St. John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2024-05-19
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
St. John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (817) 283-2291
  • Fax:
  • (817) 545-0302
  • Street Address:

  • 303 Cullum Drive

  • Euless, TX 76040

Contact Information

Services Schedule

Small Paraklesis - Wednesday 6:00PM

Great Vespers - Saturday 5:00PM

Matins - Sunday 8:30AM

Divine Liturgy - Sunday 9:30 AM

Confessions - Saturday after Vespers or upon request

Past Bulletins


We welcome all of you to St. John the Baptist and we give glory to God for your presence here today!

Our church is open to parishioners and visitors alike.

You can also visit for the latest updates 

If you want to watch our services online, please log in into:

Facebook page: 

YouTube Page:

The texts for daily services are available here:


The schedule of on all our services can be found here: 

Our 2024 STEWARDSHIP NEEDS YOUR HELP. You can pledge ONLINE here:  

Your participation is critical to support the tremendous growth we see in your parish. Kindly pledge online or fill a new card for 2024 and don't forget to set-up your new payment plan in REALM (it's a separate process, see donations link below).

Our secure REALM Online Donation system is available from your home right now. You can make your donations here: or by sending a check to the parish. 

 Thank you all for your participating in the ministries of St. John's Parish!




Saints and Feasts

May 19

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

About the beginning of His thirty-second year, when the Lord Jesus was going throughout Galilee, preaching and working miracles, many women who had received of His beneficence left their own homeland and from then on followed after Him. They ministered unto Him out of their own possessions, even until His crucifixion and entombment; and afterwards, neither losing faith in Him after His death, nor fearing the wrath of the Jewish rulers, they came to the sepulchre, bearing the myrrh-oils they had prepared to annoint His body. It is because of the myrrh-oils, that these God-loving women brought to the tomb of Jesus that they are called the Myrrh-bearers. Of those whose names are known are the following: first of all, the most holy Virgin Mary, who in Matthew 27:56 and Mark 15:40 is called "the mother of James and Joses" (these are the sons of Joseph by a previous marriage, and she was therefore their step-mother); Mary Magdalene (celebrated July 22); Mary, the wife of Clopas; Joanna, wife of Chouza, a steward of Herod Antipas; Salome, the mother of the sons of Zebedee, Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus; and Susanna. As for the names of the rest of them, the evangelists have kept silence (Matt 27:55-56; 28:1-10. Mark 15:40-41. Luke 8:1-3; 23:55-24:11, 22-24. John 19:25; 20:11-18. Acts 1:14).

Together with them we celebrate also the secret disciples of the Saviour, Joseph and Nicodemus. Of these, Nicodemus was probably a Jerusalemite, a prominent leader among the Jews and of the order of the Pharisees, learned in the Law and instructed in the Holy Scriptures. He had believed in Christ when, at the beginning of our Saviour's preaching of salvation, he came to Him by night. Furthermore, he brought some one hundred pounds of myrrh-oils and an aromatic mixture of aloes and spices out of reverence and love for the divine Teacher (John 19:39). Joseph, who was from the city of Arimathea, was a wealthy and noble man, and one of the counsellors who were in Jerusalem. He went boldly unto Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus, and together with Nicodemus he gave Him burial. Since time did not permit the preparation of another tomb, he placed the Lord's body in his own tomb which was hewn out of rock, as the Evangelist says (Matt. 27:60).

