Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-01-19
Bulletin Contents

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Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (561) 833-6387
  • Fax:
  • (561) 833-6391
  • Street Address:

  • 110 Southern Blvd.

  • West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services:

  8:45 am     Orthros

10:00 am     Divine Liturgy


Sunday School Classes: 

11:15 am     After Holy Communion

Past Bulletins

This Week and Upcoming Events

 Christ is in our midst!  He is and ever shall be!

 Our services are streamed live on the internet.
at our Saint Catherine website -

Join us for Orthodox Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Light a candle and offer a prayer at Saint Catherine (click above).
The online form sends the names of your family and friends
direct to Father Chrysostom at the altar;prayers are offered
during the Proskomidi in preparation for the Divine Liturgy! 


January 19, 2025

Macarius the Great of Egypt

Makarios of Alexandria

Mark, Bishop of Ephesus

Arsenius of Corfu  

Links to the service text:  Links to the service texts are through the Digital Chant Stand of our Archdiocese.  For optimal viewing select the "GR-EN Text/Music" link for Matins (Orthros) and Divine Liturgy. Apps may be downloaded for your phone or tablet. Link to the Digital Chant Stand 

Holy Communion:  Holy Communion is reserved for baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians only.  If you are interested in becoming an Orthodox Christian, please contact Father Chrysostom Mitchell at (561) 320-1224 or [email protected].

Coffee and Fellowship:  Please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Hellenic Cultural Center immediately following the Divine Liturgy.


This Week

Sunday, January 19     12th Sunday of Luke
     8:45 am Orthros / 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
    Mommy & Me Dance (2-6 Years)

Tuesday, January 21
   10:00 am Board Meeting / 12:00 pm Lunch Meeting

Thursday, January 23
     6:30 pm Parish Council Meeting

Saturday, January 25
    The Enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Sevastianos of Atlanta

Next Week and Highlights of Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday, January 26     15th Sunday of Luke
     8:45 am Orthros / 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
    Philoptochos Vasilopita Sunday Reception
    Mommy & Me Dance (2-6 Years)

Tuesday, January 28
   10:00 am Mommy & Me (40 Days-3 Years)

Wednesday, January 29
   10:00 am Philoptochos Baking

Thursday, January 30     Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
     9:00 am  Orthros / 10:00 am  Liturgy


Stewardship: Thank you Stewards!  As of January 3rd we have received $14,320 in Stewardship donations. Together, we can achieve our new 2025 Stewardship Goal of $216,000 for our beloved Saint Catherine. Become a Steward today.

The Donate buttons here and on our website lead to our online giving site.  Again, thank you for your support!


Youth Safety Resources:  We’re committed to connecting young people with Jesus Christ. To do that, we need to create ministry environments that are safe and health. For more on how you can help, please visit our Youth Safety website:


Church Services Streamed:  Many of our Divine Liturgies have been recorded and can be viewed at  Subscribe to our YouTube channel; you will be notified when we begin a live stream.

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Services from 2020 until now)

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Selected services from 2015-2019)


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Eighth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from John 20:11-18

At that time, Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus has lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him." Saying this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?" Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni," which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God." Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and she told them that He had said these things to her.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal First Tone. Psalm 11.7,1.
You, O Lord, shall keep us and preserve us.
Verse: Save me, O Lord, for the godly man has failed.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians 3:4-11.

Brethren, when Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. In these you once walked, when you lived in them. But now put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and foul talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old nature with its practices and have put on the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all, and in all.

Gospel Reading

12th Sunday of Luke
The Reading is from Luke 17:12-19

At that time, as Jesus entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices and said: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." When he saw them he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus's feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then said Jesus: "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" And he said to him: "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well."


Memorials and Trisagions


3 Years ~ Andrew Georgopulos
Husband of Yvonne
Father of Alexis (Jeff) Feldheim, Stephanie and Adriana (Brian Boswell)
Grandfather of Lincoln and Andrew
Brother of Diane

6 Years ~ Sophia Georgopulos
Wife of the late Homer Georgopulos
Mother of Andrew (Yvonne) and Diane
Grandmother of Alexis (Jeff) Feldheim,
Stephanie and Adriana (Brian Boswell)
Aunt of Joy Kirk


13 Years ~ Antonios Manolas
Father of Paraskevas

Stilianos Manolas
Brother of Paraskevas

The coffee hour is given in loving memory of Andrew and Sophia by Diane
and prepared and served by Philoptochos.


