On Sat, March 8th, we will celebrate the Miracle of Koliva (sometimes called "the Third Saturday of Souls") with Orthros, Divine Liturgy, and a memorial service. If you would like your departed to be included in the memorial service, please bring koliva and a list with the names of your departed loved ones with you to church on 3/8 (please do not email or text lists of names). If you would like the church to prepare koliva for you, please contact the church office to make arrangements. May the memory of our loved ones be eternal!
Next Sun, March 9th, we will celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy with a special procession with icons at the end of Liturgy. Children are reminded to bring an icon from home to carry in the procession.
The next Philoptochos General Meeting is Wed, March 5th at 7:00pm.
The Lenten Food Drive sponsored by Philoptochos begins on Mon, March 3rd. See flier for details.
The Festival Committee meets again on Sun, March 9th, at 12:30pm.
Save the Date
- Mar. 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy Procession of Icons
- Mar. 16 - Hellenic Museum of Maryland Presentation at Coffee Hour
- Mar. 30 - Greek Independence Day Parade
Our Saint Eugenia Philoptochos chapter and the local Nelefs AHEPA chapter would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all parishioners and friends who attended last week's Apokreatiko Glendi in the Dr. Peter Tsaknis Social Hall. It was a wonderful evening filled with music, dancing, food, and fun—all in support of our ministries and local community. Your support and generosity are truly appreciated! A special thank you goes to Mr. George Gerogiannis for his invaluable help in securing food donations, which significantly offset overhead costs, and to Mr. Tommy Havelos of The Greeks' Grill and Catering in Lovettsville, VA, for his generous food donations.
Coffee hour is a way for us to encourage fellowship and welcome visitors to our parish. If you would like to participate in this ministry by sponsoring a coffee hour, please contact the church office.
Host needed on these Sundays:
Decorating Icons during Lent and Holy Week is one way we can beautify our church during the Lenten season of prayer and spiritual renewal. If you would like to decorate an icon and/or contribute to the cost of flowers for these icons, please contact the church office.
Dates Available:
- Mar. 7 - Akathist
- Mar. 14 - Akathist
- Mar. 21 - Akathist
- Mar. 25 - Annunciation of the Theotokos
- Mar. 28 - Akathist
- Apr. 4 - Akathist
- Apr. 13 - Bridegroom
- Apr. 16 - Mystical Supper
- Apr. 20 - Holy Resurrection
What are the Additional Services During Great Lent?
Great Compline (typically offered Mondays at 6:00pm during Lent). In the Orthodox Church there is a daily cycle of services, with different services corresponding to certain times of the day. Compline is the service done after supper, in which we ask for forgiveness for our wrongdoings during the day and for protection throughout the night. Great Compline is an old form of Compline that is now only done during Great Lent.
Presanctified (typically offered Wednesdays at 6:00pm and Fridays at 9:00am). This service is Vespers with the distribution of Holy Communion that has been saved from the previous Sunday. In the daily cycle of services, Vespers is the service for sunset and the start of the new liturgical day, with the theme of renewed creation and light shining in the darkness. Due to the subdued nature of Lent, weekday Liturgies and other celebrations will not take place, but the Church offers Presanctified Holy Communion at this Vespers service so that the faithful can be strengthened during the Fast. Orthdodox Christians planning to receive Holy Communion at this service should fast from at least noon.
Akathist (offered the first five Fridays at 7:00pm) is a Compline service with the addition of a canon and salutations to the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The 5th Saturday of Lent is connected to the Annunciation, and so on the 5th Friday evening of Great Lent, we offer the Akathist srvice in its entirety. The previous 4 Fridays are done in anticipation, with only a portion of the salutations being done. The salutations or "Kontakion" is attributed to St. Romanos the Melodist and is a poetic and theological masterpiece, comprised of 24 stanzas which are arranged in an acrostic following the Greek alphabet. "Akathist" means "not standing", and so most Orthodox Christians will stand during the entirety of this service.
In the event of inclement weather, please call the church office and listen to the voice message for updates on service times and/or cancellations. An email blast and push notification through our church mobile app will also be sent out.
Please note that Holy Communion and other sacraments are reserved for baptized/chrismated Orthodox Christians in good-standing. Please contact Fr. John if you have any questions.
Please blot or remove any lip products before venerating icons and before approaching for Holy Communion to protect our liturgical items.
Visitations: If you or a loved one need hospital or long-term care, please call the church office to schedule a visit from Fr. John.
Memorial Services can be offered for our departed loved ones. Please call the church office to schedule. You can also honor the memory of your loved ones by hosting a coffee hour in their memory.
Ongoing Ministries
Hope/Joy & GOYA meet the last Tuesday of each month for worship, food, and fellowship, leading to deeper spiritual friendships with one another and with Jesus Christ. Open to all children in grades elementary thru high school. Contact Christina Summers at [email protected].
Young Adults (ages 18-35) meet once a month on a Saturday after Vespers for potluck, fellowship, and discussion. Contact Fr. John for info.
Greek Folk Dance is open to all ages and levels of experience. Please contact Georgette Calomeris at [email protected] for more information or to register.
Orthodoxy 101 meets virtually every other Thurs evening to discuss the Divine Liturgy and how it relates to our Faith. Contact Fr. John for info.
St. Eugenia Philoptochos ministers to the poor and needy in our community. To become a steward, complete the form which is located on the Philoptochos table. If you have any questions, contact Georgette Calomeris at [email protected] or 301-471-7303.
Ways to Give
When Jesus fed five thousand people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, He showed us how God’s love can multiply the effects of our generosity.
2025 Stewardship: Our parish ministries depend on your Stewardship Pledge. Frederick and the surrounding areas need to hear the Gospel message and experience God's love! Pick up a 2025 Stewardship Card in the Narthex or visit our website, www.stspeterpaul.net, and click GIVE. Stewardship Cards are also available in the Narthex. Thank you for your generous support!
Accessibility Project: If you've already made a stewardship pledge and are looking for additional ways to give, please consider donating to our accessibility project, which will provide a street-level ramp for access to the church and an ADA lift for access to the Narthex and Social Hall. Help us make Orthodoxy accessible to all!
Altar Keepers: Donations received are used to help us with the purchase of liturgical items. Please donate through our parish App, our website, or by check.
Aero Energy House of Worship Program: If you are an Aero Energy customer, you can have a percentage of your bill donated to our church, without costing you anything extra. Visit Aero Engergy's website for details: