St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church
Publish Date: 2025-02-23
Bulletin Contents

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St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (316) 264-1576
  • Street Address:

  • 344 S Martinson St.

  • Wichita, KS 67213-4044

Contact Information

Past Bulletins

Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Second Tone

When thou didst submit thyself unto death, O Thou deathless and immortal one, then Thou didst destroy Hell with Thy Godly pow'r, and when Thou didst raise the dead from beneath the earth, all the pow'rs of heaven did cry aloud unto Thee O Christ thou giver of life glory to Thee.

Seasonal Kontakion in the First Tone

When thou, O God, shalt come to earth with glory, all things shall tremble, and the river of fire shall flow before thy judgment seat; the books shall be opened, and the hidden things made public; then deliver me from the unquenchable fire, and make me worthy to stand at thy right hand, O righteous Judge.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Fourth Tone. Psalm 146.5;134.3.
Great is our Lord, and great is his power.
Verse: Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good.

The reading is from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2.

Brethren, food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Only take care lest this liberty of yours somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. For if any one sees you, a man of knowledge, at table in an idol's temple, might he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols? And so by your knowledge this weak man is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food is a cause of my brother's falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to fall.

Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are not you my workmanship in the Lord? If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

Gospel Reading

Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)
The Reading is from Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord said, "When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."


Holy Bread Offering:



Holy Bread (Prosphora) and Coffee Hour are offered by: Tony & Micheline Abdayem

Orthodox servants of God, that they may have mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation: Tony, Micheline, John, Tracie, Mona, Mike, Claire, Faddoul, Houda, Tony, Noha, Inaam, Magde, Safia, Samantha, Brian, Iskander, Louisa, And their familes


The Orthodox servants of God departed this life in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal:  Yvonne, Elias, Debra, Abdallah, Joseph, Georgette, Iskandar, Khazma, Hanna, Bahia, Juliette, Andrew, Rose, George, Michael, Montaha, Siman, George

Trisagion Prayers of Mercy: will be offered today for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, Elias, Abdallah and Juliette.  May their memory be eternal! 

 Your prayers are requested: 

Nadia Abdelmaseh, Joan Aboud, George Augst, Kh. Cindy Baize, Dawneen Banks, Karl Beal, Dn. Stephen Beasley, Jim Buckler, Teresa C., Deana Carothers, Roy Clark, George Cochran, Elisabeth Esquivel, Maria Greene, Weine Habtemariam, Jacqueline Howk, Edwin Kerley & family, Mary Ann Khoury, Michael and Robin Khoury and family, Marlo and Sue Kinsey, Sean and Valerie Lehl & family, Matthew and Erica Lockwood, Linda Love, Donna Namee, Robbie Namee, Barbara Nassif, Annalise Shearer, Bonita Somerhalder, Jacob Taylor, Corina, Cristian, and Iulian Todorache, Autumn and Kim Volhein, Glen Willett, Jadallah Wolf, Kouri Wolf, Marcia Pinkerton-Wolfe, Elena Zamfir, Aidan, Anthony, Briana, Carlynne, Emily, Luciana, Samantha, Valerica, Xenia


May God remember all of them and us in His Kingdom.




We recently released a St Mary Guidebook for our parishioners. The Guidebook helps to provide insight into our practices, traditions, and expectations at St Mary. A hard copy of the Guidebook is available in the church foyer. If you prefer an electronic copy, let Fr Aaron know and he will email it to you. Each week we will provide a brief snippet from the Guidebook to help familiarize everyone with it. See below for this week's section. 




You can always tell where young children have been sitting in the church. The tell-tale signs are graham cracker crumbs, Cheerios, and animal crackers. Parents often bring snacks and a cup of fruit juice along for children during church. And for young children, this is fine. For those children who get snacks, please don't feed them while in the line for Holy Communion (this applies to holy bread as well). They need to come to Communion without food in their mouths. And one last note: try to keep the snack mess down to a minimum. The floor shouldn't be covered with crumbs after service. Chewing gum during Liturgy is a No-No for everyone!




And, while that might seem like a long way off, the work to put on this event started months ago. Please see the Sign Up Genius and bulletin insert for cooking dates. In the coming weeks, we’ll be asking you to roll up your sleeves and get ready to work as we prepare to open our doors and share our faith, food and family with 1000 of our fellow Wichitans. We need all of our parish to participate in order to put on this event. Many more details to come, but for now, mark you calendar for SATURDAY, MAY 3 for Medfest 2025!

Belles February Calendar

March 26th – Joint Pre-Sanctified details to follow.                              


March 30th – Belles offering Holy Bread and Coffee Hour for Women’s month.

 Help is needed for setup and cleanup.  Please see  Shanna and or Vicki.



What is the purpose of the St. Mary Mediterranean Festival?

