Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2025-03-02
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • 408.605.0621
  • Street Address:

  • 9th and Lincoln

  • Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
  • Mailing Address:

  • PO Box 5808

  • Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921

Contact Information

Services Schedule


Weekend services: the weekend schedule is fixed for most of the year. The services take place in Carmel-by-the-Sea, at All Saints Church, lower level, 9th and Lincoln.

Saturdays: 5:00pm Vespers

Sundays:   8:30am Matins

                   9:45am Liturgy

Week-day services: during the week we may celebrate the major feast days of the Church either in Carmel or in Salinas. Please check the calendar! The schedule pattern is:

Wednesdays:  6:00pm Paraklesis

Eve of feasts: 6:00pm Vespers

Feast days:    8:30am Matins

                       9:45am Liturgy

Past Bulletins

Schedule of Services

Note: Our services are posted on Zoom unless specified otherwise.    

Friday, February 28
    6pm Vespers
Saturday, March 1 Saturday of the Ascetics
    8:30am Matins + Liturgy
    5pm Vespers
Sunday, March 2 🧀 Forgiveness Sunday
    8:30am Matins
    9:45am Liturgy
    12pm Catechism Class
    12pm Sunday School

                + + + BEGINNING OF THE GREAT AND HOLY LENT + + +

Monday, March 3 Clean Monday

    6pm Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew (1/4)
Tuesday, March 4
    4pm IHELP - Ladies
     6pm Great  Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew (2/4)
Wednesday, March 5
    10am Book Forum: Great Lent
    5:30pm The 9th Hour
    6pm Presanctified Liturgy
    7:30pm Canon of Saint Andrew (3/4)

Thursday, March 6
    6pm Great Compline with Canon of Saint Andrew (4/4)
Friday, March 7
    8:30am Salutations to the Theotokos (1/4)
    5:30pm The 9th Hour
    6pm Presanctified Liturgy
    7:30pm Movie @Potluck Dinner
Saturday, March 8 Commemoration of the Miracle of Kollyva
    8:30am Matins + Liturgy

    5pm Vespers
Sunday, March 9 🍇 Sunday of Orthodoxy
    8:30am Matins

    9:45am Liturgy
    12pm Catechism Class
    12pm Sunday School - CANCELLED

  Zoom with video here.  For more information, go to  //


Special Services

Saturday of the Ascetics. This Saturday we remember the examples that the Church brings to us as luminaries, purified vessels of God's grace through their ascetic labors.

Memorial of the Departed. Also, this Saturday we will remember the fallen asleep in the Lord since we did not have a service on the Saturday of the Souls, a week ago. Please place the kollyva trays on the table in the front and bring the names to the altar.

The Fourth Sunday of Triodion. This is the last Sunday before Lent when we remember the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, which is also known as Sunday of Forgiveness.

Reception of Catechumens into the Church. Immediately following the Gospel lesson and the homily, we will be praying for Miriam, Jack and Damian. The Church will receive and embrace them officially as catechumens. May God bless them and their journey to the Kingdom.

Forgiveness Vespers. Sunday evening, 6pm, is the service when we will step into the Great and Holy Lent. As in the past, we will have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and to grant forgiveness from/to all attending. This act of love gives us a chance to pray, repent and change during Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

Forgiveness - the link that holds all the ascetic struggle of Lent.

The place and time when Lent will start for us:


The events in the diagram are hyperlinked. Click on it to download the pdf file in which you can explore the whole season.


Stewardship News


We have reached 80% of our Stewardship Goal in 2025 pledges, with 33 pledges made for the year, so far.

Remember, we DO NOT roll over the pledges from the previous year. We require a new commitment each year.

Fill in the 2025 Pledge Card for 2025 HERE.

Living the Gospel


We are grateful for our new Fellowship Ministry leader: Miriam. Please offer her your support and prayers. At the same time, we thank Angelina for her dedication, patience and continous effort to lead. May the Lord bless them both!

This is also a reminder that we would like everybody to participate in this very important ministry. If you are not in one of the teams to provide for the Sunday Agape meals, please contact Miriam at [email protected].


News & Events


 Our Friday Presanctified Liturgies will be followed by a lenten potluck dinner during which a movie with spiritual message will be shown. It will begin around 7:30pm. We will then have time to discuss it and have fellowship together.

Community, Education


A Ministry led by Edward Mar

The class offers to those who explore the Orthodox faith the space to learn and find answers to their many questions. All our members are invited to join and connect with those who explore our faith. The class will meet after the Agape Meal on Sunday, March 9, to begin working on:

Basics of Orthodox Spirituality - Part 1:

The Concept of Salvation
The Ascetic Life
The Nature of Man

Education, Living the Gospel


A Ministry led by Father Ion

The class will meet on Sunday, March 9 after lunch in the chapel of Saint Nektarios on alternating Sundays with Basics of Orthodoxy. Until then our catechumens will learn by participating in the Lenten services, starting with the Forgivenes Vespers this Sunday evening.

 Living the Gospel


Ministries led by Despina Hatton


  • Tuesday, March 4. Cooking: 4pm. Dinner with the ladies: 5pm.


  • Tuesday, March 11 9:00 -10:30am @St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Seaside.



A Ministry led by Kathy Shaw

There are two groups that meet on two days of the week: Mondays and Wednesdays. The same reading will be covered in both sessions every week - no need to attend both! The new expanded hours are:

  • Mondays, from 7pm - on pause during Lent due to the many evening services
  • Wednesdays, from 10:00am.

We will begin reading Great Lent: Journey to Pascha, by Alexander Schmemann. It is a short, yet powerful text. We have a few copies at the bookstore. You may also check it out online here

 Education, Community


A Ministry led by Miriam Aguilar

Thank you for your effort and participation in bringing a dish to share for our Agape Meal. If you cannot participate when it is your turn, kindly make other arrangements for someone to cover for you and let your team leader know.    