Saints and Feasts

January 19

12th Sunday of Luke

January 19

Macarius the Great of Egypt

Saint Macarius the Great was from the Thebaid of Egypt, a disciple, as some say, of Saint Anthony the Great. He was born about 331 and struggled in asceticism in the desert at Scete. Although young, he was called "the child elder" because of his great wisdom and austere manner of life. He was ordained presbyter and reposed in 391, at the age of sixty. There are fifty homilies ascribed to him.

It is said of Saint Macarius that he became as a God upon earth, for even as God protects the whole world, so did he cover the faults he saw as if he did not see them. Once he came back to his cell to find a thief taking his things and loading them on a camel. Macarius' non-possessiveness was so great that he helped the thief load the camel. When the camel refused to rise, Macarius returned to his cell and brought a small hoe, said that the camel wanted the hoe also, loaded it on, and kicked the camel telling it to get up. The camel obeyed Macarius' command, but soon lay down again, and would not move until everything had been returned to Macarius. His contemporary, Saint Macarius of Alexandria, was so called because he came from Alexandria and was therefore of that Greek-speaking colony; while Saint Macarius the Great is also called "of Egypt," that is, he belonged to the ancient race native to Egypt, the Copts.

January 19

Makarios of Alexandria

Saint Macarius of Alexandria, was so called because he came from Alexandria and was therefore of that Greek-speaking colony; while Saint Macarius the Great is also called "of Egypt," that is, he belonged to the ancient race native to Egypt, the Copts. Whenever Saint Macarius of Alexandria heard of a virtue practiced by any man, he strove to practice it even more fully himself. When he was already old, he visited the community of Saint Pachomius in Tabennisi and, without revealing who he was, asked admittance. Saint Pachomius, on account of Macarius' age, was reluctant to receive him, but after-wards yielded to his entreaties. Shortly thereafter Great Lent began, and Macarius followed such a severe rule of fasting and prayer that many in the brotherhood complained to Pachomius asking if he had brought this old man to put them to shame. Learning Macarius' identity in a revelation, Saint Pachomius thanked him for breaking the pride of his monks and sent him away in peace.

January 19

Mark, Bishop of Ephesus

The great teacher and invincible defender of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, Saint Mark, was the offspring and scion of the imperial city, Constantinople. Reared by most pious parents, and instructed in secular and spiritual wisdom, he became preeminent in both. Saint Mark lived as an ascetic on the Prince's Islands and later in the monastery of Saint George Magana in Constantinople. He passed through all the degrees of the priesthood, and was finally advanced to the dignity of Archbishop and the lofty throne of the Metropolis of Ephesus. At the insistence of Emperor John Paleologos, the Saint was sent to the council of the Latins in Florence, to unite the churches that had been divided for so many years. He astounded the papal teachers with the divine wisdom of his words, and was the only one who did not sign the blasphemous decree of that false council. Because of this, the Holy Church of Christ has ever honored this great man as a benefactor, teacher, sole defender, and invincible champion of the Apostolic Confession. He reposed in 1443.

January 19

Arsenius of Corfu

Saint Arsenius, who had Palestine as his homeland, was born in 876, the son of devout parents. From childhood he was consecrated to God and assumed the monastic habit. He studied in Seleucia, where he also received the dignity of the priesthood. After he had moved from thence to Constantinople, he was appointed Metropolitan of Corfu. He adorned the throne there by his virtue and instruction. When advanced in age, he returned to Constantinople and appeased the unjust rage of Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus against the leaders of Corfu. Finally, during his journey back to his see, he fell ill at Corinth and reposed in the Lord about the middle of the tenth century.