  • It helps us meet the financial needs of our vibrant parish ministries while also allowing us to serve our local community by donating a portion of our proceeds.
  • It allows us to share our faith and our founding heritage with the community.
  • It provides many opportunities for fellowship for the entire parish as we work together toward a common goal. 

The Mediterranean Festival is the primary fundraiser for our parish, and helps us meet the financial needs of our vibrant ministries while also allowing us to serve others by donating a portion of our proceeds to local charities. The Festival is also a public outreach event which helps us  share our faith and our founding heritage with the community. This event offers many opportunities for fellowship for the entire parish as we work together toward a common goal. 

What is the vision for the Mediterranean Festival?

To create a premiere community event in order to increase our financial ability to serve our parish and those around us.

St. George Bingo



Members of St. George Cathedral have invited us to attend Bingo on Tuesday February 25th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, in St. George Fellowship Hall.  A catered meal and prizes will be provided at no cost.


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Celebrations this week


Julia Shippy (2/28).  Bruce and Joan Ferris (2/24).

May God grant them many years!



  • St. Mary Parish Calendar

    February 23 to March 9, 2025

    Sunday, February 23

    Scroll in Foyer

    Sunday of Judgment (Meatfare Sunday)

    9:00AM Matins

    10:00AM Divine Liturgy

    11:00AM Church School

    11:30AM Belles Meatfare Taco Bar

    12:00PM Baptism of Andrew Martindale

    5:00PM Orthodoxy on Tap @ Old School Tap House (210 E Kechi Rd, Kechi)

    Monday, February 24

    No Meat, But Cheese/Fish Allowed All Week

    8:00AM Divine Liturgy ~ St John the Baptist

    Wednesday, February 26

    6:00PM Daily Vespers

    6:30PM "New Men" Film Showing

    Saturday, March 1

    9:00AM MF Prep: Make Meat Pies

    4:30PM Confession

    5:00PM Great Vespers

    6:00PM Biblical Greek Class

    Sunday, March 2

    Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare Sunday)

    9:00AM Matins

    10:00AM Divine Liturgy

    11:00AM Church School

    11:30AM Potluck Coffee Hour

    5:00PM Vespers w/Rite of Mutual Forgiveness

    6:00PM Ice Cream Social @ Braum's

    Monday, March 3

    Great Lent Begins

    6:00PM Great Compline w/Canon of Repentance

    Tuesday, March 4

    6:00PM Great Compline w/Canon of Repentance

    Wednesday, March 5

    6:00PM Pre-Sanctified Liturgy w/Potluck Following

    Thursday, March 6

    6:00PM Great Compline w/Canon of Repentance

    Friday, March 7

    6:00PM Little Compline w/Akathist Hymn

    Saturday, March 8

    4:00PM Men's Prayer Group

    4:30PM Confession

    5:00PM Great Vespers

    Sunday, March 9

    Daylight Saving Time Begins

    9:00AM Matins

    10:00AM Divine Liturgy

    11:00AM Church School

    12:00PM MF Prep: Cook/Prepare Meat for Kibbee

    12:00PM Teen SOYO Bowling


Saints and Feasts

February 23

Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)

The foregoing two parables -- especially that of the Prodigal Son -- have presented to us God's extreme goodness and love for man. But lest certain persons, putting their confidence in this alone, live carelessly, squandering upon sin the time given them to work out their salvation, and death suddenly snatch them away, the most divine Fathers have appointed this day's feast commemorating Christ's impartial Second Coming, through which we bring to mind that God is not only the Friend of man, but also the most righteous Judge, Who recompenses to each according to his deeds.

It is the aim of the holy Fathers, through bringing to mind that fearful day, to rouse us from the slumber of carelessness unto the work of virtue, and to move us to love and compassion for our brethren. Besides this, even as on the coming Sunday of Cheese-fare we commemorate Adam's exile from the Paradise of delight -- which exile is the beginning of life as we know it now -- it is clear that today's is reckoned the last of all feasts, because on the last day of judgment, truly, everything of this world will come to an end.

All foods, except meat and meat products, are allowed during the week that follows this Sunday.

