Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-02-09
Bulletin Contents

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Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (561) 833-6387
  • Fax:
  • (561) 833-6391
  • Street Address:

  • 110 Southern Blvd.

  • West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sunday Services:

  8:45 am     Orthros

10:00 am     Divine Liturgy


Sunday School Classes: 

11:15 am     After Holy Communion

Past Bulletins

This Week and Upcoming Events

 Christ is in our midst!  He is and ever shall be!

 Our services are streamed live on the internet.
at our Saint Catherine website -

Join us for Orthodox Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Light a candle and offer a prayer at Saint Catherine (click above).
The online form sends the names of your family and friends
direct to Father Chrysostom at the altar;prayers are offered
during the Proskomidi in preparation for the Divine Liturgy! 


February 9, 2025

Leavetaking of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple

Nicephoros the Martyr of Antioch


Links to the service text:  Links to the service texts are through the Digital Chant Stand of our Archdiocese.  For optimal viewing select the "GR-EN Text/Music" link for Matins (Orthros) and Divine Liturgy. Apps may be downloaded for your phone or tablet. Link to the Digital Chant Stand 

Holy Communion:  Holy Communion is reserved for baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians only.  If you are interested in becoming an Orthodox Christian, please contact Father Chrysostom Mitchell at (561) 320-1224 or [email protected].

Coffee and Fellowship:  Please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Hellenic Cultural Center immediately following the Divine Liturgy.


This Week

Sunday, February 9     Sunday of the Pulican and Pharisee
     8:45 am  Orthros / 10:00 am  Divine Liturgy
    Triodion Begins
    Mommy & Me Dance (2-6 Years)
    Heart of Greece / Athanato Fos

Monday, February 10     St. Haralambos the Hierarch
     9:00 am  Orthros / 10:00 am  Liturgy

Tuesday, February 11
   10:00 am  Mommy & Me (40 Days-3 Years)

February 14-16     50th Annual Greek Food & Wine Fest

Saturday, February 15
     7:00 pm  GOYA District Dance at St. Sophia in Miami

Next Week and Highlights of Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday, February 16     Sunday of the Prodigal Son
     8:45 am  Orthros / 10:00 am  Divine Liturgy

Friday, February 21
     6:00 pm  GOYA meeting

Saturday, February 22     Saturday of Souls
     9:00 am  Orthros / 10:00 am  Liturgy

Stewardship: Thank You Stewards! Your donations make a difference! As of January 3rd we have received $14,320 in Stewardship donations. Together, we can achieve our new 2025 Stewardship Goal of $216,000 for our beloved Saint Catherine. Donate your Time, Talent & Treasure and become a 2025 Steward today! Click the DONATE link below.

The Donate buttons here and on our website lead to our online giving site.  Again, thank you for your support!


Youth Safety Resources:  We’re committed to connecting young people with Jesus Christ. To do that, we need to create ministry environments that are safe and health. For more on how you can help, please visit our Youth Safety website:


Church Services Streamed:  Many of our Divine Liturgies have been recorded and can be viewed at  Subscribe to our YouTube channel; you will be notified when we begin a live stream.

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Services from 2020 until now)

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Selected services from 2015-2019)


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Eleventh Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from John 21:14-25

At that time, Jesus revealed himself to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. And he said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." A second time he said to him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go." (This he said to show by what death he was to glorify God.) And after this he said to him, "Follow me." Peter turned and saw following them the disciple whom Jesus loved, who had lain close to his breast at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?" When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!" The saying spread abroad among the brethren that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?" This is the disciple who is bearing witness to these things, and who has written these things; and we know that his testimony is true. But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal Fourth Tone. Psalm 75.11,1.
Make your vows to the Lord our God and perform them.
Verse: God is known in Judah; his name is great in Israel.

The reading is from St. Paul's Second Letter to Timothy 3:10-15.

TIMOTHY, my son, you have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, my sufferings, what befell me at Antioch, at lconion, and at Lystra, what persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Triodion Begins Today
The Reading is from Luke 18:10-14

The Lord said this parable, "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.' But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."


