Prayer Request – November 24, 2024
(Use the baptismal name when commemorating. If not available, please use the first name.)
Members of our parish who are in hospital or rehab:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Leo Alexander Panteleimon
- Leslie Hock
Members of our parish who are in assisted living or nursing home:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Joyce Hofland
- Velva Johnson Heleni
- Bernard Peter Korzun
Members of our parish who are ill / in recovery:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Wes Albaugh
- Jade Alexandrov
- Chrysanthi Andromalos Chrysanthi
- Pat Ballas Panayiota
- Elias Bahou Elias
- Michael Bogdos Michael
- Kassandra Bogordos Kassandra
- Robin Boomstra
- Jason Caros Jason
- Margaret Chokas Maria
- Charlie Clark
- Tim Cline Timothy
- Edward Tex Collins Taxiarchon
- Mariana, Anamaria & Madalin Cuceu Maria, Anamaria & Madalin
- Helen Dieb Helen
- Orest & Refije Duka Anesti & Katherine
- Vickie Dunham Photinia
- Timothy Elder Timothy
- Martha Fletcher
- Ana Forcum Ana
- Heather Gregoire Mary
- Awni & Maryan Haddad Rafael & Maryan
- Jennifer Hock Zenobia
- Steve Howton
- Harry & Virginia Karegeannes Haralambos & Catherine
- Theodosia Kinman
- Filiratos & Alina Ionita Filiratos & Alina
- Petar & Slavica Ivovic Petar & Slavica
- Michael Jeznach Michael
- Elise Leary
- Abraham Maayeh Abraham
- Jude MacLead
- George & Victoria Manos George & Victoria
- Michael Mavias Michael
- Themis & Zoe Mavrelli Euthymia & Zoe
- Catherine Macdonald Catherine
- Laura & Liliana Nicolescu Laura & Liliana Gabriela
- Mercy Parojinog
- Arabella Parson Helena
- Ruby Phillips
- Cristina Popa Cristina
- Candice & Annette Reyes
- Ted Sarros John
- Robert Steffaro Rodion
- Elizabeth Strong Elizabeth
- Oleg, Valentina & Andrew Tiganiuc Oleg, Valentina & Andrew
- Sarah Varvaris Sara
- Georgia Vratinina Georgia
- Ronald Warkentin
- Gary Winfrey
- Helen Yu
Members of our parish who have chronic illnesses:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Gabriel, Rita & Marina Abanoub Gabriel, Rita & Marina
- Tami, Olivia & Nathaniel Brugman Dymphna, Theodora & Nathaniel
- Andrew Lucas Burlacu
- Ashley Choate Maria Magdalena
- Elizabeth Cronin Elizabeth
- Samiha Gayed Samiha
- Michael Genovezos Michael
- Mavra Grimm Mavra
- Gregory Kerbow Gregory
- John Koutsoufis Ioannis
- Emilia Lueth Emilia
- Maria Lungu Post Maria
- Emily & temou Michael MacLeod Emily & Michael
- Maire Barachiel MacLeod Maire Barachiel
- Erzsi Rafael MacLeod Erzsi Rafael
- Brigid Seraphim MacLeod Brigid Seraphim
- Michaela Miller Michaela
- Andreas Mihalakeas Andreas
- Gail Poriotis Evangelia
- Georgia Souris Georgia
- Ann, Jason Sullivan Ana, Jason
- Vasile & Madalina Tache Vasile & Madalina
- Dean Theophilou Constantine
- Kristy Warkentin Paraskeva
- George Vittas George, Reader
Members of our parish with limited mobility:
Name: Baptismal name:
- Dr. Lucille Howton Lucille
- Constantinos Katsikas Constantinos
- Marika Shackelford Maria
Family members who fell asleep in the Lord in the last 40 days:
- Nicholas - Norma Balignot - Konstantinos Bosnakis
- Rose Clark - Gwendolyn Franklyn - David Hunter
- Nicole Lorance - Jacob Lorance - Terry Murray
- Nathan Nimri - Tom Savage - Jeffrey Turner
Kindly let us know of anyone else that should be on this list.