WELCOME! If you are a visitor or a guest, please let us know by completing a welcome card. Also, please join us next door for the fellowship hour. We are happy to have you with us! The call for Holy Communion (Eucharist) is the highest point of the Divine Liturgy. Please comply with the ushers’ instructions. Wait until ushers direct you out of the pews. “All things are done in proper order.” – St. Paul
Please Be Mindful of Church Etiquette: Our Orthodox worship services consist of reverent moments where your movement in the Nave will be suspended or minimized. At certain moments in the worship service, you may be asked by an Usher to wait to be seated. Patience is a valued virtue.
Religious Education: Today each 4th grade religious education student will receive a Holy Bible!
Tray Collection: (IOCC)International Orthodox Christian Charities is the pan Orthodox Christian agency that provides aid all over the world to those affected by natural disasters and other forms of devastation.
Worship Schedule
November 25, 2024: Saint Katherine The Great Martyr - Orthros at 9:00am and Divine Liturgy at 10:00am.
November 30, 2024: Saint Andrew the First-called Apostle - Orthros at 9:00am and Divine Liturgy at 10:00am.
To all who celebrate Chronia Polla (Many Years)!
Scripture Talk Bible Study Ministry:Scripture Talk is a virtual/remote Bible study with a different Orthodox priest participating in the weekly discussion. Held every Tuesday, 7-8pm EST, on Zoom.
Currently discussing the Gospel of Matthew. Visit www.ScriptureUnveiled.com for the Zoom meeting information. All who seek are welcome, no commitment needed, and participants are free to simply listen or to participate.
Office Closed: The parish office will be closed on Friday, November 29th due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday
Fasting Before Christmas? Yes...Fasting/abstinence are an essential part of our spiritual preparation and edification. Yet, there are many different (and sometimes conflicting messages) regarding fasting. Please bear in mind: From November 15th through December 24th, Orthodox Christians observe a 40 day period of abstinence from animal & dairy products and olive oil. The ascetic discipline prepares us for a major feast- the Lord’s birth-God incarnate- Christmas. By controlling ourselves in what we eat, what we say, what we give to others (charity, stewardship, etc.) we prepare ourselves to receive the Lord. Without the discipline of the fast, the joyful experience of the feast is minimized. Fasting is never a punishment. Note that consumption of fish is permitted except for Wednesdays and Fridays through December 11th. From December 12th through Christmas Eve, the fast is stricter every day- fruits, nuts, vegetables, shell fish are allowed but no animal or dairy products of course, until Christmas Day. Do the best you can and remember that fasting/abstaining from sin is the greatest fast.
Forefeast and Feast day of our Patron Saint, SAINT Nicholas The Wonderworker
Hierarchical Great Vespers: Thursday, December 5th 6pm H.E. METROPOLITAN APOSTOLOSof NJ will preside WITH AREA clergy participating. reception hosted by our ladies Philoptochos will follow.
Saint Nicholas day: Friday, December 6th: Orthros at 9:00am & 10:00am Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, December 4 @7pm Parish Council Candidates’ Mandatory Orientation Seminar. All candidates are required to participate.
Sunday, December 8th: General Elections for 5 Members of our Parish Council 2025-27
Philoptochos News: It's time for our annual Community Christmas Card! Join us today in making our annual Christmas card as successful this year as in years past. A minimum donation of $27 is requested. The deadline to reply is November 24th. Any questions, please contact Aggie Tsadilas at 201-310-6135 or by email at [email protected]
Daughters of Penelope (DOP) News: Wreath Sale: DOP is selling fresh balsam fir Christmas Wreaths until December 7th.These low-priced wreaths make great gifts, can be shipped anywhere in the US and will be delivered in time to decorate your home for the Christmas holiday. Please visit the website GiftitForward.com to place your order. Enter fundraising code: DOPAGANJ001
Food Sale: DOP is selling Kontos and Filosophy appetizers, entrees and desserts for your Christmas and New Year Holiday Celebrations. Order your items NOW through December 1st. pick up your purchases at Saint Nicholas December 7th and December 8th. See our flyer for more details. Online orders (credit card only) also available at https://www.stnicholasnj.org/dopfoodsale.
2025 Stewardship Campaign: Your fulfilled stewardship pledge provides the majority of funding for our parish ministries and enables us to gather followers of Christ and aid them on their path to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And to make a difference through good works.
Please make your 2025 pledge and join your fellow Saint Nicholas stewards by completing & submitting your pledge card. Come visit us in the Narthex for your card, or make 2025 your pledge online by visiting our church website https://www.stnicholasnj.org
“Fear not, for I am with you. Do not go astray, for I am your God who strengthens you;
and I will help and secure you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (OSB)