Memorials and Trisagions


40 Days ~ Arthur Kiratsous ~ Husband of Elaine, Father of Stephan (Stacie) and
Nicholas (Tammy), Grandfather of Layne, Andrew, Alex and Katie Love

 40 Days ~ Fanny Patsis ~ Mother of Nick and Joanne, Grandmother of Alec

1 Year ~ Iordan-Sorin Stoica ~ Husband of Steliana-Mariana, Father of Mihaela-Sofia, Grandfather of Livia-Ecaterina, Brother In-Law of Mihaela-Ermina (Yvan) and Sorin-Ianaculi

The coffee hour is given in loving memory of Arthur, Fanny and Iordan-Sorin
by Elaine Kiratsous, Philoptochos and Mihaela Firsirotu.


Saints and Feasts

February 09

Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee: Triodion Begins Today

The Pharisees were an ancient and outstanding sect among the Jews known for their diligent observance of the outward matters of the Law. Although, according to the word of our Lord, they "did all their works to be seen of men" (Matt. 23:5), and were hypocrites (ibid. 23: 13, 14, 15, etc.), because of the apparent holiness of their lives they were thought by all to be righteous, and separate from others, which is what the name Pharisee means. On the other hand, Publicans, collectors of the royal taxes, committed many injustices and extortions for filthy lucre's sake, and all held them to be sinners and unjust. It was therefore according to common opinion that the Lord Jesus in His parable signified a virtuous person by a Pharisee, and a sinner by a Publican, to teach His disciples the harm of pride and the profit of humble-mindedness.

Since the chief weapon for virtue is humility, and the greatest hindrance to it is pride, the divine Fathers have set these three weeks before the Forty-day Fast as a preparation for the spiritual struggles of virtue. This present week they have called Harbinger, since it declares that the Fast is approaching; and they set humility as the foundation for all our spiritual labors by appointing that the parable of the Publican and the Pharisee be read today, even before the Fast begins, to teach, through the vaunting of the Pharisee, that the foul smoke of self-esteem and the stench of boasting drives away the grace of the Spirit, strips man of all his virtue, and casts him into the pits of Hades; and, through the repentance and contrite prayer of the Publican, that humility confers upon the sinner forgiveness of all his wicked deeds and raises him up to the greatest heights.

All foods are allowed the week that follows this Sunday.

February 09

Leavetaking of the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple

February 09

Nicephoros the Martyr of Antioch

This Martyr, who was from Antioch in Syria, contested during the reign of Gallienus, about the year 260. Through the working of the evil one, his friendship with a certain Christian priest named Sapricius was turned to bitter hatred. Nicephoros, repenting of his enmity, tried both through intermediaries and in person to be reconciled with Sapricius, but to no avail. Later, when the persecution broke out under Valerian and Gallienus, Sapricius was seized as a Christian. When Saint Nicephoros learned that Sapricius had been arrested by the pagans and was enduring torments for Christ, he sent intermediaries to Sapricius, begging his forgiveness; but Sapricius would not forgive him. Later, as Sapricius was being taken to beheading, Nicephoros, hoping that Sapricius, at his end, in such a holy hour, would at last forgive him, met him on the way, fell before him, and fervently asked his forgiveness; but Sapricius forgave him not. Wherefore, though Sapricius had passed through many sufferings, and the crown of martyrdom was now awaiting him, because he disdained the chief commandments of love and forgiveness, the grace of God, which had been strengthening him in his torments, departed from him, and he told his executioners he would sacrifice. Nicephoros immediately confessed Christ before them, and being himself beheaded, took the crown that Sapricius had cast away.

Should the Apodosis of the Feast of the Meeting in the Temple fall on this day the service to Saint Nicephoros is chanted on the 8th.

February 10

Hieromartyr Haralambos

This Saint was a priest of the Christians in Magnesia, the foremost city of Thessaly, in the diocese having the same name. He contested during the reign of Alexander Severus (222-235), when Lucian was Proconsul of Magnesia. At the time of his martyrdom the Saint was 103 years of age.

St. Haralambos is commemorated on February 10th, with the exception when this date falls on the Saturday of the Souls preceding Lent or on Clean Monday (the first day of Lent), in which case the feast is celebrated on February 9th.

February 11

Theodora the Empress

As for the renowned Empress Theodora, she was from Paphlagonia and was the daughter of a certain Marinus, the commander of a military regiment. While being the wife of the Emperor Theophilus, the last of the Iconoclasts, she adorned the royal diadem with her virtue and piety; as long as her husband Theophilus lived, she privately venerated icons, despite his displeasure. After his death, she restored the holy icons to public veneration; this is commemorated on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the First Sunday of the Great Fast. She governed the Empire wisely for fifteen years, since her son Michael was not yet of age. But in 857 she forsook her royal power and entered a certain convent in Constantinople called Gastria, where she finished the course of her life in holiness and reposed in the Lord. Her sacred incorrupt remains are found in Corfu, in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Cave, in the capital city of the island (see also Dec. 12).

