Prayer Request – February 16, 2024
(Use the baptismal name when commemorating. If not available, please use the first name. Kindly let us know if anybody else should be on this list)
Members of our parish who are in hospital or rehab:
Name: Baptismal name:
Members of our parish who are in assisted living or nursing home:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Leo Alexander Panteleimon
- Joyce Hofland
- Rada & Valentin Teodoreanu Rada & Valentin
- Velva Johnson Heleni
Members of our parish who are ill / in recovery:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Wes Albaugh
- Chrysanthi Andromalos Chrysanthi
- Adrian Antonescu Adrian
- Elias Bahou Elias
- Michael Bogdos Michael
- Kassandra Bogordos Kassandra
- Robin Boomstra
- Jason Caros Jason
- Margaret Chokas Maria
- Charlie Clark
- Tim Cline Timothy
- Edward Tex Collins Taxiarchon
- Mariana Cuceu Maria
- Helen Dieb Helen
- David Dube
- Orest & Refije Duka Anesti & Katherine
- Tamara Eftimie Tamara
- Timothy Elder Timothy
- Michael & Kathy Fox Michael & Katherine
- Awni & Maryan Haddad Rafael & Maryan
- Jennifer Hock Zenobia
- Steve Howton
- Heather Olivia Gregoire Mary
- Harry & Virginia Karegeannes Haralambos & Catherine
- Filiratos & Alina Ionita Filiratos & Alina
- Petar & Slavica Ivovic Petar & Slavica
- Abraham Maayeh Abraham
- Jude MacLead
- George & Victoria Manos George & Victoria
- Michael Mavias Michael
- Themis & Zoe Mavrelli Euthymia & Zoe
- Catherine Macdonald Catherine
- Laura & Liliana Nicolescu Laura & Liliana Gabriela
- Ruby Phillips
- Cristina Popa Cristina
- Candice & Annette Reyes
- Ted Sarros John
- Robert Steffaro Rodion
- Elizabeth Strong Elizabeth
- Dave & Shanna Trosko
- Georgia Vratinina Georgia
- Gary Winfrey
- Helen Yu
Members of our parish who have chronic illnesses:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Gabriel, Rita & Marina Abanoub Gabriel, Rita & Marina
- Tami, Olivia & Nathaniel Brugman Dymphna, Theodora & Nathaniel
- Andrew Lucas Burlacu
- Ashley Choate Maria Magdalena
- Elizabeth Cronin Elizabeth
- Samiha Gayed Samiha
- Michael Genovezos Michael
- Mavra Grimm Mavra
- Gregory Kerbow Gregory
- John Koutsoufis Ioannis
- Emilia Lueth Emilia
- Constantinos & Marlen Pachou Constantinos & Marlen
- Maria Lungu Post Maria
- Emily & Michael MacLeod Emily & Michael
- Maire Barachiel MacLeod Maire Barachiel
- Erzsi Rafael MacLeod Erzsi Rafael
- Brigid Seraphim MacLeod Brigid Seraphim
- Michaela Miller Michaela
- Andreas Mihalakeas Andreas
- Gail Poriotis Evangelia
- Georgia Souris Georgia
- Ann, Jason Sullivan Ana, Jason
- Madalina & Pipita Tache Madalina & Pipita
- Sarah Varvaris Sara
- Kristy, Ronald, Martha Warkentin Paraskeva, Ronald & Martha
- George Vittas George, Reader
Members of our parish with limited mobility:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Dr. Lucille Howton Lucille
- Constantinos Katsikas Constantinos
- Marika Shackelford Maria
Family members who fell asleep in the Lord in the last 40 days:
- Maximus Trosko - Ilina, deaconess - Bernard Peter Korzun
- Thomas Maloney - Carol Dunn - Lola Caros
- Anastasios, Archbishop - Tatiana, Presvytera