Weekly Services begin at 9:00 AM
2nd Sunday of Lent- Sunday of Gregory Palamas
Presanctified Liturgy new time at 5:50pm Followed by the Orthodoxy 101!!!
As Orthodox Christians, we see the world as God’s gift, as a sacrament of God’s presence and a means of communion with Him. This way we are able to offer back to God, in thanksgiving and love, the many gifts we receive from Him. Like the boy in the New Testament who offered the five loaves and two fish and Jesus multiplied them to feed the 5,000, God receives our humble gifts and multiplies them to feed the world. When we see great need in our community and in the world, we may ask, “If God is so loving, then why is there so much poverty and suffering in the world? Where is God when we need Him?” Sometimes the need is so overwhelming that to help at all seems impossible, but in the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, we are taught to offer what we have, no matter the amount, and miracles will happen.
Pledge 2025
The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, ministers to young people ages 13-18. Teenagers should be in sixth/seventh through twelfth grades to participate, depending on the how junior high/middle school is structured within your area. It is recommended that GOYA ministry be divided into two distinct groups, the middle school GOYA ministry and the high school GOYA ministry.
GOYA is ministry to junior high and high school grade Orthodox Christian teenagers. Teenagers should be in seventh through twelfth grades to participate. It is recommended that GOYA ministry be divided into two distinct groups, the Jr. GOYA ministry and the GOYA ministry.
The mission and goal of GOYA ministry is to lead our young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and becoming active sacramental members of the living Church, our young people will be equipped with tools necessary to assist them in their journey toward salvation.
Lesson 1: Who Is Christ?
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