realize their clothing doesn't fit this fall, please consider bringing their clean, gently used items- sizes 6-16- for donation to the Focus Clothes Closet. Place them in the Parking Lot Vestibule box and we will deliver to Focus. Kids, time to help clean and organize your own closets!

Fellowship Hour

Please host an upcoming coffee hour! Individuals, families, or even groups can sign up to host or co-host. Use this URL to sign up. We have openings on October 20 and November 17. If you're able and willing, please consider signing up. Thank you.

Sunday Best Coffee, Philoptochos Fundraiser

Today is an official “Coffee Exchange Sunday”!  Pre-orders of your favorite Yiayia and Papou coffee blends are available for pick up during Fellowship Hour.  There will be some additional coffee available for purchase if you missed the pre-order. Then, mark your calendars for our next "Coffee Exchange Sunday”: November 10th. Orders appreciated by the previous Sunday.  Visit our yellow cart in our Fellowship Hall and place a pre-order. Or email an order to: [email protected]. Thank you to all our coffee loving parishioners for supporting our Philoptochos Charities, one heavenly cup of coffee at a time!

Greek School

Registration is now OPEN for Greek School's fall session. Greek School is for youth in grades preK-12. We offer a hands-on learning environment for students to strengthen their knowledge and connection to the Greek language and culture.

Please register at this link: or use the following QR code:

Pan-Orthodox Grief and Loss Support Group

If you seek support with grief and loss, please join St. Mary's OCA for their Grief and Loss Support Group. The next 4-week Grief and education will occur on Tuesdays from 7-8 pm. Location TBD

October 22nd
October 29th
November 5th
November 12th

Each week consists of discussion and education. Learn about what grief is, how to ease the pain, and the impact of grief on the mind and body. There is also a monthly support group that meets on the last Wednesday of each month from 7-8 pm at St. Mary's OCA in Northeast Minneapolis. Discussion and variety of topics. August 28th, September 25th, and October 23rd. To sign up or ask questions, email Joni at [email protected].

Pan-Orthodox Tea

The Pan-Orthodox Tea is at St. George Antiochian Church Social Hall on Saturday, November 2nd from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm with Vespers at 5:00 pm. Please join us for this wonderful fellowship with your sister parishes. If able, bring an appetizer or dessert to share. As we know the ladies love to share recipes too. Address: 1250 Oakdale Avenue, West Saint Paul, MN 55118.

Phyllo Sale

Fall Phyllo Dough Sale! We are now taking orders for this flavorful and flaky refrigerated (never frozen) Phyllo dough! Completed order forms can be dropped off in the Social Hall until November 3rd or handed to a member of Philoptochos. Orders will be available for pick up on Sunday, November 10th. Thank you for supporting Philoptochos!

Philoptochos Greek Bake & Gift Sale

The Philoptochos Bake & Gift Sale will be taking place here at St George on Saturday, November 23rd 10am-4pm, and Sunday, November 24th 11:30am-1pm.

Parish Council Nominations & Elections

Our thanks to those who have served and continue to serve on our Parish Council. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please see the Parish Council Nomination form in the inserts sections of this bulletin to learn more. Nomination Forms are due in the church office by November 15 (by email on the 15th or dropped off to the office on the 14th). Please see Fr. Perry or Angie if you have any questions.

Fall Parish Assembly

Join us on Sunday, December 08, following Liturgy for our fall Parish Assembly. This assembly reviews and passes our 2025 budget and elects auditors for our 2024 financial audit. Please contact Angie if you have any questions.

Join Zoom Meeting:
ID: 842 9059 5046 Passcode: 994928

Icon Art Studios, Inc. 2025 Winter Icon Class Dates

Session 1- The Holy Face here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, & 28 from 6-9 pm

Session 2- Icon of a saint of the student's choice (full figure) here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, & 25 from 6-9 pm

Please contact Deb at [email protected]/612-889-5868 or Steve Arsenault at [email protected]/ 612-206-7369. Cost for tuition and supplies approx. $298. Cost of tuition only $155

Silent Auction

Remember to check out the Silent Auction in the hall. Proceeds support our Missions and Benevolence ministry. New items are added regularly. If you would like to donate items that are new with tags or something else valuable, such as theater/sports tickets, please contact Angela Mortari at [email protected] or text 651-280-7123.

2024 Stewardship Program


$165,538 of $275,000 (through August)

At the Fall Parish Assembly, we approved the 2024 Stewardship Goal of $275,000. We have hit this mark in the last couple of years, and we truly believe that with everyone’s support, we will hit that mark again. Now is the time to submit your 2024 pledge. Pledge Cards are at the candle stand, or click the link below to complete the form online. Thank you for your support of the work of the Church.

