Holy Trinity Church
Publish Date: 2025-03-09
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
Holy Trinity Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (724) 266-5336
  • Fax:
  • (724) 266-2220
  • Street Address:

  • 2930 Beaver Road

  • Ambridge, PA 15003

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Sundays: 8:30am Orthros, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Weekdays: 9am Orthros & Liturgy

Past Bulletins




8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy


Upcoming Services:

  • March 8th - Mircale of the Koliva wrought by St. Theodore the Tyro - 9am Orthros & Liturgy w/ Koliva


  • Lenten Service Schedule
    • Wedensdays - Presanctified Liturgies at 5:30pm
        • NO SERVICE ON March 12th
      • March 19 - Parish Council providing Potluck
        • NO SERVICE ON March 26th
      • April 2 - LOVE+HOPE+JOY providing Potluck
      • April 9th - Young Adults providing Potluck
      • Students Readers are being assigned readings throughout the weeks.
    • Fridays - Service of the Saluations to the Theotokos at 6pm
      • March 14th - 2nd Stanza of Akathist
      • March 21st - 3rd Stanza of Akathist
      • March 28th - 4th Stanza of Akathist
      • April 4th - Full Akathist
      • If there are any parishioners who would like to tead the community by intoning the Ασπιλε/Aspile Prayer, please contact Fr. Anastasios.



Upcoming Memorials:

  • March 16th
    • 5yr Trisagion - Angeliki Daskalakis

Church News

BRING YOUR ICONS TODAY Sunday, March 9th is the Sunday of Orthodoxy. We are asking that all Sunday School students bring in an icon to participate in the Procession of the icons.


ST. PHOTIOS AWARD NOMINATIONS -  Submit by March 9th at 11:30am:  Please prayerfully consider nominating individuals who have faithfully served as dedicated volunteers in our parish.  Both new and past nominations are reviewed each year. Each nominee is given full consideration regardless of how many nominations are recieved.  All nominations must be submitted by 11:30am on March 9th.  Our committee of past awardees with the guidance of Fr. Anastasios will pick up to two awardees for the 2025 St. Photios awards.  Nomination forms can be found in the buleltin insert section of this online bulletin and on the pangari at church.


GOYA's ANNUAL SPAGHETTI LUNCHEON - Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 9th: Red Sauce or Clam Sauce. Adults $15 and Kids $10.




FOCUS MEAL - March 15th - We are looking for volunteers to help prep, cook, serve, and offer hospitality at St. Johns to serve members of the Ambridge Towers.  Please contact our organizer Michael at [email protected] to get involved.


MARCH 16TH - THE SAINT CONSTANTINE SCHOOL's Andrew Fournaridis is coming to make us aware of information on the school, its progress, the environment, and how to get invovled to support the school.


WE NEED YOU FOR FESTIVAL PLANNING On March 6th, our festival committee had a Kickoff Meeting to get more involvement and help enhance our Festival. We are currently looking for individuals or groups of people to help us organize and enhance our outdoor layout, advertisements, volunteer coordination, leadership in other positions, updated graphic design, and ordering for several areas. We need as many bright minds and hard workers for our festival as possible. The next meeting is scheduled for March 26th at 6:30pm. If you would like to get involved before the next meeting please contact the office or Fr. Anastasios.


WELCOME COMMITTEE - We are looking for individuals who are interested in helping welcome newcomers and visitors into our parish for our Sunday services.  This committee will help prepare materials and find best practices to fulfill the goal of welcoming people into the church and helping them have a beautiful experience at Holy Trinity.  Anyone who is interested should please contact Fr. Anastasios or the Church Office.


COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - We are looking for members who are interested in helping us bolster our Social Media presence, our Website, and other communications.  Please talk to Fr. Anastasios, Connie, or Raina if you are interested.


PARISH PLEDGES $20,000 FOR THE NEW METROPOLIS CENTER  If you would like to add your own personal donation or pledge to the completion of the New Metropolis Center, please go to pittsburgh.goarch.org/pledge .


SUNDAY SCHOOL: The spiritual and religious education for our children is not only the 20-minute class following holy communion, it is attending each and every Sunday, hearing the hymns of the day, the readings for the day, Fr. Anastasios' kids' sermon, and worshipping alongside their family and community.  Their formation also takes place in the home and in the example led by their parents, fortify yourself for the journey by coming to church too.


YOUTH SAFETY - Please register at https://ncsrisk.org/goarch/.  This includes all Youth Safety Workers as well as Parish Council 


PRAYER CHAIN - Members of Holy Trinity are being brought together in efforts to pray for those in need of prayers.  Please contact Joanie Ondrako at 724-601-6298, Fr. Anastasios, or the Office to join the prayer team, a group of people who will pray for the names given each day.