January 20

Righteous Euthymius the Great

This Saint, who was from Melitene in Armenia, was the son of pious parents named Paul and Dionysia. He was born about 377. Since his mother had been barren, he was named Euthymius-which means "good cheer" or "joy"-for this is what his parents experienced at his birth. He studied under Eutroius, the Bishop of Melitene, by whom he was ordained and entrusted with the care of the monasteries of Melitene. Then, after he had come to Palestine about the year 406, he became the leader of a multitude of monks. Through him, a great tribe of Arabs was turned to piety, when he healed the ailing son of their leader Aspebetos. Aspebetos was baptized with all his people; he took the Christian name of Peter, and was later consecrated Bishop for his tribe, being called "Bishop of the Tents." Saint Euthymius also fought against the Nestorians, Eutychians, and Manichaeans. When Eudocia, the widow of Saint Theodosius the Younger, had made her dwelling in Palestine, and had fallen into the heresy of the Monophysites which was championed in Palestine by a certain Theodosius, she sent envoys to Saint Symeon the Stylite in Syria (see Sept. 1), asking him his opinion of Eutyches and the Council of Chalcedon which had condemned him; Saint Symeon, praising the holiness and Orthodoxy of Saint Euthymius near whom she dwelt, sent her to him to be delivered from her error (the holy Empress Eudocia is commemorated Aug. 13). He became the divine oracle of the Church, or rather, "the vessel of divine utterance," as a certain historian writes. He was the instructor and elder of Saint Sabbas the Sanctified. Having lived for ninety-six years, he reposed in 473, on January 20.

January 21

Maximos the Confessor

The divine Maximus, who was from Constantinople, sprang from an illustrious family. He was a lover of wisdom and an eminent theologian. At first, he was the chief private secretary of the Emperor Heraclius and his grandson Constans. When the Monothelite heresy became predominant in the royal court, out of hatred for this error the Saint departed for the Monastery at Chrysopolis (Scutari), of which he later became the abbot. When Constans tried to constrain him either to accept the Monothelite teaching, or to stop speaking and writing against it - neither of which the Saint accepted to do - his tongue was uprooted and his right hand was cut off, and he was sent into exile where he reposed in 662. At the time only he and his few disciples were Orthodox in the East (See also August 13).

January 21

Neophytos the Martyr of Nicaea

The Martyr Neophytos, who was from Nicea in Bithynia, was the son of pious parents, Theodore and Florence. Led by grace from his childhood, he took up his dwelling in a cave upon Mount Olympus at the age of nine and lived there in asceticism and prayer. At the age of fifteen, during the reign of Diocletian about the year 290, he presented himself to the local Governor named Decius. Roused to fury by his unexpected boldness, Decius had him scourged, then laid out on a bed of fire. When he had been preserved by grace through these torments, he gave him up to wild beasts. But since the Saint remained unharmed, a certain pagan fell on him with a sword and slew him.

January 22

Timothy the Apostle of the 70

The Apostle Timothy, who was from Lystra of Lycaonia, was born of a Greek (that is, pagan) father and a Jewish mother. His mother's name was Eunice, and his grandmother's name was Lois (II Tim. 1:5). He became the disciple of the Apostle Paul when the latter first preached there, and he followed St. Paul during the whole period of the Apostle's preaching. Afterwards, Timothy was consecrated by him as first Bishop of the church in Ephesus. Under the supervision of John the Evangelist, who governed all the churches in Asia, he completed his life as a martyr in the year 97. He was stoned to death by the heathens, because, as some surmise, he opposed the festival held in honor of Artemis (Diana). The Apostle Paul's First and Second Epistles to Timothy were written to him.

January 22

Anastasios, the Persian Righteous Monk-martyr

Saint Anastasius was a Persian by race, the son of a Magus, and a soldier in the Persian army in the days of Chosroes II, King of Persia, and Heraclius, Emperor of New Rome. The Saint's Persian name was Magundat.

When Chosroes captured Jerusalem in the year 614 and took the Precious Cross away captive, Magundat heard the report of the miracles that came to pass through the Cross of our salvation. Being of a prudent mind, perplexed that an instrument of torture should be so highly honored by the Christians, yet seized with longing to learn their Faith, he diligently sought out instruction in the whole divine dispensation of Christ: His Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection. When he learned what he sought to know, his soul was filled with wonder and joy. Withdrawing to the Holy City, he was baptized by Saint Modestus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and became a monk, receiving the new name of Anastasius.

As he read the lives of the Saints and the accounts of the holy Martyrs, his heart was kindled with love for them to such a degree that he prayed to be counted worthy of a martyr's end like unto theirs. Finally, unable to contain his longing, he left his monastery. Encountering certain Persian Magi at Caesarea, he rebuked them for their delusion. Since Palestine was still held in the captivity of the Persians, he was taken before the Persian ruler, questioned, beaten, and imprisoned. He was then taken with other captives to Persia, where, after many tortures, refusing to espouse again the error of his fathers, he was hanged up by one hand, strangled with a noose, and beheaded. The translation of his holy relics is celebrated on the 24th of this month.