May 21

Constantine and Helen, Equal-to-the Apostles

This great and renowned sovereign of the Christians was the son of Constantius Chlorus (the ruler of the westernmost parts of the Roman empire), and of the blessed Helen. He was born in 272, in (according to some authorities) Naissus of Dardania, a city on the Hellespont. In 306, when his father died, he was proclaimed successor to his throne. In 312, on learning that Maxentius and Maximinus had joined forces against him, he marched into Italy, where, while at the head of his troops, he saw in the sky after midday, beneath the sun, a radiant pillar in the form of a cross with the words: "By this shalt thou conquer." The following night, our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him in a dream and declared to him the power of the Cross and its significance. When he arose in the morning, he immediately ordered that a labarum be made (which is a banner or standard of victory over the enemy) in the form of a cross, and he inscribed on it the Name of Jesus Christ. On the 28th Of October, he attacked and mightily conquered Maxentius, who drowned in the Tiber River while fleeing. The following day, Constantine entered Rome in triumph and was proclaimed Emperor of the West by the Senate, while Licinius, his brother-in-law, ruled in the East. But out of malice, Licinius later persecuted the Christians. Constantine fought him once and again, and utterly destroyed him in 324, and in this manner he became monarch over the West and the East. Under him and because of him all the persecutions against the Church ceased. Christianity triumphed and idolatry was overthrown. In 325 he gathered the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, which he himself personally addressed. In 324, in the ancient city of Byzantium, he laid the foundations of the new capital of his realm, and solemnly inaugurated it on May 11, 330, naming it after himself, Constantinople. Since the throne of the imperial rule was transferred thither from Rome, it was named New Rome, the inhabitants of its domain were called Romans, and it was considered the continuation of the Roman Empire. Falling ill near Nicomedia, he requested to receive divine Baptism, according to Eusebius (The Life of Constantine. Book IV, 61-62), and also according to Socrates and Sozomen; and when he had been deemed worthy of the Holy Mysteries, he reposed in 337, on May 21 or 22, the day of Pentecost, having lived sixty-five years, of which he ruled for thirty-one years. His remains were transferred to Constantinople and were deposed in the Church of the Holy Apostles, which had been built by him (see Homily XXVI on Second Corinthians by Saint John Chrysostom).

As for his holy mother Helen, after her son had made the Faith of Christ triumphant throughout the Roman Empire, she undertook a journey to Jerusalem and found the Holy Cross on which our Lord was crucified (see Sept. 13 and 14). After this, Saint Helen, in her zeal to glorify Christ, erected churches in Jerusalem at the sites of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, in Bethlehem at the cave where our Saviour was born, another on the Mount of Olives whence He ascended into Heaven, and many others throughout the Holy Land, Cyprus, and elsewhere. She was proclaimed Augusta, her image was stamped upon golden coins, and two cities were named Helenopolis after her in Bithynia and in Palestine. Having been thus glorified for her piety, she departed to the Lord being about eighty years of age, according to some in the year 330, according to others, in 336.

May 25

Third Finding of the Precious Head of St. John the Baptist

Because of the vicissitudes of time, the venerable head of the holy Forerunner was lost for a third time and rediscovered in Comana of Cappadocia through a revelation to 'a certain priest, but it was found not, as before, in a clay jar, but in a silver vessel, and "in a sacred place." It was taken from Comana to Constantinople and was met with great solemnity by the Emperor, the Patriarch, and the clergy and people. See also February 24.


Hymns of the Day

Apolytikion of Great and Holy Pascha in the Plagal First Mode

Christ is risen from the dead, by death, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs He has granted life.

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Second Mode

When You descended unto death, O Life Immortal, then You slayed Hades with the lightning of Your Divinity. And when You also raised the dead out of the nether world, all the powers of the Heavens were crying out: O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You.

Apolytikion for Holy Myrrhbearers Sunday in the Second Mode

The noble Joseph, taking Thine immaculate Body down from the Tree, and having wrapped It in pure linen and spices, laid It for burial in a new tomb. But on the third day Thou didst arise, O Lord, granting great mercy to the world.

Apolytikion for Holy Myrrhbearers Sunday in the Second Mode

Unto the myrrh-bearing women did the Angel cry out as he stood by the grave: Myrrh oils are meet for the dead, but Christ hath proved to be a stranger to corruption. But cry out: The Lord is risen, granting great mercy to the world.

Seasonal Kontakion in the Plagal Fourth Mode

Though You went down into the tomb, You destroyed Hades' power, and You rose the victor, Christ God, saying to the myrrh-bearing women, "Hail!" and granting peace to Your disciples, You who raise up the fallen.

Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Fourth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from Luke 24:1-12

On the first day of the week at early dawn, the women went to the tomb, taking spices, which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel; and as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise." And they remembered His words and returning from the tomb they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told this to the Apostles; but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home wondering at what had happened.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Second Mode. Psalm 117.14,18.
The Lord is my strength and my song.
Verse: The Lord has chastened me sorely.

