St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2024-09-08
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (440) 237-8998
  • Street Address:

  • 4548 Wallings Road

  • North Royalton, OH 44133-3121

Contact Information

Services Schedule


   8:30 AM   Orthros
   9:30 AM   Liturgy



   8:15 AM   Orthros
   9:30 AM   Liturgy

Sunday School begins immediately following Holy Communion September through May

Past Bulletins

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal Second Mode. Psalm 27.9,1.
O Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance.
Verse: To you, O Lord, I have cried, O my God.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 6:11-18.

Brethren, see with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh. But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God. Henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.

Gospel Reading

Sunday before Holy Cross
The Reading is from John 3:13-17

The Lord said, "No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him."


Saints and Feasts

September 08

The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

According to the ancient tradition of the Church, the Theotokos was born of barren and aged parents, Joachim and Anna, about the year 16 or 17 before the birth of Christ. Joachim was descended from the royal line of David, of the tribe of Judah. Anna was of the priestly tribe of Levi, a daughter of the priest Matthan and Mary, his wife.


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Second Mode

Ότε κατήλθες πρός τόν θάνατον, η ζωή η αθάνατος, τότε τόν Άδην ενέκρωσας, τή αστραπή τής Θεότητος· ότε δέ καί τούς τεθνεώτας, εκ τών καταχθονίων ανέστησας, πάσαι αι Δυνάμεις τών επουρανίων εκραύγαζον· Ζωοδότα Χριστέ ο Θεός ημών δόξα Σοι.
Όte katilthes pros ton thanaton, I zoe athanatos, tote ton Adin enekrosas, ti astrapi tis Theotitos. Ote de ke tous tethneotas ek ton katakthonion anestisas, pase e Dinamis ton epuranion ekravgazon. Zoodota Christe o Theos imon doxa Si.
When You descended unto death, O Life Immortal, You rendered to Hades a mortal blow by the lightning of Your divinity, and when from the depths of darkness You also raised the dead, all the heavenly powers cried out: O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory to You.

Apolytikion for Nativity of the Theotokos in the Fourth Mode

Thy Nativity, O Theotokos, hath procliamed joy to the whole world; for from thee hath dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, annulling the curse and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Fourth Mode

In your holy birth, Immaculate One, Joachim and Anna were rid of the shame of childlessness; Adam and Eve of the corruption of death. And so your people, free of the guilt of their sins, celebrate crying: "The barren one gives birth to the Theotokos, who nourishes our life."


This week’s Announcements

Welcome to all our guests.  We are glad you are here worshiping with us today!


Mission Statement | St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church is a community that worships the Holy Trinity and lives out the gospel of Christ as Orthodox Christians.  We seek to do God’s will, while sharing the Faith and serving others as we pursue salvation in Christ. 

Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church is only offered to Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves through the disciplines of our faith. Speak to Fr. Costas for further details.

  1. Today ~ Parish Council & Ushers ~ Team 3 | Altar Boys ~ Team 2 | Greeters ~ Team 2
  2. Today ~ MNYMOSINA: 40 days for Stella Harriston | 1 year for George Harriston.
  3. Today ~ Welcome back to our Choir. We invite you to our next rehearsal, September 12 at 7:00 PM.
  4. Today ~ Sunday School | Parish Fair following Liturgy. See all that our ministries have to offer | Philoptochos collects school supplies for students of John Muir Elementary School in Parma to Stuff the Bus in church parking lot | GOYA Kickoff at the home of Anna Poulos at 4:00 PM ~ RSVP
  5. Monday ~ 3:00 PM GOYA Spirit day at Handel’s Ice Cream in Broadview Hts. Bring copy of flyer until 9:00 PM and GOYA will receive 20% of total sales.
  6. Monday ~ 4:00 PM Little Angels playdate with special guest, Kristina Tartara.
  7. Tuesday ~ 6:30 PM Philoptochos monthly meeting.
  8. Wednesday ~ 1:00 PM Senior OPA Fit | exercises for all levels. 
  9. Wednesday ~ 7:00 PM Parish Council monthly meeting.
  10. Thursday ~ 11:30 AM Philoptochos Agape Ovens meal pick up for those with special circumstances.  Please contact Tessie Lekas or Mary Bozikis Olenik for more information.
  11. Thursday ~ 7:00 PM Bible Study with Fr. Costas via Teams
  12. Saturday ~ Elevation of the Cross | 8:30 AM Orthros; 9:30 AM Liturgy. Blessing of Holy Water and the beginning of house blessings. Sign up at: If you have any basil plants at home and you’re able to donate some for the feast on Saturday and Sunday, we would be most appreciative.
  13. Saturday  ~ 11:00 AM Altar Boy Seminar for boys in grades 3 – 12.  RSVP to [email protected].
  14. Prayer Chain ~ If you have a prayer request, send email to: [email protected].  

Upcoming Events in Our Parish and Beyond

  1. Next Sunday ~ Parish Council & Ushers ~ Team 4 | Altar Boys ~ Team 1 | Greeters ~ Team 3
  2. Next Sunday ~ Orthros Matthew 28:16-20 | Epistle Reading Galatians 2:16-20 | Gospel Mark 8:34-38; 9:1
  3. Next Sunday ~ MNYMOSINO: 2 years for Christine Alex
  4. Next Sunday ~ Coffee social hosted by the family of Christine Alex.
  5. Next Sunday ~ Dance Practice following Sunday School for all groups.
  6. Next Sunday ~ 3:00 PM Pan-Orthodox Choir Concert at Holy Trinity Parma to benefit the St Theodosius Cathedral Fire Restoration Fund.
  7. September 16 -27 ~ Father will be conducting house blessings.  Visit or call the Church office to schedule.  Please remember, Father will contact you prior to his visit to confirm day and time.
  8. September 17 ~ 6:00 PM Festival Volunteer Appreciation Dinner join us in expressing our gratitude to all who volunteered at the St. Paul Greek Fest. RSVP required
  9. September 18 ~ 1st Orthodox Catechism Class for those interested in learning about the Orthodox Faith, those interested in converting or those who simply want to brush up on their faith. Register at or email [email protected] or call at 440.237.8998.
  10. September 19 ~ 7:00 PM complimentary Wine and Cheese evening hosted by the parish Endowment Committee open to all parishioners wishing to learn more about the St Paul Greek Orthodox Church Endowment Fund. RSVP appreciated to [email protected].
  11. September 25 ~ 6:00 PM Girls Group for girls in 9th – 12th grade navigating High School as Orthodox Christian young women.  RSVP to Angelique Phyrillas [email protected].
  12. September 26 ~ 1:00 PM Senior OPA Ice Cream Social and Flu shots. Please bring your Medicare and/or insurance card.
  13. September 29 ~ Dance Practice following Sunday School for all groups.
  14. September 29 ~ following Dance Practice, HOPE | JOY families are invited to go apple picking at  Heavenly Hill Farm in North Royalton.  RSVP [email protected].
  15. September 29 ~ 2:00 PM Dr. John and Helen Collis LectureThe Art of Antiquity: Objects and Their Biographies from the Athenian Agora” at the Case Western Reserve University Tinkham Veale Center in Cleveland. FREE; ticket required.