Prayer requests can be submitted anonymously and will be on the prayer list as long as your request is wanted, even up to a year.


ONLINE GIVING & STEWARDSHIPIs OPEN! Online giving can be found by clicking here!  Please consider your continued support of our church through becoming one of our online giving families.  You can make general contributions and stewardship contributions.


REGULAR GIVING: The church is still accepting donations in normal ways through the mail and drop-off.  Thank you to all of those who have continued to contribute in these challenging times.



In response to inquiries regarding the donation of securities to Holy Trinity, a new brokerage account has been established with PNC Investments to receive stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.  Donating appreciated securities is often preferable to donating cash as the donor may benefit from the current tax code, creating the opportunity for donors to consider even larger gifts.  Currently, this account can receive securities in lieu of cash for the fulfillment of stewardship pledges as well as directed gifts for special projects.  If after consulting with your financial advisor, you are interested in this form of giving, please contact any parish council member or the office for more information.


LIVE-STREAM: If you don't have a Facebook account, don't worry: it does not force you to log in.


Bulletin Inserts


Our Calendar

  • Holy Trinity Ambridge

    March 9 to March 23, 2025

    Sunday, March 9

    Sunday School

    Lenten Coffee Hour: GOYA

    Sunday of Orthodoxy

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Liturgy

    11:30AM St. Photios Award Nominations Due

    Monday, March 10

    10:00AM Funeral Josephine Mrkonja

    7:00PM Parish Council

    Tuesday, March 11

    Clergy Family Retreat

    Friday, March 14

    Young Adult Retreat @ Camp Nazareth

    6:00PM Salutations w/ Akathist part 2

    Saturday, March 15

    11:00AM Baptism

    11:00AM FOCUS Ambridge Lunch

    Sunday, March 16

    Sunday School

    Lenten Coffee Hour: Hellenic Dancers

    Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

    Guest: The Saint Constantine School’s Andrew Fournaridis

    5yr Trisagion - Angeliki Daskalakis

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Liturgy

    Wednesday, March 19

    5:30PM Presanctified Liturgy w/ Potluck hosted by Parish Council

    Thursday, March 20

    Voice Deadline

    Friday, March 21

    6:00PM Salutations w/ Akathist Part 3

    Saturday, March 22

    12:00PM GOMoP Central Region HOPE/JOY Lenten Mini Retreat

    Sunday, March 23

    Sunday School

    Sunday of the Holy Cross

    Lenten Coffee Hour: Young Adults

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Liturgy

  • Regional Orthodox Events

    March 9 to March 9, 2025

    Sunday, March 9

    4:30PM Greater Pittsburgh Sunday of Orthodoxy @ Holy Cross, Pittsburgh


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the 4th Mode

When the women Disciples of the Lord had learned from the Angel the joyful message of the Resurrection and had rejected the ancestral decision, they cried aloud to the Apostles triumphantly: Death has been despoiled, Christ God has risen, granting His great mercy to the world.
Τὸ φαιδρὸν τῆς Ἀναστάσεως κήρυγμα, ἐκ τοῦ Ἀγγέλου μαθοῦσαι αἱ τοῦ Κυρίου Μαθήτριαι, καὶ τὴν προγονικὴν ἀπόφασιν ἀπορρίψασαι, τοῖς Ἀποστόλοις καυχώμεναι ἔλεγον· Ἐσκύλευται ὁ θάνατος, ἠγέρθη Χριστὸς ὁ Θεός, δωρούμενος τῷ κόσμῳ τὸ μέγα ἔλεος.

Apolytikion for Sun. of Orthodoxy in the 2nd Mode

We venerate Your immaculate icon, O good Lord, and entreat You to forgive our offenses, O Christ our God. By Your own choice you were pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, to deliver us, whom You created, from our slavery to the foe. Therefore we cry to You with gratitude: You have filled all things with joy, O our Savior, by coming to save the world.
Τὴν ἄχραντον Εἰκόνα σου προσκυνοῦμεν Ἀγαθέ, αἰτούμενοι συγχώρησιν τῶν πταισμάτων ἡμῶν, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός· βουλήσει γὰρ ηὐδόκησας σαρκὶ ἀνελθεῖν ἐν τῷ Σταυρῷ, ἵνα ῥύσῃ οὓς ἔπλασας ἐκ τῆς δουλείας τοῦ ἐχθροῦ· ὅθεν εὐχαρίστως βοῶμέν σοι· Χαρᾶς ἐπλήρωσας τὰ πάντα, ὁ Σωτὴρ ἡμῶν, παραγενόμενος εἰς τὸ σῶσαι τὸν Κόσμον.

