Our Redeemer and Maker, Who was Son of God before the ages, became Son of Man at the end of ages. Thus the One Who, through the power of His divinity, had created us to enjoy the happiness of everlasting life, might Himself restore us, through the weakness of our humanity, to recover the life we had lost.
St. Bede the Venerable
Homilies on the Gospels, 2.18. 7th Century. Taken from: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. Vol: John 1-10. Intervarsity Press, 2006, p. 126.
Here Christ speaks concisely, because His discourse was directed to Nicodemus, but still in a more significant manner ... He shows the great strength of His love ... He, the immortal, who is without beginning, the Infinite Majesty, they but dust and ashes, full of ten thousand sins, who, ungrateful, have at all times offended Him; and these He "loved."
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 27 on John 3, 4th Century