Tone 4 Troparion (Resurrection)
When the women disciples of the Lord
learned from the angel the joyous message of Your Resurrection,
they cast away the ancestral curse
and elatedly told the apostles:
“Death is overthrown!
Christ God is risen,//
granting the world great mercy!”
Tone 2 Troparion (Holy Fathers)
Great are the accomplishments of faith,
for the three Holy Youths rejoice in the fountain of flames as though in the waters of rest;
and the Prophet Daniel appeared
a shepherd to the lions as though they were sheep.//
So by their prayers, O Christ God, save our souls!
Tone 4 Troparion of the Forefeast
Mary was of David’s seed,
so she went with Joseph to register in Bethlehem.
She bore in her womb the Fruit not sown by man.
The time for the birth was at hand.
Since there was no room at the inn,
the cave became a beautiful palace for the Queen.//
Christ is born, raising up the image that fell of old.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Tone 1 Kontakion (Holy Fathers)
Rejoice, O Bethlehem! Prepare yourself, O Ephratha!
The Lamb is on her way to give birth to the Chief Shepherd she carries in
her womb.
The God-bearing Forefathers will rejoice, beholding Him,//
and with the shepherds, they will glorify the Virgin nursing Him.
now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tone 3 Kontakion (Forefeast)
Today the Virgin comes to the cave
to give birth to the Eternal Word.
Hear the glad tidings and rejoice, O universe!
Glorify with the angels and the shepherds
the Eternal God, Who is willing to appear as a little child!
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest!
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the just!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
The Nativity according to the Flesh of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ
Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
The First Antiphon
I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will make all Your wonders known. (Ps. 110:1a)
Refrain: Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us!
In the company of the upright, in the congregation, great are the works of the Lord. (Ps. 110:1b-2a) (Refrain)
They are sought out according to His will. (Ps. 110:2b) (Refrain)
Full of honor and majesty is His work, and His righteousness endures forever.
(Ps. 110:3) (Refrain)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Refrain)
The Second Antiphon
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. (Ps. 111:1)
Refrain: O Son of God, born of the Virgin, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!
His descendants will be mighty in the land, the generation of the upright will be blessed. (Ps. 111:2) (Refrain)
Glory and wealth are in His house and His righteousness endures forever. (Ps. 111:3) (Refrain)
Light rises in the darkness for the upright; the Lord is merciful, compassionate, and righteous. (Ps. 111:4) (Refrain)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
(“Only-begotten Son and immortal Word of God… “)
The Third Antiphon
The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand.” (Ps. 109:1a)
Tone 4 Troparion
Your Nativity, O Christ our God,
has shone to the world the light of wisdom!
For by it, those who worshipped the stars,
were taught by a star to adore You,
the Sun of Righteousness,
and to know You, the Orient from on high.//
O Lord, glory to You!
“Until I make Your enemies Your footstool!” (Ps. 109:1b)
Troparion of the Feast
The Lord will send You the scepter of power from Zion: “Rule in the midst of Your enemies!” (Ps. 109:2)
Troparion of the Feast
With You is dominion on the day of Your power, in the radiance of holiness.
(Ps. 109:3)
Troparion of the Feast
Entrance Verse
Out of the womb before the morning star have I begotten You. The Lord has sworn, and will not change His mind: “You are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.” (Ps. 109:4)
Tone 4 Troparion
Your Nativity, O Christ our God,
has shone to the world the light of wisdom!
For by it, those who worshipped the stars,
were taught by a star to adore You,
the Sun of Righteousness,
and to know You, the Orient from on high.//
O Lord, glory to You!
Tone 3 Kontakion
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One,
and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One.
Angels with shepherds glorify Him;
The Wise Men journey with the star,//
since for our sake the eternal God was born as a little Child.
(Instead of “It is truly meet…,” we sing:)
Magnify, O my soul, the most pure Virgin Theotokos,
more honorable and more glorious than the heavenly hosts.
I behold a strange, most glorious mystery:
heaven—the cave;
the cherubic throne—the Virgin;
the manger—the place where Christ lay:
the uncontainable God, Whom we magnify in song.
Communion Hymn
The Lord has sent redemption to His people. (Ps. 110:8a)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!