February 11

Finding of the relics of Zachariah the Prophet, Father of the Holy Forerunner

February 11

Blaise the Hieromartyr of Sebastia

Saint Blaise was Bishop of Sebastia. Divine grace, through which he healed the diseases of men and beasts, and especially of infants, made his name famous. He contested for the Faith under Licinius in the year 316. Saint Blaise is invoked for the healing of throat ailments.

February 12

Meletios, Archbishop of Antioch

This holy Father, who was from Melitene of Armenia, was a blameless man, just, reverent, sincere, and most gentle. Consecrated Bishop of Sebastia in 357, he was later banished from his throne and departed for Beroea of Syria (this is the present-day Aleppo). After the Arian bishop of Antioch had been deposed, the Orthodox and the Arians each strove to have a man of like mind with themselves become the next Bishop of Antioch. Meletius was highly esteemed by all, and since the Arians believed him to share their own opinion, they had him raised to the throne of Antioch. As soon as he had taken the helm of the Church of Antioch, however, he began preaching the Son's consubstantiality with the Father. At this, the archdeacon, an Arian, put his hand over the bishop's mouth; Meletius then extended three fingers towards the people, closed them, and extended one only, showing by signs the equality and unity of the Trinity. The embarrassed archdeacon then seized his hand, but released his mouth, and Meletius spoke out even more forcibly in defense of the Council of Nicaea. Shortly after, he was banished by the Arian Emperor Constantius, son of Saint Constantine the Great. After the passage of time, he was recalled to his throne, but was banished again the third time by Valens. It was Saint Meletius who ordained Saint John Chrysostom reader and deacon in Antioch (see Nov. 13). He lived until the Second Ecumenical Council in 381 (which was convoked against Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople, the enemy of the Holy Spirit), over which he presided, being held in great honor as a zealot of the Faith and a venerable elder hierarch.

Some time before, when the Emperor Gratian had made the Spanish General Theodosius commander-in-chief of his armies in the war against the barbarians, Theodosius had a dream in which he saw Meletius, whom he had never met, putting upon him the imperial robe and crown. Because of Theodosius's victories, Gratian made him Emperor of the East in Valens' stead in 379. When, as Emperor, Saint Theodosius the Great convoked the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople two years later, he forbade that anyone should tell him who Meletius was; and as soon as he saw him, he recognized him, ran to him with joy, embraced him before all the other bishops, and told him of his dream.

While at the Council, Saint Meletius fell ill and reposed a short while after. Saint Gregory of Nyssa, among others, gave a moving oration at his funeral; bewailing the loss of him whom all loved as a father, he said, "Where is that sweet serenity of his eyes? Where that bright smile upon his lips? Where that kind right hand, with fingers outstretched to accompany the benediction of the mouth?" (PG 46:8-6). And he lamented, "Our Elias has been caught up, and no Elisseus is left behind in his place." (ibid., 860). The holy relics of Saint Meletius were returned to Antioch and were buried beside Saint Babylas the Martyr (see Sept. 4), in the Church dedicated to the Martyr which Meletius, in his zeal for the Martyr's glory, had helped build with his own hands.

February 13

Martinianos the Righteous

Saint Martinian, who was from Caesarea of Palestine, flourished about the beginning of the fifth century. He struggled in the wilderness from his youth. After he had passed twenty-five years in asceticism, the devil brought a temptation upon him through a harlot, who when she heard the Saint praised for his virtue, determined to try his virtue, or rather, to undo it. Coming to his cell by night as it rained, and saying she had lost her way, she begged with pitiful cries to be admitted in for the night, lest she fall prey to wild beasts. Moved with compassion, and not wishing to be guilty of her death should anything befall her, he allowed her to enter. When she began to seduce him, and the fire of desire began to burn in his heart, he kindled a fire and stepped into it, burning his body, but saving his soul from the fire of Gehenna. And she, brought to her senses by this, repented, and, following his counsel, went to Bethlehem to a certain virgin named Paula, with whom she lived in fasting and prayer; before her death, she was deemed worthy of the gift of wonder-working. Saint Martinian, when he recovered from the burning, resolved to go to some more solitary place, and took a ship to a certain island, where he struggled in solitude for a number of years. Then a young maiden who had suffered a shipwreck came ashore on his island. Not wishing to fall into temptation again, he departed, and passed his remaining time as a wanderer, coming to the end of his life in Athens.