January 23

Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra

Saint Clement, who was from Ancyra in Galatia, was the son of an unbelieving father, but a believing mother whose name was Sophia. At first he lived as a monk, later he became the bishop of his city. He suffered so many things in confession of the Faith in Christ, that the time of his sufferings and struggles stretched out over a period of twenty-eight years. Finally he and Saint Agathangelus (who was from Rome) were beheaded together during the reign of Diocletian and Maximian, in the year 296.

January 23

Agathangelos the Martyr

Saint Agathangelus (who was from Rome) along with Saint Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, were beheaded together during the reign of Diocletian and Maximian, in the year 296.

January 24

Xenia, Deaconess of Rome

Our righteous Mother Xenia of Rome was of a distinguished family. While her parents were preparing to wed her, she stole away secretly, taking two handmaids with her, and departed for Mylasa of Karia in Asia Minor, and there she completed her life in asceticism. She was ordained deaconess by Paul, her spiritual father, who became Bishop of Mylasa. Although she was originally named Eusebia, to conceal her identity, she took the name Xenia - which means "stranger" in Greek - because of her estrangement from her country.

January 24

Xenia of St. Petersburg, Fool-for-Christ

Our righteous Mother Xenia of Petersburg was born about the year 1730. She was married to a Colonel named Andrew; when she was twenty-six years old, her husband died suddenly, having been drinking with his friends. Left a childless widow, Xenia gave away all that she had, and vanished from Saint Petersburg for eight years; it is believed that she spent this time in a hermitage, learning the spiritual life. When she returned to Saint Petersburg, she wore her husband's military clothing, and would answer only to the name Andrew, that is, the name of her late husband. She took up the life of a homeless wanderer, and was abused by many as insane; she bore this with great patience, crucifying the carnal mind through the mockery she endured, and praying for her husband's soul. She was given great gifts of prayer and prophecy, and often foretold things to come; in 1796 she foretold the death of Empress Catherine II. Having lived forty-five years after her husband's death, she reposed in peace at the age of seventy-one, about the year 1800. Her grave became such a source of miracles, and so many came to take soil from it as a blessing, that it was often necessary to replace the soil; when a stone slab was placed over her grave, this too disappeared over time, piece by piece. Saint Xenia is especially invoked for help in finding employment, lodging, or a spouse.

January 25

Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople

This great Father and Teacher of the Church was born in 329 in Arianzus, a village of the second district of Cappadocia, not far from Nazianzus. His father, who later became Bishop of Nazianzus, was named Gregory (commemorated Jan. 1), and his mother was named Nonna (Aug. 5); both are among the Saints, and so are his brother Caesarius (Mar. 9) and his sister Gorgona (Feb. 23). At first he studied in Caesarea of Palestine, then in Alexandria, and finally in Athens. As he was sailing from Alexandria to Athens, a violent sea storm put in peril not only his life but also his salvation, since he had not yet been baptized. With tears and fervour he besought God to spare him, vowing to dedicate his whole self to Him, and the tempest gave way to calm. At Athens Saint Gregory was later joined by Saint Basil the Great, whom he already knew; but now their acquaintanceship grew into a lifelong brotherly love. Another fellow student of theirs in Athens was the young Prince Julian, who later as Emperor was called the Apostate because he denied Christ and did all in his power to restore paganism. Even in Athens, before Julian had thrown off the mask of piety; Saint Gregory saw what an unsettled mind he had, and said, "What an evil the Roman State is nourishing" (Orat. V, 24, PG 35:693).

After their studies at Athens, Gregory became Basil's fellow ascetic, living the monastic life together with him for a time in the hermitages of Pontus. His father ordained him presbyter of the Church of Nazianzus, and Saint Basil consecrated him Bishop of Sasima (or Zansima), which was in the archdiocese of Caesarea. This consecration was a source of great sorrow to Gregory, and a cause of misunderstanding between him and Basil; but his love for Basil remained unchanged, as can be plainly seen from his Funeral Oration on Saint Basil (Orat. XLIII).

