WELCOME! If you are a visitor or a guest, please let us know by completing a welcome card. Also, please join us next door for the fellowship hour. We are happy to have you with us! The call for Holy Communion (Eucharist) is the highest point of the Divine Liturgy. Please comply with the ushers’ instructions. Patience until ushers directs you out of the pews. “All things are done in proper order.” – Saint Paul
For the departed: Memorials & Trisagio: A 3 year memorial for Constantine Kominos, beloved husband of Zoe; adored father of Arthur, Nicholas and Alexandra; son of the late Stratoula – Athanasios Kominos. Dear nephew, cousin, uncle and a friend to many family members.
A 9 month memorial for Stratoula Kominos and a 24 year memorial for Athanasios (Arthur) Kominos beloved mother and father to the late Constantine Kominos and in-laws to Zoe. Grandma and Grandpa to Arthur, Nicholas, Alexandra also very dear to all family members.
A 14 year Trisagion for Athanasia Michael, beloved wife of Andreas, mother of Helen, John, Maria and Georgia. Eternal be their memory!
FOR FAMILIES: godparent/child Sunday, February 2nd Religious Ed. hosts the Annual Godparent Sunday Brunch, immediately following worship services. We encourage all godparents to attend this celebration with godchildren by preparing for and receiving Holy Communion together.
Orthros 9:00 A.M.
Divine Liturgy 10:00 A.M.
Epistle: Colossians 3:4-11 (pg. 1343)
Gospel: Luke 17:12-19 (pg. 1225)
for everyone: Today is Vasilopita Sunday Fr. Bill will distribute Vasilopites to our ministries/organizations in our fellowship hall immediately after Divine Liturgy. Thank you Philoptochos!
for children in need: collection for Saint Basil Academy. All proceeds from the Vasilopita support Saint Basil Academy and Youth and Young Adult programs throughout the Archdiocese and in all Metropolises.
for our staff! Parish office is closed tomorrow, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
for everyone: The Three Hierarchs - Basil the Great, John Chrysostom & Gregory the Theologian: Thursday, January 30th is the feast day of the Three Hierarchs. Orthros begins at 9:00am and Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 10:00am. Many years (Chronia Polla) to those who celebrate!
FOR MOMS: Mom’s Coffee Klatch is now Moms Helping Moms: next gathering is Friday, January 31st at 11:00A.M. In our fellowship hall. Contact Fr. Bill [email protected] or Dr. Eva Krias [email protected]
FOR YOUNG ADULTS & EVERYONE ELSE: Scripture Talk is a virtual/remote Bible study with a different Orthodox priest participating in the weekly discussion. Join us every Tuesday, 7-8pm EST, on Zoom. Currently discussing the Gospel of Matthew. Visit www.ScriptureUnveiled.com for the Zoom meeting information. All who seek are welcome, no commitment needed and participants are free to simply listen or to participate.
for those in need: Center for Food Action requests Supermarket Gift Cards, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Mac & Cheese, Canned Meat, Tuna & Beans, White & Brown Rice, Pasta & Spaghetti Sauce, Hearty Soups/Low Sodium Soups, Canned Fruit & Vegetables, Low Sugar Cereal, 100% Juice, Coffee, Diapers-sizes 2, 3, & 4, Infant Formula & Baby Food, Ensure or Similar Nutritional Drink, Dental Hygiene Products and Toilet paper. A collection basket is placed under the community bulletin board. Thank you for your support!
for women: Ladies Prayer Group (LPG) meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm VIA ZOOM, and on the 4th Friday of each month in person in our Theotokos Chapel at 1:00 PM. LADIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO JOIN US as we pray informally for our nation, community and specifically for all who need the Lord’s help and healing. Prayer moves God’s hand! Call the Parish Office or contact Irene Ayvas at 201-803-2307 ([email protected]), if you wish to attend and/or request prayer.
E-mail Urgent Prayer Chain: Contact the Church Office or Irene Ayvas 201-803-2307 ([email protected]) if you wish to join the 100 faithful on our prayer chain, who are committed to praying for those facing sudden crisis and urgent needs. Emails requesting urgent prayers are circulated sporadically, merely with a request for prayer. It is a simple and powerful way to show our love for others and do “God’s Work”!
FOR MEN: Saint Nicholas 3rd Annual Men's Fellowship Breakfast Saturday, February 1st, 2025. Come to hear guest speakers. No charge (free will offering). RSVP by January 29th, 2025 [email protected] or call the church office at 201-652-4774, to register.
FOR FAMILIES: Greek Letters Day Celebration: Saturday, January 25th, 2025 at 6:00pm at the Saint Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church in Paramus, NJ. Kindly RSVP to the parish office at 201-368-8881 by January 17. All are welcome to attend!
FOR CHILDREN: OUR SAINT NICHOLAS VACATION Church School (VCS) will BE JUNE 23-27, 2025 CONTACT fr. bill to find out more…
FOR FAMILIES: HOUSE/BUSINESS BLESSINGS: it is traditional to have our homes, businesses and families blessed after theophany & for the new year. We do this to invite the lord into our homes & our lives for our children to interact with our pastor and to pray together. To request your home/BUSINESS BLESSING for 2025, fill out the blue form in the narthex or contact fr. Bill at [email protected]
For your SPIRITUALITY: “Please remember we are dealing with the crucifixion of the will, not the obliteration of the will. Crucifixion always has resurrection tied to it. God is not destroying the will but transforming it so that over a process of time and experience we can freely will what God wills. In the crucifixion of the will we are enabled to let go of our tightfisted hold on life and follow our best prayers.” R.J. Foster
FOR YOUR SPIRITUALITY: 2025 Stewardship Campaign:
Your fulfilled stewardship pledge provides the majority of funding for our parish ministries and enables us to gather followers of Christ and aid them on their path to grow in the grace & knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and to make a difference through good works.
You are invited to join your fellow stewards by completing & submitting your 2025 pledge card. Pledge Cards are in the Narthex or make 2025 your pledge online by visiting our church website https://www.stnicholasnj.org