Sunday, March 2
   Parish Council: Thimi Saites
   Greeter: Mary Kanalakis
   Agape Meal: GOLD TEAM – Thank you to Ita, Christine T, Presbytera Ana, and Mary

Sunday, March 9
   Parish Council: Ali Castaneda
   Greeter: Marissa Castaneda



Most of our services and some ministry meetings are available online. Zoom with video here. Liturgical texts at Ages Initiatives here.


Have you been receiving communication from the church via text? If not, it is because you have not signed up yet. It is brief, fast and simple. Simply text #yes# to 22300.

Note: You must be already enrolled for phone calls from the church in order to extend to text messaging. Let Father Ion know if you would like to sign up for both services.



Saints and Feasts

March 02

Forgiveness Sunday

The Holy Fathers have appointed the commemoration of Adam's exile from the Paradise of delight here, on the eve of the holy Forty-day Fast, demonstrating to us not by simple words, but by actual deeds, how beneficial fasting is for man, and how harmful and destructive are insatiety and the transgressing of the divine commandments. For the first commandment that God gave to man was that of fasting, which the first-fashioned received but did not keep; and not only did they not become gods, as they had imagined, but they lost even that blessed life which they had, and they fell into corruption and death, and transmitted these and innumerable other evils to all of mankind. The God-bearing Fathers set these things before us today, that by bringing to mind what we have fallen from, and what we have suffered because of the insatiety and disobedience of the first-fashioned, we might be diligent to return again to that ancient bliss and glory by means of fasting and obedience to all the divine commands. Taking occasion from today's Gospel (Matt. 6:14-21) to begin the Fast unencumbered by enmity, we also ask forgiveness this day, first from God, then from one another and all creation.

March 02

Hesychios the Martyr

Holy martyr Hesychius lived during the reign of king Maximian in 302. He was the first and the leader in the royal palace and the Senate, because he was magistrianus by office. When Maximian ordered that all Christians who were royal soldiers ought to be deprived of their belts (which were a sign of their royal merit) and live as civilians and without honour, many Christians preferred to live without any outward honour due to this illegal order than to be honoured and lose their soul. St. Hesychius was numbered with these Christians as well. When the king heard this, he ordered that the saint ought to be stripped of the expensive clothes, which he used to wear, and be dressed with a shabby mantle without sleeves woven from hair and to be as disgraced and disdained as to consort with women.

When this had been carried out, the king invited him and asked him: "Aren't you ashamed, Hesychius, that you lost the honour and office of magistrianus and that you have been debased to this kind of life? Or maybe you don't know that the Christians, whose way of life you preferred, have no power to restore you to your previous great honour and office?" The saint replied: "Your honour, o king, is temporary but the honour and glory which Christ gives is eternal and without end." Because of these words the king got angry and ordered his men to tie a great millstone around the saint's neck and then to throw him in the middle of river Orontus, which lies in Coele Syria and which is commonly called Oronge. Thus, the blessed man received the crown of martyrdom from the Lord.

March 02

Our Holy Father Nicholas Planas


Saint Nicholas Planas was born in 1851 A.D. on the island of Naxos in Greece. He was married as a teenager and soon after ordained to the diaconate and then the priesthood. His wife reposed soon after and so he assumed the burden of being a widowed father and a parish priest. He was known for his zeal in serving the liturgy, especially his habit of serving the Divine Liturgy every day for 50 years. Many altar boys would see him radiating light or raised off the ground while serving the liturgy. Being so revered by his parishioners, he became known as “Papa,” which is an affectionate term for a parish priest. Papa Nicholas reposed in 1932 and was formally canonized as a saint in 1992.

March 08

First Saturday of Lent: The Commemoration of the Miracle of Kollyva wrought by Saint Theodore the Tyro

Julian the Apostate, knowing that the Christians purify themselves by fasting most of all during the first week of the Fast -- which is why we call it Clean Week -- planned to defile them especially at that time. Therefore he secretly commanded that during those days the markets be filled with foods that had been defiled with the blood of animals offered in sacrifice to idols. But by divine command the Martyr Theodore (see Feb. 17) appeared during sleep to Eudoxius, then Archbishop of Constantinople. The Saint revealed to him the tyrant's plan, then told him to call the faithful together immediately on Monday morning and prevent them from purchasing those foods, but rather to make kollyva to supply their needs. The bishop asked what kollyva might be, and the Saint answered, "Kollyva is what we call boiled wheat in Euchaita." Thus, the purpose of the Apostate was brought to nought, and the pious people who were preserved undefiled for the whole of Clean Week, rendered thanks to the Martyr on this Saturday, and celebrated his commemoration with kollyva. These things took place in 362. Wherefore, the Church keeps this commemoration each year to the glory of God and the honour of the Martyr.


Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Third Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from Mark 16:9-20

When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons. She went and told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept. But when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it.

After this he appeared in another form to two of them, as they were walking into the country. And they went back and told the rest, but they did not believe them. After this He appeared to the eleven themselves as they sat at table and He upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw Him after He had risen. And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover."

So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Plagal 4th Mode. Psalm 75.11,1.
Make your vows to the Lord our God and perform them.
Verse: God is known in Judah; his name is great in Israel.

The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4.

Brethren, salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone, the day is at hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves becomingly as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

As for the man who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not for disputes over opinions. One believes he may eat anything, while the weak man eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains pass judgment on him who eats; for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for God is able to make him stand.

Gospel Reading

Forgiveness Sunday
The Reading is from Matthew 6:14-21

The Lord said, "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

"And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."