WELCOME! If you are a visitor or a guest, please let us know by completing a welcome card. Also, please join us next door for the fellowship hour. We are happy to have you with us! The call for Holy Communion (Eucharist) is the highest point of the Divine Liturgy. Please comply with the ushers’ instructions. Patience until ushers directs you out of the pews. “All things are done in proper order.” – Saint Paul
Religious Education: Our Religious Education students & teachers will process with their icons in church today. Icons are windows into heaven and we too are made in the image and likeness of God according to the book of Genesis. Jesus Christ is the image of God the Father. We are called to live as holy human icons through our words and actions! Do not forget Religious Education students are expected to sit in the first 3 rows (reserved for them on pulpit side as you face the altar) for the children's message. Your cooperation yields formation! :)
For those in need: Special Tray for our Metropolis Philoptochos Society Social Services Program.
FOR EVERYONE: The HEALING Sacrament of Holy Confession: Fr. Bill hears private confessions during Great Lent. Holy Confession is a necessary and highly beneficial sacrament that improves our spiritual lives, soothes the soul, and intensifies our relationship with the Lord. Make your appointment by contacting Fr. Bill directly and in strict confidence at 201 652 4774 ext. 12 or [email protected]. To learn more about the holy sacrament of confession a booklet is available in the Narthex area pamphlet case.
FOR WOMEN: Philoptochos Ministry: All ladies are invited to become stewards of Philoptochos. Stewardship is $45 and can be mailed to Tammy Spyropoulos 90 Bellgrove Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 ([email protected]) Venmo payments are also accepted- (@STNPHILO). Your stewardship continues the ladies’ philanthropic work. Join us!
We meet tomorrow, March 10th at 7pm in the conference room. You are welcome to join us.
FOR YOUNG ADULTS & EVERYONE ELSE: Scripture Talk is a virtual/remote Bible study with a different Orthodox priest participating in the weekly discussion. Join us every Tuesday, 7-8pm EST, on Zoom. Currently discussing the Gospel of Matthew. Visit www.ScriptureUnveiled.com for the Zoom meeting information. All who seek are welcome, no commitment needed and participants are free to simply listen or to participate.
Lenten Services: 2nd Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, Wednesday, March 12th at 5:30pm; 2nd Salutation Service, Friday, March 14th at 7:00pm. Salutation to the Theotokos service books are available in the Narthex. Books contain the Friday evening Salutation Service (Akathist Hymn) and are $18 per copy.
For Everyone: The Saint Nicholas 2025 Lenten Lecture Series continues this Wednesday, March 12th at 7:30p.m. (See flyer insert) Please join us early for the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts at 5:30pm, a Lenten meal at 6:45pm and the presentation (lecture) at 7:30p.m. Contact Fr Bill for more info at [email protected] this event is sponsored by our GOYA and Religious Educators!
Sharing & Caring (S&C): Monday, April 7th at 3:00pm in our conference room. Sharing and Caring is for anyone who has suffered a loss of a loved one. All discussions are discreet.
for Moms: Moms Helping Moms next gathering is on Friday, March 21st at 10:30A.M. In our hall. Contact Fr. Bill [email protected] or Dr. Eva Krias [email protected]
GOYA-Sights & Sounds Showcase:It's a THREE-PEAT! On March 1st our Saint Nicholas GOYAns came in 1st place for a third year in a row and set a record for the most points scored (200) at the Sights & Sounds Festival in Westfield! Please join us for the Sights & Sounds Showcase and Lenten Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall today following Church services. Our Saint Nicholas GOYAns will display their many talents and perform for you. You will be able to view the wonderful sights they created, which will be on display and marvel at their many musical, dancing and acting talents. (see insert)
for everyone: GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE: Our Community will be marching in the Greek Independence Day Parade on Sunday, March 30th in NYC. Greek School, GOYA, Religious Education, Philoptochos, AHEPA, DOP and all of our church ministries are expected & encouraged to march and represent our wonderful St. Nicholas Community. There will be a free bus leaving from church immediately after Divine Liturgy, and the bus will bring us back to the church after we march. Everyone is welcome to attend in unity to celebrate and honor our Greek Orthodox faith, heritage, and culture. Please email Tammy Spyropoulos ([email protected]) to reserve your seat on the bus and for further information.
Ramapo AHEPA Chapter 453 Scholarship Applications: Our local AHEPA Chapter is inviting all eligible high school seniors and/or college students to apply for a scholarship. Applications are available online at: https://ahepa453.org (click on education/scholarship). The deadline is April 30th. Other scholarships are available with different deadlines.
Ramapo AHEPA Chapter 453 Cigar Extravaganza: Save the Date: May 21, 2025.
Ionian Village (IV) REGISTRATION and “IV Next” is Open!
The IV program is led by newly appointed Director, Fr. Steven Klund, and Assistant Director, Andrea Kalina.
for Spiritual growth : Your fulfilled 2025 stewardship offering pledge provides the majority of financial resources for our parish ministries and enables us to gather followers of Christ and to aid them on their path to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to be a steward, and join the 230 households that have already made their 2025 pledge. Pledge Cards are available in the Narthex. You can also make your 2025 pledge online by visiting our parish website https://www.stnicholasnj.org/
Why do we have Icons in Church?:Icons of saints and holy events in the church serve as sacred reminders of God’s love working through human beings and His activities in human history in Jesus Christ. Icons are holy images and we too are created in God’s image and likeness according to the Old Testament book of Genesis. Our patron saint whom we are named after, is the holy person we are to emulate in our own life. An icon reminds us of that saint and his works. We are also part of the Body of Christ and a parish family. Icons of holy events remind us of what is being commemorated in the life of the church through readings, proclamations, hymnology and prayer. Icons are venerated but not worshiped.