Week's Events
Palm Sunday Today
8:45am Orthros
10:00am Divine Liturgy
6:00pm Bridegroom Service
Holy Monday April 29
6:00pm Bridegroom Service
Holy Tuesday April 30
6:00pm Bridegroom Service
Holy Wednesday May 1
9:00am Presanctified Liturgy
6:00pm Holy Unction
Holy Thursday May 2
9:00am Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil Commemorating the Last Supper
6:00pm The Passion Service
Holy Friday May 3
9:00am The Imperial Hours
Decorating the Kouvouklion to follow
3:00pm Apokathelosis Service
7:00pm The Lamentations Service
Holy Saturday May 4
9:00am Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
Choir Practice to follow
11:15pm Orthros of the Resurrection
Holy Pascha Sunday May 5
Midnight The Resurrection Service and Divine Liturgy
10:00am The Agape Vespers Service
Gospel Reading: Orthodox laity are welcomed to read the Gospel pas-sage in a foreign language at the Agape Vespers. Please see Fr. Stephen if you would like to do so.
Holy Week: The schedule of services for Holy Week is available on the handout table and posted on the website.
Flowers: Donations for flowers to decorate the Kouvouklion/Epitaphion, icons, and the church for Holy Week/Pascha are appreciated. Envelopes for designated donations are available in the Narthex and can be sent to the church office. Thank you.
Help Needed: All are welcome to help with preparations and decorating the church for Holy Week/Pascha. This Friday, May 3rd, after morning Imperial Hours we will be decorating the Kouvouklion/Epitaphion. Help is also needed for Holy Friday's procession. Please see Fr. Stephen or a Parish Council member to ask how you can help.
Religious Observance: Fr. Stephen would be happy to write a letter for our youth to be excused from school for religious observance during Holy Week. Please see him for this request.
Pascha Eggs: Donations of red dyed eggs are welcomed. Please bring them to the church by Holy Thursday, May 2nd. Thank you.
Calendar: The May parish calendar is available on the handout table and on the website. Take one to stay informed of parish services and events.
Confession: Fr. Stephen is available for the sacrament of Confession on Saturdays after Great Vespers or by appointment. All are encouraged to go to Confession especially during Great Lent as it is a time for repent-ance.
Stewardship: All are encouraged to make a stewardship pledge for 2024. Forms are available in the narthex and can be submitted to the church office. Thank you to all who have supported our parish with their time, talent, and treasure.
Fundraising Committee: New members are welcome to join the Fund-raising Committee and help our parish with new ideas to support our ministries. If interested, please contact Steve Hoskins.
Coffee Hour: All are welcome to have refreshments and fellowship in the hall following services. Please help by signing up on the board in the hall to host a coffee hour. We thank Philoptochos for organizing our fel-lowships.
Livestream: Watch our Sunday services on our YouTube channel "Saint Catherine GOC Ithaca" if you cannot make it in person. Past services are also available to watch. Our direct link is:
Prayer Lists: Please let us know if there is anyone you would like us to pray for as a community. Names can be submitted to Fr. Stephen.
“ I will show you my faith by my works.”
James 2:18
We hope all ladies, daughters and granddaughters will all join us in decorating the Epithafion Friday, May 3rd!
We are starting at 10:30 am and should finish by 2pm. Come anytime to help in this beautiful celebration!
Please rsvp Sophia Georgiou King
[email protected]
if you are able to help decorate or call (607) 3396107
We need everyone who can come and thank you!
It’s a beautiful experience working together as one in Christ.
We are collecting certain non perishable food items and toiletries, to help those in need, in our parish and through the local Salvation Army Food Pantry. Each Sunday of Lent we will be collecting different items. Our Parish hopes to collect 20-50 (or more) items each Sunday.
6th Sunday of Lent April 28— Laundry detergent and rolls of toilet paper
This effort is directly connected the Gospel commandments to feed the hungry and help the poor. The items we collect are important, but the love we show to in giving is equally important. A designated box to drop off items will be in the church hall.
Thank you for joining our effort to collect food, household and personal items for those in need. A blessed Great Lent to all!
Philoptochos Membership drive is underway!
HELP US TO GROW! Help us achieve our mission is to
"help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unem-ployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, those with disabili-ties, and the victims of disasters.”
We do so locally giving to 21 local agencies,
throughout Tompkins and Cortland counties. We also give to National and International relief and disaster through our Fund Raising efforts.
HOW DO YOU JOIN? Please contact Sophia Georgiou King and
Angela Teeter for membership details.
Call or email: (607) 3396107 [email protected]
(315) 406-1521 [email protected]
Suggested donation to join is $25
No Show Event: Celebrating Veterans, Those Serving in the Armed Forces and First Responders. As Philoptochos celebrates, 92 years of philanthro-py, the spirit of ladies is defined by their dedicated service to others.
From March 15th - MAY 15th, 2024, we will be honoring and/ or memo-rializing Veterans, those serving in the armed forces and first responders. You will have the opportunity to show your gratitude to the men and women who have sacrificed to protect our country in the name of free-dom and democracy, with your donations.
Please make your individual checks payable to the Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos for this event or email your donation to website: http:/www.metropolisofdetroitphiloptochos.org/
Operation Classroom Initiative:
As a National Initiative forms for submission. All outreach documents must be documented ,and submitted, from January. - April 2024, with hopes that our St. Catherine Philoptochos has a project to share with our National Philoptochos. Please be a volunteer in this initiative !
Contact Sophia Georgiou King
Philoptochos President at Sophia.georgiou47@ gmail.com with ques-tions and concerns and thank you.
*Flyers will be available at front table.
This Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to qualifying high school seniors, entering an accredited college, university, or trade school, as well as undergraduate college students( Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior) attending an accredited college, university or trade school.
Instructional and Application information
Dear Applicant: Complete the entire application available on the Metropolis website: www.detroit.goarch.org
Important: Applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2024
-Include a Letter of Recommendation from a non relative, who will write of you character
-Statement of Orthodoxy
-Statement of Stewardship from Parish Priest, certifying the applicant or applicant’s family are Stewards in good standing
- Include all supporting documents required of the application