Website Links: Visit the church's website at www.stgeorgeclifton.org for our online streaming links.
To find the prayers for each service and to follow along, visit the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s Digital Chant Stand at https://digitalchantstand.goarch.org.
We are grateful that you have joined us for prayer and worship. Please join us after the Divine Services in our Fellowship Hall for our Hospitality Hour.
The Artoclasia Service today is offered by the Protopapas family in honor of the feast day of the Presentation of our Lord & Savior in the Temple.
Liturgical Schedule:
Thursday, February 6th – St. Photius the Great………….Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:30AM
The Sacrament of Holy Confession:
When an Orthodox Christian repents & comes to the sacrament of Holy Confession, God grants forgiveness of sins and help in the struggle against sin, the passions and the influences of the evil one. We have a printed booklet with useful information which helps the faithful better prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Confession. It is available free of charge for everyone who wishes to use it. Pick up your copy today from the table outside the Church office. To make an appointment for confession, call Fr. Peter directly on his cell, 973-650-9717.
Mark Your Calendar:
February 14th – 16th ………………..Metropolis of NJ MDF (Music & Dance Festival) in Philadelphia, PA. St. George youth members and their families will participate.
Sunday, February 16th …………St. Paraskevi Philoptochos Blood Drive – 10:30am - 4pm
Tuesday, February 18th …………….DOP Women’s Heart Awareness Event with special guest speaker Peter Kofitsas
Saturday, February 22nd……Apokriatiko “Greek-Steak” Glendi in our Fellowship Hall
Thursday, February 27th…………...Senior Citizen Luncheon – 12:00PM
May 30th, 31st & June 1st 2025…….Greek Festival
July 13-19, 2025………………Camp Good Shepherd in New Jersey
Holy Communion Line:
We remind everyone that the Communion line is to be formed in the center aisle, and once you receive, depart to the right or to the left to return to your seat. When Sunday School is in session, children and their teachers will come up first. Infants may be brought up to the front of the line at any time. Please remain in place, (you may sit if you need to), and enter the center aisle once the Parish Council members indicate that it is time for people in your pew to come up. While you are waiting, you may read the prayers for before Holy Communion on page 76. Once you return to your seat, please read the thanksgiving prayers for after Holy Communion on page 90. This is one of the most sacred moments of the service, so please treat it accordingly, refrain from talking and be respectful and prayerful. Also, ladies please wipe any excess lipstick from your lips before coming to the Holy Chalice and no chewing gum during services. Thank you.
St. Paraskevi Philoptochos Blood Drive:
Sunday, February 16, 2025. Please contact Phyllis Magiros at 201.602.0632 if you wish to schedule an appointment to donate blood. Also, see our website and electronic bulletin for additional useful information. Thank you.
House Blessings:
It is the season to Bless your home and start the New Year by inviting God’s Grace in to your family and home. Please see the enclosed flyer or call the Church Office at 973.779.2626 to schedule a Blessing.
Orthodox Faith Orientation Classes:
Classes on Orthodoxy are ongoing. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the church office at 973.779.2626 or [email protected]. Classes are on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. We are currently studying the Holy Trinity and the next class is on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
The Pray & Play Room is Open:
If your baby or toddler is fussy and you need to use the Pray & Play room, please feel free to go downstairs to where the bookstore used to be. A beautiful play area is prepared for your little ones (babies & children up to 3 years old). Children over three years of age are welcome in the Little Angels classroom next to it.
Stewardship Report:
We have launched the 2025 Annual Giving Stewardship Program and we invite all those who have offered an annual gift in the past to try and maintain or even increase their contribution this year. For those that have never given an annual gift, we need your help. Our community has nearly $40K in monthly expenses and the annual stewardship is the primary program that raises funds for us to meet our obligations. You can make a difference today with your participation. Please visit our website at www.stgeorgeclifton.org to make a gift. Our community is our common spiritual home. We owe it to God, our founding families, ourselves, our children and their children to sustain, maintain and grow it. We understand that philanthropy is something very personal. Each person is invited to give according to their ability. If you are able, please consider joining one of the following giving levels this year: ($5,000 or more – Grand Benefactors, $2500 – $4,999 – Benefactors, $1,200 – $2,499 – House of Stewards, $800 – $1,199 – Patrons). Of course, whatever you decide to give please know that you have our utmost gratitude and appreciation, and that our Church is here to serve your each and every need. The important thing to keep in mind is that we need everyone to do something.
Choir & HMS News:
Our St. George Choir and the Hellenic Music Society are seeking new members. So, if you love to sing and have an appreciation for Greek songs or want to enhance our Sunday services with your voice, please consider joining. For more details, contact Angelo Duvlaris ([email protected]) regarding the choir or Yiannis Magiros ([email protected]) regarding the HMS. Prior knowledge of the Greek language is not necessary.
Daughters of Penelope Kronos #188 Valentine’s Day Cookie Platter Sale:
Order today! A delicious gift box includes Kourambiedes, Melomakarona, Koulourakia and chocolate dipped & plain Paximadia (biscotti). Each package is $30. Place your order by Sunday, February 2, 2025. Contact Tina Anastos at 845.494.8974 or [email protected] to place your order.
“Coffee Hour” Fellowship:
Our Hospitality Hour takes place following the Divine Liturgy and offers our parishioners the opportunity to spend time with one another in Christian fellowship. It is also a fitting way to commemorate a memorial service. If anyone would like to sponsor “Coffee Hour” they can contact the church office in advance. For a donation of $125.00 the church will do the shopping and supply all the necessary items. Families are always welcome to provide their own food items for our Fellowship Hour. These items should be brought to our Fellowship Hall by 9:00am on Sunday. For your convenience the items supplied by the church are cups (for coffee & juice), sugar, non-dairy creamer, napkins, paper plates, silverware and serving platters & utensils.
Please choose a few of the suggested items from the list below. We typically need enough to serve 150 people.
- Coffee – 3lb canister Milk – 1 or 2 gallons
- Juice or Juice boxes for children Water Bottles (8 oz bottles)
- Bagels & Cream Cheese or Jam Muffins
- Cookies Graham Crackers
- Lotus Biscoff Cookies Oreo Cookies
- Banana Bread / Pound Cake Croissants
- Donut holes Fruit
Occasionally, families choose to bring premade sandwiches for memorials; if you select to do that, please observe the fasting rules of the church. We will not be offering meat during the fasting periods. Call the church office if you need help.
Thank you in advance to those sponsoring this important element of St. George’s commitment to Christian fellowship & we appreciate your warm hospitality & donation to this weekly tradition.