St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-02-23
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (440) 237-8998
  • Street Address:

  • 4548 Wallings Road

  • North Royalton, OH 44133-3121

Contact Information

Services Schedule


   8:30 AM   Orthros
   9:30 AM   Liturgy



   8:15 AM   Orthros
   9:30 AM   Liturgy

Sunday School begins immediately following Holy Communion September through May

Past Bulletins

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Fourth Mode. Psalm 146.5;134.3.
Great is our Lord, and great is his power.
Verse: Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good.

The reading is from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2.

Brethren, food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Only take care lest this liberty of yours somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. For if any one sees you, a man of knowledge, at table in an idol's temple, might he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols? And so by your knowledge this weak man is destroyed, the brother for whom Christ died. Thus, sinning against your brethren and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food is a cause of my brother's falling, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to fall.

Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are not you my workmanship in the Lord? If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

Gospel Reading

Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)
The Reading is from Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord said, "When the Son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."


Saints and Feasts

February 23

Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)

The foregoing two parables -- especially that of the Prodigal Son -- have presented to us God's extreme goodness and love for man. But lest certain persons, putting their confidence in this alone, live carelessly, squandering upon sin the time given them to work out their salvation, and death suddenly snatch them away, the most divine Fathers have appointed this day's feast commemorating Christ's impartial Second Coming, through which we bring to mind that God is not only the Friend of man, but also the most righteous Judge, Who recompenses to each according to his deeds.

It is the aim of the holy Fathers, through bringing to mind that fearful day, to rouse us from the slumber of carelessness unto the work of virtue, and to move us to love and compassion for our brethren. Besides this, even as on the coming Sunday of Cheese-fare we commemorate Adam's exile from the Paradise of delight -- which exile is the beginning of life as we know it now -- it is clear that today's is reckoned the last of all feasts, because on the last day of judgment, truly, everything of this world will come to an end.

All foods, except meat and meat products, are allowed during the week that follows this Sunday.

February 23

Polycarp the Holy Martyr & Bishop of Smyrna

This apostolic and prophetic man, and model of faith and truth, was a disciple of John the Evangelist, successor of Bucolus (Feb. 6), and teacher of Irenaeus (Aug. 23). He was an old man and full of days when the fifth persecution was raised against the Christians under Marcus Aurelius. When his pursuers, sent by the ruler, found Polycarp, he commanded that they be given something to eat and drink, then asked them to give him an hour to pray; he stood and prayed, full of grace, for two hours, so that his captors repented that they had come against so venerable a man. He was brought by the Proconsul of Smyrna into the stadium and was commanded, "Swear by the fortune of Caesar; repent, and say, 'Away with the atheists.'" By atheists, the Proconsul meant the Christians. But Polycarp, gazing at the heathen in the stadium, waved his hand towards them and said, "Away with the atheists." When the Proconsul urged him to blaspheme against Christ, he said: "I have been serving Christ for eighty-six years, and He has wronged me in nothing; how can I blaspheme my King Who has saved me?" But the tyrant became enraged at these words and commanded that he be cast into the fire, and thus he gloriously expired about the year 163. As Eusebius says, "Polycarp everywhere taught what he had also learned from the Apostles, which also the Church has handed down; and this alone is true" (Eccl. Hist., Book IV, ch. 14,15).


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Second Mode

Ότε κατήλθες πρός τόν θάνατον, η ζωή η αθάνατος, τότε τόν Άδην ενέκρωσας, τή αστραπή τής Θεότητος· ότε δέ καί τούς τεθνεώτας, εκ τών καταχθονίων ανέστησας, πάσαι αι Δυνάμεις τών επουρανίων εκραύγαζον· Ζωοδότα Χριστέ ο Θεός ημών δόξα Σοι.
Όte katilthes pros ton thanaton, I zoe athanatos, tote ton Adin enekrosas, ti astrapi tis Theotitos. Ote de ke tous tethneotas ek ton katakthonion anestisas, pase e Dinamis ton epuranion ekravgazon. Zoodota Christe o Theos imon doxa Si.
When You descended unto death, O Life Immortal, You rendered to Hades a mortal blow by the lightning of Your divinity, and when from the depths of darkness You also raised the dead, all the heavenly powers cried out: O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory to You.

Seasonal Kontakion in the First Mode

When You come down to the earth, O God, in Your glory, all things will cower tremulous, and a river of fire will draw before Your Judgment seat; the books shall be opened up, and public knowledge will things hidden be. Rescue me, then, I pray, from unquenchable fire, and count me worth to stand at Your right hand, O You the most righteous Judge.


This week’s Announcements

Welcome to all our guests.  We are glad you are here worshiping with us today!