Apolytikion for 40 Martyrs of Sebastia in the 1st Mode

The holy martyrs suffered painful tortures for Your sake, O Lord; be compelled by what they endured, and heal our every pain, we entreat You, O only benevolent God.
Τὰς ἀλγηδόνας τῶν Ἁγίων, ἃς ὑπὲρ σοῦ ἔπαθον, δυσωπήθητι, Κύριε, καὶ πάσας ἡμῶν τὰς ὀδύνας, ἴασαι φιλάνθρωπε, δεόμεθα.

Apolytikion for the Church in the 1st Mode

O Blessed are You, O Christ our God; Who has shone forth the fishermen to be most wise, by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them, You drew the world into Your net, O Lover of Mankind, glory to You.

Εύλογητός εἶ Χριστὲ ὁ Θεος ἡμῶν ὁ πανσόφους τοὺς ἁλιεῖς ἁναδείξας καταπέμψας αὐτοῖς τὸ Πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῶν τῆν οἰκουμένην σαγηνεύσας φιλάνθρωπε δόξα Σοι.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Plagal 4th Mode

O Champion General, I your City now inscribe to you Triumphant anthems as the tokens of my gratitude, Being rescued from the terrors, O Theotokos. Inasmuch as you have power unassailable, From all kinds of perils free me, so that unto you I may cry aloud: Rejoice, O unwedded Bride.
Τὴ ὑπερμάχω στρατηγῶ τὰ νικητήρια, ὡς λυτρωθεῖσα τῶν δεινῶν εὐχαριστήρια, ἀναγράφω σοὶ ἡ Πόλις σου Θεοτόκε, Ἀλλ' ὡς ἔχουσα τὸ κράτος ἀπροσμάχητον, ἐκ παντοίων μὲ κινδύνων ἐλευθέρωσον, ἵνα κράζω σοί, Χαῖρε νύμφη ἀνύμφευτε.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal 1st Mode. Psalm 11.7,1.
You, O Lord, shall keep us and preserve us.
Verse: Save me, O Lord, for the godly man has failed.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews 12:1-10.

BRETHREN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And have you forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons? "My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage when you are punished by him. For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Besides this, we have had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father.

Προκείμενον. Plagal 1st Mode. ΨΑΛΜΟΙ 11.7,1.
Σὺ Κύριε, φυλάξαις ἡμᾶς καὶ διατηρήσαις ἡμᾶς.
Στίχ. Σῶσον με, Κύριε, ὅτι ἐκλέλοιπεν ὅσιος.

τὸ Ἀνάγνωσμα Πρὸς Ἑβραίους 12:1-10.

Ἀδελφοί, τοσοῦτον ἔχοντες περικείμενον ἡμῖν νέφος μαρτύρων, ὄγκον ἀποθέμενοι πάντα καὶ τὴν εὐπερίστατον ἁμαρτίαν, διʼ ὑπομονῆς τρέχωμεν τὸν προκείμενον ἡμῖν ἀγῶνα, ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸν καὶ τελειωτὴν Ἰησοῦν, ὃς, ἀντὶ τῆς προκειμένης αὐτῷ χαρᾶς, ὑπέμεινεν σταυρόν, αἰσχύνης καταφρονήσας, ἐν δεξιᾷ τε τοῦ θρόνου τοῦ θεοῦ κεκάθικεν. Ἀναλογίσασθε γὰρ τὸν τοιαύτην ὑπομεμενηκότα ὑπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτωλῶν εἰς ἀυτὸν ἀντιλογίαν, ἵνα μὴ κάμητε ταῖς ψυχαῖς ὑμῶν ἐκλυόμενοι. Οὔπω μέχρι αἵματος ἀντικατέστητε πρὸς τὴν ἁμαρτίαν ἀνταγωνιζόμενοι· καὶ ἐκλέλησθε τῆς παρακλήσεως, ἥτις ὑμῖν ὡς υἱοῖς διαλέγεται, Υἱέ μου, μὴ ὀλιγώρει παιδείας κυρίου, μηδὲ ἐκλύου ὑπʼ αὐτοῦ ἐλεγχόμενος· ὃν γὰρ ἀγαπᾷ κύριος παιδεύει· μαστιγοῖ δὲ πάντα υἱὸν ὃν παραδέχεται. Εἰς παιδείαν ὑπομένετε, ὡς υἱοῖς ὑμῖν προσφέρεται ὁ θεός· τίς γὰρ ἐστιν υἱὸς ὃν οὐ παιδεύει πατήρ; Εἰ δὲ χωρίς ἐστε παιδείας, ἧς μέτοχοι γεγόνασιν πάντες, ἄρα νόθοι ἐστε καὶ οὐχ υἱοί. Εἶτα τοὺς μὲν τῆς σαρκὸς ἡμῶν πατέρας εἴχομεν παιδευτὰς, καὶ ἐνετρεπόμεθα· οὐ πολλῷ μᾶλλον ὑποταγησόμεθα τῷ πατρὶ τῶν πνευμάτων, καὶ ζήσομεν; Οἱ μὲν γὰρ πρὸς ὀλίγας ἡμέρας κατὰ τὸ δοκοῦν αὐτοῖς ἐπαίδευον· ὁ δὲ ἐπὶ τὸ συμφέρον, εἰς τὸ μεταλαβεῖν τῆς ἁγιότητος αὐτοῦ.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of Orthodoxy
The Reading is from John 1:43-51