February 13

Apostles Aquila and Priscilla

February 13

Symeon the Myrrhbearer of Serbia

Saint Symeon (in the world, the ruler Stephen Nemanja), after capably governing Serbia in piety, wisdom, and justice for many years during the second half of the twelfth century, renounced all rule and earthly glory to become a monk, to struggle in fasting and prayer. Thereafter he went to the Holy Mountain Athos where, together with his son Saint Sabbas (see Jan. 14), he founded the Monastery of Hilandar. After his death, a fragrant and healing myrrh came forth from his holy relics. When Stephen Nemanja put on the monastic habit with the name of Symeon, his wife Anna followed his example, receiving the monastic name of Anastasia; she is commemorated as a Saint on June 21.

February 14

Holy Father Auxentius of the Mountain

This Saint, who was from the East, lived during the reign of Saint Theodosius the Younger. In 442 he enlisted in the Fourth Military Company of the Scholarii, that is, the Imperial Guard. Afterwards, he became a monk on a certain mountain in Bithynia (which later took his name), not far from Chalcedon. On becoming the archimandrite of the monastics gathered there, and proving himself to be most enduring in asceticism and most Orthodox in his faith, he reposed during the reign of the Emperor Leo the Great of Thrace, who reigned from 457 to 474.

February 14

Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles & Teacher of the Slavs

Saint Cyril was born in Thessaloniki in the early 9th century to pious parents. His family was one of only a few Byzantines in Thessaloniki at that time since it was largely populated by Slavs. Growing up in this situation, Cyril learned the Slavonic language, which later in life would serve him and the Church at large. He continued his education in Constantinople with his brother Methodios (see May 11th), each taking to their particular interests: Methodios in politics, and Cyril in philosophy and teaching.

The two brothers were approached in 850 by Saint Photios the Great (see February 6th) to lead a diplomatic mission to the Khazars, the people who inhabited the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Cyril and Methodios accepted this mission and departed to the North. After the success of this trip, the brothers lived for a time in a monastery on Mount Olympus where Methodios became a monk. At this time the brothers utilized their childhood Slavonic education to develop a written alphabet for the Slavonic language, which to this time had never existed. This alphabet became known as the Glagolithic Alphabet. On their own instigation, the brothers began translating the Gospels and liturgical service books into Slavonic.

Providentially, Cyril and Methodios were again called upon for a mission, this time to travel to Moravia to spread the Christian faith to King Rostislav (see May 11th) and his people. The brothers departed in 862, bringing with them their Slavonic alphabet and service books. After five years of service, the brothers made their way to Rome in 867 to have members of their company ordained to the priesthood to aid in the missionary journey. The group of missionaries celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Rome in the Slavonic language for the very first time with members of their party being ordained as they intended. While in Rome, Cyril fell deathly ill. He was tonsured a monk and died. His brother Methodios continued their missionary work, utilizing the Glagolthic Alphabet. Cyril and his brother Methodios are commemorated together on May 11th.

February 15

Onesimus the Apostle of the 70

This Apostle, who was from Colossae, was a bond-servant of that Philemon to whom the Apostle Paul addressed his epistle. Onesimus escaped from Philemon and fled to Rome, where he became a disciple of Saint Paul. Saint Paul brought him to the Faith of Christ, and then sent him back to his master, who in turn gave him his freedom and sent him back to Rome again, where he ministered to Saint Paul. Later, he was seized because he was a Christian and was sent to Puteoli, where he was beaten to death with clubs. Saint Onesimus is also commemorated on November 22 with the holy Apostles Philemon, Apphia, and Archippus.

February 15

Our Righteous Father Anthimus the Elder of Chios


Wisdom of the Fathers

If there is a moral quality almost completely disregarded and even denied today, it is indeed humility. The culture in which we live constantly instills in us the sense of pride, of self-glorification, and of self-righteousness ... Even our churches - are they not imbued with that same spirit of the Pharisee? Do we not want our every contribution, every 'good deed,' all the we do 'for the Church' to be acknowledged, praised, publicized? ... How does one become humble? The answer, for a Christian, is simple: by contemplating Christ..."
Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Great Lent, pp. 19-20., 20th Century

It is possible for those who have come back again after repentance to shine with much lustre, and oftentimes more than those who have never fallen at all, I have demonstrated from the divine writings. Thus at least both the publicans and the harlots inherit the kingdom of Heaven, thus many of the last are placed before the first.
St. John Chrysostom


Saint Catherine News and Events

    Home/Business Blessings

    Home/Business Blessings

    Fr. Chrysostom would like to come and bless your home and/or business as we begin the new calendar year and celebrate Epiphany. Please let him know if you would like him to visit your home or business.