The reading is from Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7.

In those days, when the disciples were increasing in number, the Hellenists murmured against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. And the twelve summoned the body of the disciples and said, "it is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brethren, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this duty. But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word." And what they said pleased the whole multitude, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochoros, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaos, a proselyte of Antioch. These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands upon them. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.

Gospel Reading

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women
The Reading is from Mark 15:43-47; 16:1-8

At that time, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. And Pilate wondered if he were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that he was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. And he bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud, and laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid.

And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they were saying to one another, "Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?" And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back; for it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, "Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here; see the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you." And they went out and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.


Wisdom of the Fathers

They [the women] had followed Him ministering to Him, and were present even unto the time of the dangers. Wherefore also they saw all; how He cried, how He gave up the ghost, how the rocks were rent, and all the rest.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 88 on Matthew 27, 4th Century

And these [the women] first see Jesus; and the sex that was most condemned, this first enjoys the sight of the blessings, this most shows its courage. And when the disciples had fled, these were present.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 88 on Matthew 27, 4th Century



  • STJB Calendar

    May 19 to June 2, 2024

    Sunday, May 19

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    11:00AM Sunday School end-of-year ceremony

    11:30AM Sunday School graduation cook out

    12:30PM Baptism Liara Clark

    Monday, May 20

    6:00PM Vigil

    Tuesday, May 21

    6:00AM Hours and Divine Liturgy

    Wednesday, May 22

    6:00PM Paraklesis

    Friday, May 24

    10:00AM Homeschool Co-op

    Saturday, May 25

    8:00AM Orthros and Divine Liturgy

    4:00PM Confession

    5:00PM Great Vespers

    Sunday, May 26

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    11:00AM Young Adults Dance Meeting (Ages 21+)

    12:00PM Catechism Class

    Tuesday, May 28

    6:00PM Vespers

    Wednesday, May 29

    6:00AM Hours and Divine Liturgy

    6:00PM Paraklesis

    Friday, May 31

    10:00AM Homeschool Co-op

    Saturday, June 1

    12:00PM Pysanky Workshop taught by Presvytera Mirela

    4:00PM Confession

    5:00PM Great Vespers

    Sunday, June 2

    8:30AM Orthros

    9:30AM Divine Liturgy

    3:00PM Wedding Charity Wells


Parish Activities


Great Vespers Saturdays at 5:00 PM.  Sundays Orthros at 8:30 AM and Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM.  A Paraklesis Service si served most Wednesdays at 6PM. Confessions are heard Saturday at 4PM before Vespers or other times by appointment. 

Please check the Calendar for services during the week or any change in the schedule.


Holy Communion is a Sacrament reserved for Orthodox Faithful in good ecclesiastical standing, who have prepared according to the Canons of the Church by fasting, prayer and regular Confession, and attend the entire Divine Liturgy.

Orthodox faithful are encouraged to participate regularly in the Eucharist.  Yet, we need to examine ourselves responsibly before receiving (I Cor.11:28). If you are not Orthodox or you have not prepared for Holy Communion today, you can still partake of the Blessed Bread (Antidoron) that is distributed as a blessing for all, at the end of the Service. For the Presanctified Liturgy, we fast 6 hours before.

Inquirers/ Faith Enrichment (CATECHISM) Classes

Our catechism program. We are just finishing up our 2023-2024 program. A new class will start in September 2024. Contact Fr. Vasile for details.

We meet at 12:15 pm, in the Parish Hall, in High School classroom

No class this Sunday. Our Last class of this program will be next Sunday, May 26.


The Synod of the Ecumenical patriarchate has just elected Metropolitan Constantine as our new Metropolitan! Join us in Congratulating Him! Axios!


2024 STEWARDSHIP and financials as of 5/19/2024

Goal:                                            $580,000

Pledged:                                          $447,104

Received To Date of Pledged:        $173,642

Pledges Submitted:                        165



  • Sunday School End of Year Ceremony
  • NO Catechism Class today. The last class of this catechism program will be next Sunday, May 26, at 12:15 pm.