About the Year 379, Saint Gregory came to the assistance of the Church of Constantinople, which had already been troubled for forty years by the Arians; by his supremely wise words and many labours he freed it from the corruption of heresy, and was elected Archbishop of that city by the Second Ecumenical Council, which assembled there in 381, and condemned Macedonius, Archbishop of Constantinople, the enemy of the Holy Spirit. When Saint Gregory came to Constantinople, the Arians had taken all the churches and he was forced to serve in a house chapel dedicated to Saint Anastasia the Martyr. From there he began to preach his famous five sermons on the Trinity, called the Triadica. When he left Constantinople two years later, the Arians did not have one church left to them in the city. Saint Meletius of Antioch (see Feb. 12), who was presiding over the Second Ecumenical Council, died in the course of it, and Saint Gregory was chosen in his stead; there he distinguished himself in his expositions of dogmatic theology.

Having governed the Church until 382, he delivered his farewell speech - the Syntacterion, in which he demonstrated the Divinity of the Son - before 150 bishops and the Emperor Theodosius the Great; in this speech he requested, and received from all, permission to retire from the see of Constantinople. He returned to Nazianzus, where he lived to the end of his life, and reposed in the Lord in 391, having lived some sixty-two years.

His extant writings, both prose and poems in every type of metre, demonstrate his lofty eloquence and his wondrous breadth of learning. In the beauty of his writings, he is considered to have surpassed the Greek writers of antiquity, and because of his God-inspired theological thought, he received the surname "Theologian." Although he is sometimes called Gregory of Nazianzus, this title belongs properly to his father; he himself is known by the Church only as Gregory the Theologian. He is especially called "Trinitarian Theologian," since in virtually every homily he refers to the Trinity and the one essence and nature of the Godhead. Hence, Alexius Anthorus dedicated the following verses to him:

Like an unwandering star beaming with splendour,
Thou bringest us by mystic teachings, O Father,
To the Trinity's sunlike illumination,
O mouth breathing with fire, Gregory most mighty.


Wisdom of the Fathers

Having met the Savior, therefore, the lepers earnestly besought Him to free them from their misery, and called Him Master, that is. Teacher. No one pitied them when suffering this malady, but He Who had appeared on earth for this very reason, and had become man that He might show pity to all, He was moved with compassion for them, and had mercy on them.
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke, Homilies 113-116. B#42, pp. 465-466, 4th Century

And why did He not rather say, I will, be you cleansed; as He did in the case of another leper, but commanded them rather to show themselves to the priests? It was because the law gave directions to this effect to those who were delivered from leprosy (Lev. 14-2); for it commanded them to show themselves to the priests, and to offer a sacrifice for their cleansing.
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke, Homilies 113-116. B#42, pp. 465-466, 4th Century


Saint Catherine News and Events

    Home/Business Blessings

    Home/Business Blessings

    Fr. Chrysostom would like to come and bless your home and/or business as we begin the new calendar year and celebrate Epiphany. Please let him know if you would like him to visit your home or business.

    Mommy & Me

    Mommy & Me

    All caregivers welcome. All groups are not limited to mothers only.

    Vasilopita Sunday

    Vasilopita Sunday

    Parishioners and Guests are welcome to come celebrate Vasilopita Sunday on January 26th.

    HOPE & JOY Meeting

    HOPE & JOY Meeting

    We will meet in the Church on February 1st from 4:30pm-5:30pm.

    Cretan Picnic

    Cretan Picnic

    Join us for a picnic with delicious, traditional Cretan food, fun and festivities following church services on Sunday, February 2nd.

    50th Annual Greek Food & Wine Fest

    50th Annual Greek Food & Wine Fest

    February 14th,15th and 16th! We have various sponsorship levels available. Now all we need is you to ask the businesses you know.


Metropolis of Atlanta News

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,   
The Enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Sevastianos is two weeks away, and the response we’ve gotten from across the Metropolis is outstanding. We are sharing a few updates with you, which you will find below. Please share these with your Church families. 

•    Enthronement Luncheon: As of today, we are at full capacity for attendance at the Enthronement Luncheon on Saturday, January 25. We have created a waitlist for those still wanting to attend the luncheon in person. Overflow seating with a livestream of the luncheon and refreshments will be available at no charge. 

•    Enthronement Weekend Services: We still invite you to attend Enthronement services on Saturday, January 25, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 26, both of which will also have overflow seating at the Cathedral in Atlanta. There is also a reception on Sunday after the Liturgy at no charge. 