    Mommy & Me

    Mommy & Me

    All caregivers welcome! Groups are not limited to mothers only.

    50th Annual Greek Food & Wine Fest

    50th Annual Greek Food & Wine Fest

    Invite all our friends, neighbors & coworkers to come and enjoy authentic Greek cuisine, live music and Greek folk dance performances. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up online or at the HCC.

    Greek School

    Greek School

    Greek School presents Apokriatiko Week! Students may wear costumes to Greek School this week.

    Daughters of Penelope

    Daughters of Penelope

    Join us for our annual fashion show fundraiser at The Ben Autograph Collection Hotel.


Metropolis of Atlanta News

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I greet you with joy in the name of the Lord! This Sunday, we begin the Triodion, the time in our Liturgical year which includes Holy and Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha. The first three weeks of the Triodion allow us to make ourselves ready for the Great Fast by focusing on a specific virtue; and for this Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, that virtue is humility.

Of course, we are aware that Christ is greatly ironic when he makes a tax collector a repentant child of God, while the Pharisee could not be more different from the Father he claims to serve. This leads us to one of the most subtle parts of the parable: the tears of the Publican give form to what will become known as the Jesus Prayer, “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” (Luke 18:13), while the Pharisee is not truly praying at all! Only his first four words, can be said to be a kind of prayer, “God, I thank you…”—but it quickly collapses into a person praising himself: “…I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get” (Luke 18:11-2). One of the remarkable details in this litany of self-justifications is how the Pharisee judges the tax collector, who is standing near him in the temple; and so, the tax collector also has the added humiliation of hearing this judgement cast against him. The Pharisee is not only proud of his accomplishments toward God, but vain (because he wants his fellow worshippers to hear him), and, perhaps worst of all, thoughtless to the point of cruelty.

This recalls another saying of our Lord’s “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward” (Matthew 6:5) Meanwhile, the Lord tells us in the parable that the Publican, “…would not even lift up his eyes to heaven” (Luke 18:13). The Publican understands that the true reward of prayer is not to be uplifted in the eyes of your fellow worshipers, but only to offer God our repentant hearts, because “…every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14).

As we prepare ourselves for the Great Lenten journey—to Jerusalem, to Golgotha, and to the Empty Tomb—let us cast aside thoughtless pride and vanity and let us instead remember the example of the Publican who asked for nothing but God’s mercy and received it richly.

Metropolitan of Atlanta


Archdiocese News

DIETRICH BONHOEFFER: A Theological Conversation on His Life and Legacy


Join the Huffington Ecumenical Institute at HCHC for an engaging discussion of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin, the powerful film about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s courageous stand against tyranny.

Archbishop Elpidophoros Meets With CrossRoad Leadership Team


During his visit to Hellenic College Holy Cross on February 5, 2025, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America met with the leadership team of CrossRoad Institute following the Vasilopita Cutting.

​ “At the Cathedral School of Manhattan, We Create Philhellenes:" Meropi Kyriakou Speaks to Kathimerini


The sounds of Manos Hadjidakis fill the event hall of the Greek American Cathedral School of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York, as the young students captivate their audience. At the only school in Manhattan where Greek has a place among the core subjects, every national holiday is an opportunity to highlight the value of Greek culture and history.

“At the Cathedral School of Manhattan, We Create Philhellenes”


The sounds of Manos Hadjidakis fill the event hall of the Greek American Cathedral School of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York, as the young students captivate their audience. At the only school in Manhattan where Greek has a place among the core subjects, every national holiday is an opportunity to highlight the value of Greek culture and history.

HCHC Hosts Archdiocese District Clergy Syndesmos Retreat


This past week, the Archdiocese District Clergy Syndesmos gathered with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros for a deeply enriching retreat at our beloved Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology in Brookline, MA.

Department of Religious Education (DRE)’s Sunday Sermon Series: Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee (Triodion begins today)


This week, find insights about the upcoming Gospel reading, where we learn about the prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collector (the Publican) in the Jerusalem Temple. In what way are they opposites in the eyes of people?

