February 2, 2025 – The Presentation of our Lord and Savior to the Temple
40 Day Blessing:
ANGELINA VASILIKI MOUSSA. Parents: Justin and Brittany Moussa.
No additional services this week.
VIDEO ARCHIVE: Previously recorded Sunday Divine Liturgy services are archived and available on our website! Go to https://www.stcons.org/video-streaming and you can click on the service you would like to view.
LIGHT A CANDLE AND SAY A PRAYER: When you are not able to attend church, you can purchase a candle from our church website (home page or video-streaming page), which will be lit before the following service or a service that you specify. Please give specific names, living or deceased, that you would like Father to remember in prayer. Father will light candles one hour before each service. For Sunday services, please place candle orders prior to 8:00 am Sunday morning.
Anastasia, Constantinos, Phyllis, Joe, Dina, Pamela, Mia, Michael, Tracy, Anna, Sue, Nicole, Nahad, Amalia, Nydia, Ann, John, Janek, Frank, George, Patrick, Joanne, Betty, Deana, Gloria, Jeannette, Michael, Theodoros, Niko, Maria, Georgia, Sevasti, Mariam, George, Gene, Pete, Lazaros, John, Christopher, George, David, Marcos, Lela, Dawn, Panagioti, Nanette, Joanna, Suzanne, Nick, Fotini, Niki, George, Matthew, Stefanos, Georgia, Leonidas, Gus, Connie, Maria, Brenda, Panagiota, Nicholas, Vicki, Susan, Tom, Thomas, Jim, Gloria, Evans, Phyllis, Marti, Janet, John, Zacharias, Vanessa (Vasiliki), Jake, Maegan, Irene, Lisa, Pat, Jonathan, Dianna, Betty, Catherine, Evelyn, Gregg, Peter, Angela, Bill, Carrie, Vito, Stephanie, Lisa, Kylie, Nicholas, and Maria. If you would like to add a name to the prayer list, or if there is a name that should be removed from the prayer list, please contact the church office.
SOUP AND BREAD SALE for FIRE RELIEF: Our GOYA will be selling quarts of soup and Greek bread TODAY February 2nd. All proceeds benefit the Disaster Relief efforts for the California wildfires the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in collaboration with the Metropolis of San Francisco and the National Philoptochos Society.
PHILOPTOCHOS GENERAL MEETING: There will be a General Meeting of the St. Helen Philoptochos immediately following the church service, TODAY February 2nd in the HCC. All members please plan to attend.
SUPERBOWL SUPERSNACKS! Once again, our Moms’ Group will be holding a “Super Snack” sale after church next week, Sunday, February 9th! This is a one-stop shop for all your sweet and salty game-watching treats! Moms are needed to help make treats to sell, dips, snack mixes, cookies and brownies, etc. If you can contribute, contact Corrin at [email protected], or the church office.
WEAR RED DAY: Next Sunday February 9th our St. Helen’s Philoptochos is asking everybody to wear something red to help bring greater attention to heart disease as a leading cause of death for Americans.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Our Adult Bible Study will meet this week on WEDNESDAY, February 5th at 7:00 pm on the ZOOM platform. Link: https://zoom.us/j/7345256789, Meeting ID: 734 525 6789. All adults are welcome to join us for continued study and discussion on the book of Matthew.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! GREEKFEST 2025! Our 2025 GreekFest has been expanded to three days! It will be held on February 21, 22, and 23. Plan to be there with friends and family to enjoy the fun! There are many ways to get involved and support The St Cons’ GreekFest and our parish ministries.
- VOLUNTEER: Volunteers are needed each day the week before GreekFest, and all three days of the event, Feb. 21, 22, and 23. It’s lots of fun, plus you get a cool free t-shirt as a thank you! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER, CONTACT PAM AVDOULOS AT: [email protected] You may also sign up to volunteer at the coffee hour.
- BAKE GREEK SWEETS: We are looking for people who can bake Greek Sweets for the festival. SIGN UP HERE IF YOU CAN HELP: https://tinyurl.com/mwusjd9e or contact Stella Boyer at: [email protected]
- BECOME A SPONSOR: We are seeking both Business and Family Sponsorships for our festival. Contact Annette in the church office for more information, or sponsorship forms.
ORATORICAL FESTIVAL: The St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be held on Saturday, March 8th at our parish following the Saturday of Souls Divine Liturgy service. It is a national program where Orthodox youth, grades 7 – 12, present speeches discussing the Greek Orthodox faith and the Church. Youth can earn cash awards at the parish level and scholarship awards if they make it to the Nationals. For more information, https://www.goarch.org/oratorical, or any 7th grade – 12th grade Sunday School teacher.
ANNUAL HOME BLESSINGS: Father Teodor will continue to be available for home blessings through the beginning of Lent (March 3rd). Please call the office to schedule your home blessing for the new year. If you wish to schedule a blessing, contact the church office to be added Fr. Teodor’s calendar. ([email protected] or 734.525.6789)
FIRE RELIEF FUND: In response to the devastation caused by the recent and ongoing fires in Southern California, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in collaboration with the Metropolis of San Francisco and the National Philoptochos Society, has launched a fundraising campaign to assist those affected by this tragedy. The campaign aims to provide essential resources and support to help families and individuals rebuild their lives. Donate here: https://www.goarch.org/donate/fires
MEMORIAL SERVICES: Please call the church office to schedule all memorials and coffee hour sponsorships at least two weeks in advance. On the day of the service, please bring a list of family names you would like Father to remember in prayer. Koliva will be distributed at the coffee hour; if you wish to bring in paximadia, koulourakia, or other dry cookie it may also be distributed. Coffee Hour sponsorship is not required, however the church is grateful to those who wish to make a sponsorship donation of $200, and the HCC will set up a table with cloth and coffee, etc. for your family.