Saturday, February 8 - St. Theodore the General
6:00 pm - Great Vespers
Sunday, February 9 - Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee
9:00 am Orthros - 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, February 16 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son
10:00 am Reader's Service
Friday, February 21 - Eve of Saturday of Souls
6:00 pm - Great Vespers
Saturday, February 22 - Saturday of Souls
9:00 am Orthros - 10:00 am Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service
Cemetery Visits
5:00 pm Inquirer's Class
6:00 pm Great Vespers and Holy Confessions
Sunday, February 23 - Judgment Sunday (Meatfare)
9:00 am Orthros - 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
40 Day Memorial for John Kouvelis
General Assembly Meeting
Sunday, March 2 - Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare)
10:00 am Reader's Service
6:00 pm Forgiveness Vespers (Readers)
Wednesday, March 5 - First Wednesday of Lent
6:30 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Saturday, March 8 - First Saturday of Lent
6:00 pm Great Vespers
Sunday, March 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy
9:00 am Orthros - 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, March 16 - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
10:00 am Reader's Service
Friday, March 21 - Third Friday of Lent
7:00 am Presanctified Divine Liturgy
6:00 pm Salutations to the Theotokos
Saturday, March 22 - Third Saturday in Lent
5:00 pm Inquirer's Class
6:00 pm Great Vespers
Sunday, March 23 - Sunday of the Holy Cross
9:00 am Orthros - 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, March 30 - Sunday of St. John Climacus
10:00 am Reader's Service
Our Holy Orthodox Church guides us nurturing the spiritual disciplines and in preparing for the upcoming season of repentance and renewal.
As we enter the Triodion Period, we are guided by the fasting calendar of the Church to begin our preparation for the Fast.
For the week of February 9 - 15, there is no fasting. For the week of February 16 - 22, we return to the regular fast of abstaining from meat, dairy, eggs, oil and wine on Wednesday, February 19 and Friday, February 21.
Sunday, February 23 is Judgment Sunday or Meatfare, which is the last day that we consume meat until Great and Holy Pascha.
From February 24 to March 2, we observe Cheesefare week, in which we can continue to consume dairy and eggs until Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday, March 2.
I will send out more guidance for Great Lent. May we set out upon the course of the fast to draw nearer to God for our salvation!
If you are inquiring about the Orthodox Christian faith, please reach out to Fr. Nektarios for resources.Our faith is focused on our worship and participation in the Church, the Body of Christ, and in cultivating our communion with God.
We can provide you with a prayer book to guide you in daily prayers, as well as a book and online resources that explain the Orthodox Christian faith and life.
Fr. Nektarios is also available to meet with you by phone, Zoom or in person to offer guidance as you follow God's guidance and seek your spiritual home in the Orthodox Church.
The sessions will also be archived at the same YouTube link in case you miss a session or would like to go back and listen to a specific week or topic.
Meeting ID: 873 8452 7698
Passcode: Grace2024
Join Zoom Meeting
If you know someone who needs meals due to illness, birth, etc., please see Kathy Baughman or Noelle Bartl. Thank you to everyone who volunteers for this ministry. You are being the hands of Christ!
Joanna Garcia continues to go through a very difficult time with her ongoing illness. If you want to give a financial donation to help with medical expenses, etc., please make your check out to our church (Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, or AVMGOC for short), and make note that it's for the Garcias.
If you have any questions, please call or text Kathy at 325-277-0274.
We have open slots on the sign up sheet for Coffee Hour, which can be found on the refrigerator in the church kitchen. Can you help host? It's okay to bring something simple, or even just one dish. Encourage others to sign up with you as co-hosts. "Many hands make the burden light." Thank you for your help!
Birthdays: none
Anniversaries: George & Yolanda Kalaitzes, Gary & Charis Worden
Namedays: 2/13 - Jason Rosenstrom (St. Martinian)
Memorials: none
Check out the rest of the bulletin! See below for news from the world of Orthodoxy, online concerts and lecture series, and more.
Please join us for refreshments in the Social Hall.
** As always, see the parish website for any changes and updates. **