Ionian Village 2025 Registration for Summer Camp and “IV Next” Now Open


Ionian Village is thrilled to announce that 2025 registration for summer camp and “IV Next” is NOW OPEN! The program is led by newly appointed Director, Fr. Steven Klund, and Assistant Director, Andrea Kalina.

Archepiscopal Encyclical on the Feast of Saint Photios, Patriarch of Constantinople


It is very hard to overestimate the importance of Saint Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople, a true defender of the Orthodox Faith. To describe him as “fire-breathing” makes him sound a bit like a dragon. But what we should take away from such poetic embellishment is the passionate, profound and unwavering faith of the Ninth Century Ecumenical Patriarch, who not only championed the Faith of the Apostles in the face of innumerable challenges, but was deeply devoted to sharing that Faith with the world.

Center for Family Care Selects "On Behalf of All" Pilot Parishes


After careful and prayerful consideration of all applicants, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America's Center for Family Care is excited to announce the twelve Orthodox parishes selected to be Pilot Parishes through the initiative On Behalf of All: Toward an Accessible Divine Liturgy for Children with Disabilities!

Cheyenne Has Something: Interview with Billie Zumo, Hellenic Heritage House Curator and Honorary Philoptochos National Board Member


During Archbishop Elpidophoros’s visit to Cheyenne, Wyoming this weekend, the Orthodox Observer’s Corinna Robinson interviewed Billie Zumo, curator of Sts. Constantine & Helen’s Hellenic Heritage House and Honorary Philoptochos National Board Member.

Called to Mission: Interview with Sam Galiotis, Parish Council President at Holy Apostles Orthodox Christian Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming


During Archbishop Elpidophoros’s visit to Cheyenne, Wyoming this weekend, the Orthodox Observer’s Corinna Robinson interviewed Sam Galiotis, Parish Council President at Holy Apostles Orthodox Christian Church. 

Applications Now Open for 2025-2026 Effective Christian Ministry Cohort


The National Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) is pleased to announce it is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Effective Christian Ministry (ECM) Cohort. This is an incredible opportunity for parishes looking to reinvigorate their youth and young adult ministries and make a lasting impact on their communities.

Archdiocesan District Dance Festival "Paradosi" Held on February 1, 2025


The Archdiocesan District Dance Festival "Paradosi", held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, brought together over 200 participants from various church communities for a day filled with faith, culture, and tradition.

The West You Want: Wyoming Winds and Welcomes for Archbishop Elpidophoros


This weekend, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America rambled out of New York town for the western skies of Cheyenne, Wyoming, marking the city’s first Archiepiscopal visit in nearly five decades.

Homily at the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Hypapantē


Metropolitan Constantine, beloved brother in the Lord,

Reverend Fathers,

Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,

I am so grateful to be with you today, and I want to thank your Metropolitan for his suggestion that the two Cheyenne parishes combine this morning, so that I can experience your wholehearted dedication to our Holy Orthodox Faith.

Wyoming Celebrates Historic Visit of First Archbishop in Five Decades


Reflecting on his journey to Wyoming, Archbishop Elpidophoros remarked that Cheyenne’s beauty cannot be truly understood from afar: “You have to come here to witness the greatness of the people, of the state, and of our mission, our presence as an Orthodox Church.” He stressed that though it had been “fifty years since the last Archbishop came to this city…it will not be another fifty years,” promising to return to the Great State of Wyoming.

Homily at the Great Vespers of the Hypapantē


Your Eminence Metropolitan Constantine, Beloved Brother,

Reverend Clergy,

Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,


I am overjoyed to be here in Wyoming with you, the wonderful communities of Cheyenne. When we were landing in Denver, I anticipated the brief drive here with great expectations, because here are parishes that have existed as long as the Archdiocese of America. I shall have more to say about this later, because now, we are on the cusp of the Great Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple of the Law tomorrow.



Assembly of Bishops News

Assembly of Bishops Supports Amicus Brief in Catholic Charities v. Wisconsin


This friend of the court brief is the most recent effort of the Assembly of Bishops to further its particular interest of safeguarding the liberty of all Americans to practice their faith.

Mission Sunday 2025


Therefore, on this year’s Mission Sunday, and every day, I pray that each of us will support the Holy Church’s most critical mission by praying for the missionaries and mission priests around the world