BOOKSTORE: Orthodox Wall Crosses


COFFEE HOUR: Sunday School Cook Out. Please join us for hamburgers and hot dogs with sides and dessert being lovingly offered by our teachers. Donations are much appreciated.

We need 10-15 families who can bring a food item for the coffee hour next Sunday, May 26 (Fast Free). Please let Zach Reimer know or sign up on Realm. We appreciate your love and support!


  • Thursday May 23, at 11:30 am: AGELESS WONDERS meeting in the parish hall (or, weather permitting, outside on the new patio deck!) Come to hear what the Ageless Wonders are up to! Share your favorite dish with us! Please bring one of your favorite dishes (or more if you'd like) to share with folks that will appreciate every last bite! Drinks and a light dessert will be provided. Please call Margaret Chokas to let her know what dish you will bring (817-917-4771). Margo Yiantsou 817-889-0422
  • Sunday, May 26: Young Adults Dance Meeting (Ages 21+)
  • Sunday, June 16: Philoptochos Father’s Day celebration – please see the flier in Narthex. Due date to submit: June 9
  • July 1 - 5: OCA All Saints Orthodox Summer Camp at Camp Akiva, Point, Texas. Ages 8-18. The cost is $335. Registration closes June 1st
  • Vacation Bible SchoolStewardship of the Earth” will take place in July. Date to be determined.
  • July 26-27: Philoptochos Garage / Rummage Sale. We are currently accepting donations

Please check the Lost and Found Table in the hall. The items which are not redeemed, will be donated to the Garage Sale

Please fill out your new commemoration list for 2024. Remember to write the date and your family name. Only Baptismal names (or first names if non-Orthodox) are needed (see the instructions


Prayer Request – May 19, 2024

(Please use the baptismal names when commemorating.

If the baptismal name is not available, please use the first name.)

Members of our parish who are in hospital or rehab:

Name:                                           Baptismal name:

  • Leo Alexander                               Panteleimon
  • Irina Mihalake                               Irina

Members of our parish who are in assisted living or nursing home:

Name:                                           Baptismal name:

  • Kost Bosnakis                                Konstantinos
  • Joyce Hofland
  • Velva Johnson                                Heleni
  • Bernard Peter Korzun
  • Donna Morris                                   Spyridona

Members of our parish who are ill / in recovery:

Name:                                           Baptismal name:

  • Wes Albaugh
  • Chrysanthi Andromalos                  Chrysanthi
  • Pat Ballas                                       Panayiota
  • Norma Balignot
  • Michael Bogdos                             Michael
  • Kassandra Bogordos                       Kassandra
  • Robin Boomstra
  • Tami Brugman      
  • Dennis Cannelis                             Kostantinos
  • Jason Caros                                    Jason
  • Margaret Chokas                            Maria
  • Tim Cline                                       Timothy
  • Edward Tex Collins                        Taxiarchon
  • Helen Dieb                                     Helen
  • Orest & Refije Duka                       Anesti & Katherine
  • Vickie Dunham                              Photinia
  • Ana Forcum                                   Ana
  • Gwendolyn Franklyn
  • Heather Gregoire                            Mary
  • Jennifer Hock                                 Zenobia
  • Leslie Hock
  • Slavica Ivovic                                Slavica
  • Michael Jeznach                             Michael
  • Virginia Karegeannes                      Catherine
  • Abraham Maayeh                           Abraham
  • Michael Mavias                              Michael
  • Themis & Zoe Mavrelli                  Euthymia & Zoe
  • Laura & Liliana Nicolescu              Laura & Liliana Gabriela
  • Mercy Parojinog
  • Arabella Parson                              Helena
  • Mario Reyes                                   Anthony
  • Nicholas Rodakis                           Nicholas
  • Ted Sarros                                      John
  • Robert Steffaro                               Rodion
  • Oleg Tiganiuc                                 Oleg
  • Sarah Varvaris                               Sara
  • Georgia Vratinina                           Georgia
  • Ronald Warkentin

Members of our parish who have chronic illnesses:

Name:                                           Baptismal name:

