Yodahe Gamada
Thank you to Alexis Bighley for hosting today's fellowship!
Focus Back-to-School Clothing Drive
As your children realize their clothing doesn't fit this fall, please consider bringing their clean, gently used items- sizes 6-16- for donation to the Focus Clothes Closet. Place them in the Parking Lot Vestibule box and we will deliver to Focus. Kids, time to help clean and organize your own closets!
Fellowship Hour
Please host an upcoming coffee hour! Individuals, families, or even groups can sign up to host or co-host. Use this URL to sign up. We have openings on October 20 and November 17. If you're able and willing, please consider signing up. Thank you.
Sunday Best Coffee, Philoptochos Fundraiser
Today is an official “Coffee Exchange Sunday”! Pre-orders of your favorite Yiayia and Papou coffee blends are available for pick up during Fellowship Hour. There will be some additional coffee available for purchase if you missed the pre-order. Then, mark your calendars for our next "Coffee Exchange Sunday”: November 10th. Orders appreciated by the previous Sunday. Visit our yellow cart in our Fellowship Hall and place a pre-order. Or email an order to: [email protected]. Thank you to all our coffee loving parishioners for supporting our Philoptochos Charities, one heavenly cup of coffee at a time!
Greek School
Registration is now OPEN for Greek School's fall session. Greek School is for youth in grades preK-12. We offer a hands-on learning environment for students to strengthen their knowledge and connection to the Greek language and culture.
Please register at this link: or use the following QR code:
Pan-Orthodox Grief and Loss Support Group
If you seek support with grief and loss, please join St. Mary's OCA for their Grief and Loss Support Group. The next 4-week Grief and education will occur on Tuesdays from 7-8 pm. Location TBD
October 22nd
October 29th
November 5th
November 12th
Each week consists of discussion and education. Learn about what grief is, how to ease the pain, and the impact of grief on the mind and body. There is also a monthly support group that meets on the last Wednesday of each month from 7-8 pm at St. Mary's OCA in Northeast Minneapolis. Discussion and variety of topics. August 28th, September 25th, and October 23rd. To sign up or ask questions, email Joni at [email protected].
Pan-Orthodox Tea
The Pan-Orthodox Tea is at St. George Antiochian Church Social Hall on Saturday, November 2nd from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm with Vespers at 5:00 pm. Please join us for this wonderful fellowship with your sister parishes. If able, bring an appetizer or dessert to share. As we know the ladies love to share recipes too. Address: 1250 Oakdale Avenue, West Saint Paul, MN 55118.
Phyllo Sale
Fall Phyllo Dough Sale! We are now taking orders for this flavorful and flaky refrigerated (never frozen) Phyllo dough! Completed order forms can be dropped off in the Social Hall until November 3rd or handed to a member of Philoptochos. Orders will be available for pick up on Sunday, November 10th. Thank you for supporting Philoptochos!
Philoptochos Greek Bake & Gift Sale
The Philoptochos Bake & Gift Sale will be taking place here at St George on Saturday, November 23rd 10am-4pm, and Sunday, November 24th 11:30am-1pm.
Parish Council Nominations & Elections
Our thanks to those who have served and continue to serve on our Parish Council. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please see the Parish Council Nomination form in the inserts sections of this bulletin to learn more. Nomination Forms are due in the church office by November 15 (by email on the 15th or dropped off to the office on the 14th). Please see Fr. Perry or Angie if you have any questions.
Fall Parish Assembly
Join us on Sunday, December 08, following Liturgy for our fall Parish Assembly. This assembly reviews and passes our 2025 budget and elects auditors for our 2024 financial audit. Please contact Angie if you have any questions.
Join Zoom Meeting:
ID: 842 9059 5046 Passcode: 994928

Icon Art Studios, Inc. 2025 Winter Icon Class Dates
Session 1- The Holy Face here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, & 28 from 6-9 pm
Session 2- Icon of a saint of the student's choice (full figure) here at St. George GOC & Zoom: Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, & 25 from 6-9 pm
Please contact Deb at [email protected]/612-889-5868 or Steve Arsenault at [email protected]/ 612-206-7369. Cost for tuition and supplies approx. $298. Cost of tuition only $155
Silent Auction
Remember to check out the Silent Auction in the hall. Proceeds support our Missions and Benevolence ministry. New items are added regularly. If you would like to donate items that are new with tags or something else valuable, such as theater/sports tickets, please contact Angela Mortari at [email protected] or text 651-280-7123.
2024 Stewardship Program
$165,538 of $275,000 (through August)

At the Fall Parish Assembly, we approved the 2024 Stewardship Goal of $275,000. We have hit this mark in the last couple of years, and we truly believe that with everyone’s support, we will hit that mark again. Now is the time to submit your 2024 pledge. Pledge Cards are at the candle stand, or click the link below to complete the form online. Thank you for your support of the work of the Church.
2024 Theme
"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant,” from the Parable of the Talents. We are all blessed with certain gifts. This parable stresses the importance of developing our gifts, multiplying them, and offering them back in service to God.
Make Your 2024 Pledge Online
Make a Stewardship Donation Online