At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And he found Philip and said to him, "Follow me." Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael, and he said to him, "We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see." Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!" Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" Jesus answered him, "Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these." And he said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man."

Sunday of Orthodoxy
Κατὰ Ἰωάννην 1:44-52

Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, ἠθέλησεν ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς ἐξελθεῖν εἰς τὴν Γαλιλαίαν· καὶ εὑρίσκει Φίλιππον καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ· ἀκολούθει μοι. ἦν δὲ ὁ Φίλιππος ἀπὸ Βηθσαϊδά, ἐκ τῆς πόλεως ᾿Ανδρέου καὶ Πέτρου. εὑρίσκει Φίλιππος τὸν Ναθαναὴλ καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ· ὃν ἔγραψε Μωϋσῆς ἐν τῷ νόμῳ καὶ οἱ προφῆται, εὑρήκαμεν, ᾿Ιησοῦν τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ ᾿Ιωσὴφ τὸν ἀπὸ Ναζαρέτ. καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ Ναθαναήλ· ἐκ Ναζαρὲτ δύναταί τι ἀγαθὸν εἶναι; λέγει αὐτῷ Φίλιππος· ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε. εἶδεν ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς τὸν Ναθαναὴλ ἐρχόμενον πρὸς αὐτὸν καὶ λέγει περὶ αὐτοῦ· ἴδε ἀληθῶς ᾿Ισραηλίτης, ἐν ᾧ δόλος οὐκ ἔστι. λέγει αὐτῷ Ναθαναήλ· πόθεν με γινώσκεις; ἀπεκρίθη ᾿Ιησοῦς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ· πρὸ τοῦ σε Φίλιππον φωνῆσαι, ὄντα ὑπὸ τὴν συκῆν εἶδόν σε. ἀπεκρίθη Ναθαναὴλ καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ· ῥαββί, σὺ εἶ ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ, σὺ εἶ ὁ βασιλεὺς τοῦ ᾿Ισραήλ. ἀπεκρίθη ᾿Ιησοῦς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ· ὅτι εἶπόν σοι, εἶδόν σε ὑποκάτω τῆς συκῆς, πιστεύεις; μείζω τούτων ὄψει. καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ· ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, ἀπ᾽ ἄρτι ὄψεσθε τὸν οὐρανὸν ἀνεῳγότα, καὶ τοὺς ἀγγέλους τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀναβαίνοντας καὶ καταβαίνοντας ἐπὶ τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου.


Saints and Feasts

March 09

Sunday of Orthodoxy

For more than one hundred years the Church of Christ was troubled by the persecution of the Iconoclasts of evil belief, beginning in the reign of Leo the Isaurian (717-741) and ending in the reign of Theophilus (829-842). After Theophilus's death, his widow the Empress Theodora (celebrated Feb. 11), together with the Patriarch Methodius (June 14), established Orthodoxy anew. This ever-memorable Queen venerated the icon of the Mother of God in the presence of the Patriarch Methodius and the other confessors and righteous men, and openly cried out these holy words: "If anyone does not offer relative worship to the holy icons, not adoring them as though they were gods, but venerating them out of love as images of the archetype, let him be anathema." Then with common prayer and fasting during the whole first week of the Forty-day Fast, she asked God's forgiveness for her husband. After this, on the first Sunday of the Fast, she and her son, Michael the Emperor, made a procession with all the clergy and people and restored the holy icons, and again adorned the Church of Christ with them. This is the holy deed that all we the Orthodox commemorate today, and we call this radiant and venerable day the Sunday of Orthodoxy, that is, the triumph of true doctrine over heresy.