February 23

Polycarp the Holy Martyr & Bishop of Smyrna

This apostolic and prophetic man, and model of faith and truth, was a disciple of John the Evangelist, successor of Bucolus (Feb. 6), and teacher of Irenaeus (Aug. 23). He was an old man and full of days when the fifth persecution was raised against the Christians under Marcus Aurelius. When his pursuers, sent by the ruler, found Polycarp, he commanded that they be given something to eat and drink, then asked them to give him an hour to pray; he stood and prayed, full of grace, for two hours, so that his captors repented that they had come against so venerable a man. He was brought by the Proconsul of Smyrna into the stadium and was commanded, "Swear by the fortune of Caesar; repent, and say, 'Away with the atheists.'" By atheists, the Proconsul meant the Christians. But Polycarp, gazing at the heathen in the stadium, waved his hand towards them and said, "Away with the atheists." When the Proconsul urged him to blaspheme against Christ, he said: "I have been serving Christ for eighty-six years, and He has wronged me in nothing; how can I blaspheme my King Who has saved me?" But the tyrant became enraged at these words and commanded that he be cast into the fire, and thus he gloriously expired about the year 163. As Eusebius says, "Polycarp everywhere taught what he had also learned from the Apostles, which also the Church has handed down; and this alone is true" (Eccl. Hist., Book IV, ch. 14,15).

February 24

First & Second Finding of the Venerable Head of John the Baptist

The first finding came to pass during the middle years of the fourth century, through a revelation of the holy Forerunner to two monks, who came to Jerusalem to worship our Saviour's Tomb. One of them took the venerable head in a clay jar to Emesa in Syria. After his death it went from the hands of one person to another, until it came into the possession of a certain priest-monk named Eustathius, an Arian. Because he ascribed to his own false belief the miracles wrought through the relic of the holy Baptist, he was driven from the cave in which he dwelt, and by dispensation forsook the holy head, which was again made known through a revelation of Saint John, and was found in a water jar, about the year 430, in the days of the Emperor Theodosius the Younger, when Uranius was Bishop of Emesa.

February 26

Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza

Saint Porphyrius had Thessalonica as his homeland. He became a monk in Scete of Egypt, where he lived for five years. He went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, after which he spent five years in much affliction in a cave near the Jordan. Stricken with a disease of the liver, he departed to Jerusalem, where he was ordained presbyter and appointed Keeper of the Cross at the age of 45. Three years later he was made Bishop of Gaza. He suffered much from the rulers and pagans of Gaza; but with the friendship of Saint John Chrysostom, and the patronage of the Empress Eudoxia, he razed the temple of the idol Marnas in Gaza and built a great church to the glory of God. He reposed in 450.

February 26

Photini the Samaritan Woman & her martyred sisters: Anatole, Phota, Photis, Praskevi, & Kyriaki

Saint Photini lived in 1st century Palestine and was the woman that Christ met at Jacob's Well in Samaria as recorded in the Gospel according to John (4:4-26). After her encounter with Christ, she and her whole family were baptized by the Apostles and became evangelists of the early Church. Photini and her children eventually were summoned before the emperor Nero and instructed to renounce their faith in Christ. They refused to do so, accepting rather to suffer various tortures. After many efforts to force her to surrender to idolatry, the emperor ordered that she be thrown down a well. Photini gave up her life in the year 66.

St. Photini is commemorated on three occasions during the year: February 26 (Greek tradition), March 20 (Slavic tradition), and the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman on the 5th Sunday of Pascha.


Wisdom of the Fathers

"Christian love is the 'possible impossibility' to see Christ in another man, whoever he is..."
Alexander Schmemann
Great Lent, 20th Century

For when one has pity on the poor, he lends to God; and he who gives to the least gives to God--sacrifices spiritually to God an odour of a sweet smell.
St. Cyprian of Carthage
The Lord's Prayer, 33. B#41, p.102, 3rd century


Weekly Bulletin Inserts



    TACO BAR The Belles of St. Mary invite you to MEAT FARE PARISH DINNER Sunday, February 23rd after Liturgy. MENU: TACO BAR! With all the toppings and dessert. Cost: Free will offering. Your donation is greatly appreciated and helps with our various projects. Please join us for family and fellowship!






    2025 Medfest Workday Information



    CALLING ALL TEENS!!! Your teen SOYO “Advisory Team” has put together a fun event for Sunday, March 9 immediately following Liturgy! Here are the details: What: A gathering to introduce the “Advisory Team,” get a calendar together for future events, hear your thoughts on what you’d like your Teen SOYO to do in future gathering, including volunteer opportunities, fundraisings, fun activities, etc, eat lunch together and head to Let’s Roll Bowling for a couple of fun games of bowling! When: Sunday, March 9, immediately following Divine Liturgy Where: Meet in the Teen Center (Downstairs) For Parents: Please provide a Lenten sack lunch for your teen(s) that they can eat during our meeting. We will provide rides to Let’s Bowl on South Seneca. Please plan to pick your teen up there (1909 S Seneca) at 2:30 p.m. All expenses for bowling and shoes will be covered. Please provide any extra money for your teen’s snacks if needed. Questions: Contact Ryan Royle, Laura Stanley, Jesse Nightingale, Sophie Jacobs or Tracy Namee ***IMPORTANT: We will have prepaid for the teens to bowl. If your teen cannot attend after saying they would be there, please let us know ASAP!!