•    Social Media: We’re collecting photos and videos of His Eminence to use on social media leading up to the Enthronement. If anyone has taken pictures or video of His Eminence while he was in your parish, please upload them to the Metropolis using this Google Form. 

Every parish across our Metropolis is excited for His Eminence’s Enthronement. Our committee is working hard to honor and organize this time-honored tradition of our Orthodox faith. We look forward to sharing it with each of you! 

With Gratitude and Joy in our Hearts, 
Enthronement Celebration Committee


Archdiocese News

Archbishop Elpidophoros Offers Blessing to Archimandrite Varytimos


On Thursday, January 16, 2025, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America welcomed Archimandrite Gedeon Varytimos to the Archdiocese headquarters for a blessing before he departed the United States to serve as a priest in Constantinople, his home city.

Orthodox Observer Colleague Claire Koen Successfully Defends Doctoral Thesis


This week, on January 15, 2025, the Department of Communications/Orthodox Observer’s Claire Koen successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and was thus awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Theology.

Metropolitan Chrysostomos of the Holy Diocese of Bukoba and West Tanzania Visits Archbishop Elpidophoros


Yesterday, January 16, 2025, His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of the Holy Diocese of Bukoba and West Tanzania visited His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America at the Archdiocese Headquarters in New York, New York.

Archdiocese Launches Fundraising Campaign to Support Fire Victims in Los Angeles


In response to the devastation caused by the recent and ongoing fires in Southern California, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in collaboration with the Metropolis of San Francisco and the National Philoptochos Society, has launched a fundraising campaign to assist Orthodox Christians and others affected by this tragedy.

Archdiocese, Leadership 100, and Philoptochos Staff Celebrate the Holidays


Yesterday, January 16, 2025, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America and staff of the Archdiocese, Leadership 100, and National Philoptochos gathered for their annual holiday celebration at Kyma Restaurant in New York City. 

National Philoptochos Celebrates Annual Vasilopita Cutting


The National Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society celebrated their annual Vasilopita Open House on January 16, 2025 with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, National President Debbie George, and Metropolis presidents present. 

Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce Hosted Annual Vasilopita for Hellenic Organizations


Yesterday, January 15, 2025, the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual Vasilopita for Hellenic Organizations at the Archdiocesan Cathedral’s Chiotes Hall in New York, New York.

Saint Basil Academy Announces Lenten GOYA Retreat on March 22, 2025


Saint Basil Academy is excited to announce they will be hosting a day-long Lenten GOYA retreat for 7th-12th graders on Saturday, March 22 from 9am-5pm. It promises to be an enriching day of faith and fellowship, and the community is looking forward to it. 

Greek Orthodox Church of Our Saviour (GOCOOS) to Host Candlelight Gala on February 8


The Greek Orthodox Church of our Saviour (GOCOOS) is hosting its Candlelight Gala, which will take place on Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at the Surf Club on the Sound in New Rochelle, NY. The Candlelight Gala is in celebration of 25 Years of faithful service of Archdiocesan District Chancellor & Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Father Elias Villis and Presvytera Melanie.

Fr. Dennis Strouzas Falls Asleep in the Lord


Reverend Father Dennis P. Strouzas, beloved priest, fell asleep in the Lord on January 12, 2025. Fr. Strouzas, Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Pastor-Emeritus, served the Archangel Michael community in Port Washington, NY from 1984 through 2016, leading the development of a community that started with thirty families and now serves 700 families.

The Greek Orthodox Christian Cathedral of Saint Sophia Serves as Relief Center for Fire Victims and First Responders


In response to the devastating fires impacting our communities, The Greek Orthodox Christian Cathedral of Saint Sophia is opening its doors as a designated Relief Center to provide much-needed support to those affected, as well as to the brave firefighters, law enforcement, and first responders working tirelessly to protect us. 

Metropolitan Apostolos Celebrates 10th Episcopal Anniversary


Last evening, January 13, 2025, the Metropolis of New Jersey hosted a gala celebrating the tenth anniversary of His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey’s episcopal ordination.

In the Footsteps of Faith: A Christian Pilgrimage from Constantinople to Armenia 


The Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are delighted to announce their first joint pilgrimage to Constantinople-Nicaea and Armenia in 2025.