Service Schedule
Friday, September 20th—9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (St. Efstathios)
Sunday, September 22nd — 8:00 a.m. Orthros, 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (1st Sunday of Luke)
Sunday, September 29th —8:00 a.m. Orthros, 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy (2nd Sunday of Luke)
This Week at Dormition of the Theotokos
TODAY - First Day of Sunday School & Education Blessing
TODAY—Sunday School following Holy Communion
TODAY - 2 Year Memorial for Henrietta Apostolos; 21 Year Memorial Chris Apostolos
TODAY - Philoptochos Meeting
TODAY - GOYA Kick-Off Meeting
Upcoming Activities, Events, Announcements
NEXT SUNDAY - 2 Year Memorial for Angeline E. Andrews; 1 Year Memorial for Harry N. Andrews
NEXT SUNDAY - Half-Pan Sale Prep (Pastitso)
Consecration Weekend
Friday October 4th - 6:00 p.m. Great Vespers
Saturday, October 5th—8:00 a.m. Consecration Orthros; 9:00 a.m. Consecration Divine Liturgy
Luncheon Tickets RSVP’s accepted through September 25th
Visit for more details
Centennial Celebration
Saturday November 2
Tickets are now available on our website!
Fr. Michael will be blessing Homes and Businesses
Sunday, September 1st – Tuesday, September 30th, 2024
Please contact him directly to schedule.
A Note From Philoptochos
One of the great traditions is the sharing of fellowship during coffee hour at the Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church at coffee hour. Throughout the years coffee hour was hosted by the parishioners. Each week a family or families would provide baked goods. Currently, St. Barbaras Philoptochos provides coffee, dessert plates, napkins, forks, spoons, and knives.
We are asking each family & /or families to choose a date to host coffee hour. On that date, you will provide:
- Baked goods for 75-100 Examples: coffee cakes, cookies, cake, fruit, pastries, etc.
- 1 gallon of milk
- Cookies & drinks for 25 Sunday school students
In the hall, there will be a binder with monthly calendars for you to choose a date. If a memorial falls on that date & the family is hosting coffee, you will be asked to choose another date. In the future, the calendar will also be available on the Philoptochos website.
Questions about coffee hour or memorials?
Please contact Coffee Coordinator, Maria McCrady at 412-828-7549
We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.