  • Gabriel, Rita & Marina Abanoub     Gabriel, Rita & Marina
  • Olivia & Nathaniel Brugman          
  • Andrew Lucas Burlacu
  • Ashley Choate                                Maria Magdalena
  • Elizabeth Cronin                            Elizabeth
  • Samiha Gayed                                Samiha
  • Michael Genovezos                        Michael
  • Mavra Grimm                                Mavra
  • Harry Karegeannes                         Haralambos
  • Gregory Kerbow                            Gregory
  • John Koutsoufis                             Ioannis
  • Emilia Lueth                                  Emilia
  • George Manos                                George
  • Michaela Miller                              Michaela
  • Andreas Mihalakeas                       Andreas
  • Gail Poriotis                                   Evangelia
  • Georgia Souris                               Georgia
  • Ann, Jason & Amy Nicole Sullivan Ana, Jason & Nicole
  • Vasile & Madalina Tache                Vasile & Madalina
  • Dean Theophilou                            Constantine
  • Kristy Warkentin                            Parascheva
  • George Vittas                                 George, Reader

Members of our parish with limited mobility:

Name:                                           Baptismal name:

  • Dr. Lucille Howton                         Lucille
  • Marika Shackelford                        Maria

Family members who fell asleep in the Lord in the last 40 days:

  • Margaret French
  • Konstantinos Papaioannou              Konstantinos

 As this information is not always easy to find, kindly let us know of anyone else that should be on this list. (817) 283-2291; [email protected]. Thank you for your help!


From The Metropolis of Denver

Letter from Met. Nathanael

Encyclical Message

May 17, 2024

To the Reverend Clergy, the Devout Laity, and the Pious Monastics of the Holy Metropolis of Denver,

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!

With a heart full of gratitude, I announce to you with great joy and solemnity that, guided by the Holy Spirit, on May 17, 2024, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate has elected Bishop Constantine Moralis as Metropolitan of Denver. May His Eminence continue to shepherd you with wisdom, compassion, and faith.

As you celebrate this momentous occasion, I offer the following for consideration and implementation:

1. Commemoration of Metropolitan Constantine From this point forward, all clergy within the Holy Metropolis of Denver are to commemorate His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine in divine services (e.g. “For our Archbishop Constantine…” and “Among the first Lord, Remember our Archbishop Constantine….”). Let his name be lifted in prayer and thanksgiving, as he assumes the mantle of spiritual leadership entrusted to him by Jesus Christ and the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

2. Transitional Period As the locum tenens, I will continue to serve and support the Metropolis of Denver until the formal enthronement of Metropolitan Constantine. During this period, I will work closely with His Eminence to ensure a smooth and effective transition, assisting him as he steps into his new role as your spiritual father and leader.

3. Enthronement Ceremony The enthronement of Metropolitan Constantine will occur on Saturday, June 22nd at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption in Denver, CO. Further details regarding the enthronement will be communicated to you in the coming days.

Beloved friends, Let us unite in prayer and thanksgiving, asking for God’s blessings upon Metropolitan Constantine. May the Lord Jesus Christ grant him courage, wisdom, and discernment to shepherd you according to God’s divine will.

With love and profound admiration,

+NATHANAEL, Metropolitan of Chicago

Locum Tenens, Metropolis of Denver


Announcements and Forms for Various Activities

    Newly Elected Metropolitan Constantine

    Newly Elected Metropolitan Constantine

    Read the attached document about the election of our New Metropolitan Constantine of Denver.

    2024 Stewardship Card

    2024 Stewardship Card

    Please fill out the card and bring it / mail it to the church office

    Commemoration List

    Commemoration List

    Please fill out your new commemoration list for 2024. Remember to write the date and your family name. Only Baptismal names (or first names if non-Orthodox) are needed.

    Commemoration List Instructions

    Commemoration List Instructions

    Please read the instructions of how to write a commemoration list

    Join the ADVOCATES+ Program

    Join the ADVOCATES+ Program

    "When we give from our blessings to the ADVOCATES+ Program of the Metropolis, we give knowing that the fund supports the ministries of the Church which help our spiritual growth. In other words, we give to the most important entity in our lives, the Church, which our Lord Jesus Christ established for our salvation in His coming Kingdom" - Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver

    Guide for Confession

    Guide for Confession

    Guide for Confession