Mission Statement | St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church is a community that worships the Holy Trinity and lives out the gospel of Christ as Orthodox Christians.  We seek to do God’s will, while sharing the Faith and serving others as we pursue salvation in Christ. 

Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church is only offered to Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves through the disciplines of our faith. Speak to Fr. Costas for further detail

  1. Today ~ Parish Council & Ushers ~ Team 3 | Altar Boys ~ Team 1 | Greeters ~ Team 2 
  2. Today ~ Adult Catechism with Elaine Poulos following Holy Communion. 
  3. Today ~ MNYMOSINO: 6 months for Helen Vitakis 
  4. Today ~ 40-day Churching for the daughter of Marc and Erin Beechuk. 
  5. Today ~ Dance practice for all groups following Sunday School. 
  6. Today ~HOPE & JOY Valentine Party. Join us 5:00 PM for holiday fun! 
  7. Monday ~ 5:30 PM Greek School.  
  8. Wednesday ~ 4:00 PM Women’s Study Group with Elaine Poulos via Teams  
  9. Wednesday ~ 5:30 PM Greek School beginner class; 6:30 PM intermediate class. 
  10. Thursday ~ 7:00 PM Bible Study with Fr. Costasvia Teams  
  11. Thursday ~ 7:00 PM Choir rehearsal. 
  12. Friday ~ Last day to submitreservations for the Metropolis St Photios Award Banquet held May 3, 2025, in PittsburghAnyone wishing to attend should remit a check payable to Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh to the church officeCost is $95/adult and $25/child over 12. 
  13. Friday ~ 8:00 PM Greek Night for Camp Nazareth featuring The Meraklides at Mars Bar & Café in LakewoodMezze included, $25 at the door, cash bar. 100% of the proceeds to support Metropolis of Pittsburgh Summer Camp. 
  14. Saturday ~ Saturday of Soul | 8:30 AM Orthros; 9:30 AM Liturgy. Make koliva and bring with youto church the names of your beloved deceased family members. Submit names once. 
  15. Saturday ~ 11:00 AM HOPE | JOY Lenten Mini Retreat at Annunciation AkronRegister at 
  16. Prayer Chain ~ If you have a prayer request, send email to: [email protected]  
  17. Stewardship ~ Please prayerfully complete and return to the church your 2025 Stewardship Commitment Card. You can also do so online through our church website   


Upcoming Events Next Week and Beyond 

  1. Next Sunday~ Parish Council & Ushers ~ Team 4 | Altar Boys ~ Team 2 | Greeters ~ Team 3 
  2. Next Sunday ~ Orthros Mark 16:9-20 | Epistle Reading Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4 | Gospel Matthew 6:14-21 
  3. Next Sunday ~ MNYMOSINA: 40 days for Constantinos Zanoudakis | 30 years for Evangelia Zanoudakis [for Mary Zanoudakis] 
  4. Next Sunday ~ 12:00 PM Greek Corner meets in back classroom. 
  5. Next Sunday ~ GOYA meeting following Sunday School. 
  6. Next Sunday ~ 6:30 PM Forgiveness Vespers. 
  7. March 3 ~ Clean Monday | Great Lent begins. 7:00 PM Great Compline. 
  8. March 4 ~ 6:30 PM Home Committee meeting. 
  9. March 4 ~ 6:30 PM Philoptochos Board meeting. 
  10. March 5 ~ 5:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Dinner sponsored by PhiloptochosService will not be held next week due to Clergy Lenten Retreat.
  11. March 7 ~ 7:00 PM 1st Salutations Service. 
  12. March 8 ~Saturday of Soul | 8:30 AM Orthros; 9:30 AM Liturgy.Make koliva and bring with you the names of your beloved deceased family members to Church. 
  13. March 8 ~ 10:00 AM Eastern Orthodox Women’s GuildLiturgy and memorial service at Buna Vestire Romanian Orthodox Church in Olmsted Falls. 
  14. March 9 ~ 5:00 PM Pan-Orthodox Great Vespers for Sunday of Orthodoxyat St. Sava in Parma. 
  15. March 10 ~ 9:00 AM Philoptochos bake for their bake sale and invite you to join them. 
  16. March 13 ~ 11:30 AM Agape Ovens meal pick up for those with special circumstances. For more information, please contact Tessie Lekas or Mary Bozikis Olenik. 
  17. March 17 ~ 1:00 PM Festival baking begins!  Note the new start time for todayWe will be making koulourakia until 7:00 PM to allow Greek School parents and others to join us after work. 
  18. March 18 ~ 9:00 AM Festival baking will continue as we finish making 10,000 koulourakia! 
