Website Links: Visit the church's website at www.stgeorgeclifton.org for our online streaming links.
To find the prayers for each service and to follow along, visit the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s Digital Chant Stand at https://digitalchantstand.goarch.org.
We are grateful that you have joined us for prayer and worship. Please join us after the Divine Services in our Fellowship Hall for our Hospitality Hour sponsored by the Scordilis, Kaloudis & Manoliadis families in memory of their beloved family members.
Memorial Services Today For:
Vassiliki Manoliadis – 3 months & Theoharis Manoliadis – 7 years
Edward Kaloudis – 8 years & Frances Kaloudis – 33 years
Xaritos & Maria Nicolaou – 17 years
Constantine Scordilis – 56 years & Eleni Scordilis – 36 years
Jason Borys – 5 years Mario A. Sokolic, Sr. – 28 years
May their memory be eternal.
Liturgical Schedule:
Sunday, Dec 22 Sunday Before Nativity
Orthros & Divine Liturgy………………8:30am
Church School Christmas Pageant…….11:30am
Followed by Greek School Sponsored Brunch
Tuesday, Dec. 24 Eve of the Nativity of Christ
Morning Orthros, Great Hours, Great Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (with Holy Communion).................8:30am
Evening Orthros, Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (with Holy Communion)….…........8:00pm
Friday, Dec. 27 St. Stephen the Archdeacon & First Martyr Orthros & Divine Liturgy………………8:30am
The Sacrament of Holy Confession:
When an Orthodox Christian repents & comes to Holy Confession, God grants forgiveness of sins and help in the struggle against sin, the passions and the influences of the evil one. We have a printed booklet with useful information which helps the faithful better prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Confession. The booklet is free and available for everyone who wishes to use it. Pick up your copy today from the table outside the Church office. To make an appointment for confession call Fr. Peter directly on his cell, 973-650-9717.
Mark Your Calendar:
Sunday, December 15th …………….Daughters of Penelope Christmas Money Tree Raffle
Last day to place your orders for Pastichio & Vasilopita
Tuesday, December 17th ……………Daughters of Penelope Meeting – 7:00PM
Thursday, December 19th …………..Parish Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Friday, December 20th …………........Metropolis of NJ Annual Christmas Tree Lighting & Open House in Westfield, NJ – 6:00PM
Sunday, December 22nd……………..Sunday School Christmas Pageant Greek School Hosts Christmas Breakfast
Dec. 23rd – Dec. 26th ………………...Church Office Closed
Sunday, December 29th ……………..Family Worship Sunday. No Sunday School classes held.
Dec. 31st – Jan 2nd ………………….. Church Office Closed
Thursday, January 2, 2025 ………….Metropolis of NJ Annual Vasilopita Celebration at St. George in Piscataway, NJ – 6:30PM
Monday, January 6, 2025……………Metropolis of NJ Annual Epiphany Celebration & Blessing of the Waters at Molos Restaurant, Weehawken, NJ at 2:00PM
Sun., Jan. 12, 2025…………….......St. Paraskevi Philoptochos Community Cutting of Vasilopita
Monday, January 13, 2025………….10th Anniversary Gala in Honor of the Episcopal Ordination of His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of NJ at the Venetian in Garfield, NJ
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025……………..Apokriatiko “Greek-Steak” Glendi in our Fellowship Hall
May 30th, 31st & June 1st 2025…….Greek Festival
Nativity Fast:
We are currently in the Nativity Fast, a time of almsgiving, fasting and prayer. This also is a time to recommit to worship, engage with our families, practice forgiveness, partake in the Sacraments of Confession & Holy Communion and act upon the needs of our less fortunate brothers & sisters.
Orthodox Faith Orientation Classes:
Classes on Orthodoxy are ongoing. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the church office at 973.779.2626 or [email protected]. Classes are on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. We are currently studying the Holy Trinity and the next class is on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
‘Tis the Season for the Angel Tree!
Once again, Sunday School is sponsoring the Angel Giving Tree. This year’s collection will again benefit two groups! Parishioners are invited to select a red or green Angel from our Christmas Tree and return a wrapped gift for the families helped by The Manifesting Miracles in the World group in Passaic. Parishioners can also select an angel and return an unwrapped gift that will be mailed to orphans ranging in age from infant to 21 years old by Warm the Children. All gifts should be returned no later than Sunday, December 15th. We thank all of you for your generosity during this joyous season!
IOCC Christmas Ornaments/Cards:
Our Sunday School children will be creating beautiful IOCC Christmas tree ornaments and cards. These very special ornaments and cards will be offered for sale to the community for $5.00 each. All money raised will go directly to the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities.) As part of this project our students learned about the important work that the IOCC does in our country and around the world. Please support this worthwhile project and help us teach our children to think of others.
Feast Day Flower and Icon Donations:
During the Ecclesiastical year, our Church comes alive with many Liturgical services. It is customary in our faith to decorate icons used during special Feast Day services with flowers. We encourage our parishioners to offer this special donation as a unique and appropriate way to remember departed friends and relatives, as well as an expression of love on behalf of their family and prayers for their loved ones. Donations are now being accepted for:
12 (24) Christmas Poinsettia Plants - $30 each