What is wrong with the world today? So many people say they have no creed, which essentially means they are claiming to believe in nothing. That is sad in and of itself. Everyone needs to believe in something. However, people today actually do believe in something. They are just fooling themselves if they say they do not. The real problem is that most people believe in themselves and only themselves. As such, they will cling to any and every absurdity that reinforces their inflated egos and need for license to do so as they please.
Here is what we Christians believe and have ever since it was penned by its author in the second century AD.
"This is the rule of our faith, the foundation of the building, the stability of our manner of life.
"Article I: God the Father, uncreated, who cannot be defined or seen, God, creator of the universe.
"Article II: The Word of God, the Son of God, Christ Jesus our savior, who appeared to the prophets… according to the times and seasons ordained by the Father; whom all things were made; who, above all, in the last days, to sum up all things in himself, became man amongst men, able to be seen and touched, to destroy death, to cause life to spring up, and to establish full communion between God and humanity.
"Article III: The Holy Spirit, by whom the prophets prophesied, the Fathers received revelations, the righteous were led in the way of justice; and who in the last days poured out in a new way on humanity, to renew it over all the earth and to bring it into union with God.” (St. Irenaeus of Lyons)