2024 Theme

"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant,” from the Parable of the Talents. We are all blessed with certain gifts. This parable stresses the importance of developing our gifts, multiplying them, and offering them back in service to God. 

Make Your 2024 Pledge Online

Make a Stewardship Donation Online 


Wisdom of the Fathers

When you see life's pleasures, beware that they might not distract you, for they conceal death's snares. Likewise a fisherman casts not his hook to no purpose. As bait for his hook, the enemy uses the delusion of sensuality to arouse desire, that he might thereby catch men's souls and subject them to himself. A soul which has been caught to serve the enemy's will then serves as a snare for other souls, for it conceals the grief of sin with its apparent delight.
St. Ephraim the Syrian
A Spiritual Psalter no 43, pg. 74, 4th century

Since there are certain people who find great fault with us for adoring and honoring both the image of the Savior and that of our Lady, as well as those of the rest of the saints and servants of Christ, let them hear how from the beginning God made man to His own image. For what reason, then, do we adore one another, except because we have been made to the image of God? As the inspired Basil, who is deeply learned in theology, says: "the honor paid to the image conveys to the original.," and the original is the thing imaged from which the copy is made.
St. John of Damascus
The Orthodox Faith, 4.16. Catholic University of America Press in Washington D.C. Translated by Frederic H. Chase, Jr. volume 37, page 370., 8th Century


Welcome Visitors!

Thank you for joining us in worship. Whether you are an Orthodox Christian or this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church, we are pleased to have you with us! Although Holy Communion is offered only to baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians, all are invited to receive the Antidoron (blessed bread) at the end of the service. The Antidoron and fellowship hour are reminiscent of the Agape Feast that followed worship in the early Church.

One does not have to be of Greek descent nor speak Greek to be an Orthodox Christian and member of our parish. All people of any background are welcome to join the Orthodox Church. For those interested in learning more about the Christian Faith or becoming a member of our church, please see Fr. Perry after services or contact him at [email protected] or (651) 222-6220.

We hope you will join us in our hall upstairs this morning after services for fellowship and refreshments!


Prosfora (Offering Bread)

Thank you to those who make the prosfora/offering bread for Liturgy. If you would like to sign up to bake and make an offering of bread to the church, please get in touch with Krisandrea at [email protected].

Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” John 6:27


Content for the Bulletin

All content for the bulletin (flyers, blurbs, calendar events, etc.) is due Wednesday each week. Content submitted after Wednesday will be included in the bulletin for the following week.


Let's Connect!

St. George has moved to a new social media platform designed specifically for parish life. Here, we communicate more dynamically regarding specific ministries, events, and stewardship. For those who haven't, please use the QR code here to sign up! If you have any questions or have issues, please contact Dylan at [email protected].


Text Message Reminders - Sign Up for Youth & Family Events!

We have some AWESOME Youth & Family events, and you don't want to miss out. Join our text message system Remind to stay up to date with all of our communications. Join by visiting


Parish Email List Sign-Up 

Sign up for our email list to see what’s happening at St. George!


Please Note

St. George GOC broadcasts its worship services live on the internet. Your presence in the church is subject to audio and video recording.



Saints and Feasts

October 13

Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council

On the Sunday that falls on or immediately after the eleventh of this month, we chant the Service to the 350 holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, which gathered in Nicaea in 787 under the holy Patriarch Tarasius and during the reign of the Empress Irene and her son, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, to refute the Iconoclast heresy, which had received imperial support beginning with the Edict issued in 726 by Emperor Leo the Isaurian. Many of the holy Fathers who condemned Iconoclasm at this holy Council later died as Confessors and Martyrs for the holy Icons during the second assult of Iconoclasm in the ninth century, especially during the reigns of Leo the Armenian and Theophilus.

October 13

Carpus, Papylus, Agathodorus, & Agathonica, the Martyrs of Pergamus

Saint Carpus was Bishop of the Church of Thyatira in Asia Minor and Papylus was his deacon, whom he had ordained. Seized as Christians and tormented in Thyatira, they were taken to Sardis, whither Agathodorus, their servant, followed them, and also confessed Christ, and was tormented with them. Together with Agathonica, the sister of Saint Papylus. they were all beheaded during the reign of Decius, in the year 250.

October 14

Righteous Paraskeve of Serbia

Saint Paraskeve was born in Thrace in the eleventh century. In her youth she went to Constaninople, and thence journeyed to the Holy Land in pursuit of the ascetical life. After struggling for many years in the wilderness of the Jordan, she was moved by God to return to her homeland. She continued her monastic labours there for a few more years, and then reposed in peace.


Archdiocese News

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Announces National Hurricane Relief Fund


The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has announced the establishment of the National Hurricane Relief Fund to raise funds for the immediate needs of those affected by the recent Hurricane Helene and who are now in the path of Hurricane Milton.


Bulletin Inserts