March 09

The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia

These holy Martyrs, who came from various lands, were all soldiers under the same general. Taken into custody for their faith in Christ, and at first interrogated by cruel means, they were then stripped of their clothing and cast onto the frozen lake which is at Sebastia of Pontus, at a time when the harsh and freezing weather was at its worst. They endured the whole night naked in such circumstances, encouraging one another to be patient until the end. He that guarded them, named Aglaius, who was commanded to receive any of them that might deny Christ, had a vision in which he saw heavenly powers distributing crowns to all of the Martyrs, except one, who soon after abandoned the contest. Seeing this, Aglaius professed himself a Christian and joined the Martyrs on the lake, and the number of forty remained complete. In the morning, when they were almost dead from the cold, they were cast into fire, after which their remains were thrown into the river. Thus they finished the good course of martyrdom in 320, during the reign of Licinius. These are their names: Acacius, Aetius, Aglaius, Alexander, Angus, Athanasius, Candidus, Chudion, Claudius, Cyril, Cyrion, Dometian, Domnus, Ecdicius, Elias, Eunoicus, Eutyches, Eutychius, Flavius, Gaius, Gorgonius, Helianus, Heraclius, Hesychius, John, Lysimachus, Meliton, Nicholas, Philoctemon, Priscus, Sacerdon, Severian, Sisinius, Smaragdus, Theodulus, Theophilus, Valens, Valerius, Vivianus, and Xanthias.


Wisdom of the Fathers

For in a contest there is much labor needed--and after the contest victory falls to some, to others disgrace. Is the palm ever given or the crown granted before the course is finished? ... Therefore no one can receive a reward, unless he has striven lawfully; nor is the victory a glorious one, unless the contest also has been toilsome.
St. Ambrose of Milan
Chapter 15, Three Books on the Duties of the Clergy, 4th century

Moses... was himself saved by means of wood and water before the Law was given, when he was exposed to the Nile's currents, hidden away in an Ark (Exod. 2:3-10). And by means of wood and water he saved the people of Israel, revealing the Cross by the wood, Holy Baptism by water (Exod. 14:15-31). Paul, who had looked upon the mysteries, says openly, 'They were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud' (I Cor. 10:2). He also bears witness that, even before the events concerning the sea and his staff, Moses willingly endured Christ's Cross, 'Esteeming', he says, 'the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt' (Heb. 11:26). For the Cross is the reproach of Christ from the standpoint of foolish men. As Paul himself says of Christ, 'He endured the cross, despising the shame' (Heb. 12:2).
St. Gregory Palamas
Homilies Vol. 1, Homily Eleven para. 14; Saint Tikhon's Seminary Press pg. 123, 14th century

Fight constantly with your thoughts and call them back when they wander away. God does not demand of those under obedience that their thoughts be totally undistracted when they pray. And do not lose heart when your thoughts are stolen away. Just remain calm, and constantly call your mind back.
St. John Climacus
The Ladder of Divine Ascent, 4.101, p. 112, 6th century

It is better for us to die in our struggle than to live in our fall.
St. Isaac of Syria
Homilies 73, in Ascetical Homilies, p. 359, 7th century

...but rid by the Word of God of that great pile of earth that was weighing us down let the image of the heavenly shine out in you now...the maker of this image is the Son of God. He is a craftsman of such surpassing skill that his image may indeed be obscured by neglect, but never destroyed by evil. The image of God remains in you always.
Unknown, 3rd century

Truly, O Lord, if we do not humble ourselves, you do not cease to humble us.
St. Isaac of Syria
Ascetical Homilies p. 162, 7th century

God chastises with love, not for the sake of revenge - far be it! - but seeking to make whole His image.
St. Isaac of Syria
Unknown, 7th century

Peter, when after so many miracles and such high doctrine he confessed that, "Thou art the Son of God" (Matt. xvi. 16), is called "blessed," as having received the revelation from the Father;
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 21 on John 1, 1. B#58, pp. 72, 73, 4th Century

... while Nathanael, though he said the very same thing before seeing or hearing either miracles or doctrine, had no such word addressed to him, but as though he had not said so much as he ought to have said, is brought to things greater still.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 21 on John 1, 1. B#58, pp. 72, 73, 4th Century

What can be the reason of this? It is, that Peter and Nathanael both spoke the same words, but not both with the same intention. Peter confessed Him to be "The Son of God' but as being Very God; Nathanael, as being mere man.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 21 on John 1, 1. B#58, pp. 72, 73, 4th Century

And whence does this appear? From what he said after these words; for after, "Thou art the Son of God," he adds, "Thou art the King of Israel." But the Son of God is not "King of Israel" only, but of all the world.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 21 on John 1, 1. B#58, pp. 72, 73, 4th Century