Talks on Orthodoxy Winter Session Thursdays at 7p, the schedule of topics can be found here: TalksonOrthodoxyScheduleWinter2025-0.pdf This series of talks is open to all seekers, from inquirers to longtime faithful, looking to deepen their understanding of the Orthodox way. We meet in-person at church in the small hall AND via Zoom. If you’d like a Zoom link, please send an email to [email protected]
Icon Literacy: Please join us February 16th after Divine Liturgy, and after enjoying some fresh coffee, we welcome you to come back into the Church for a short Iconography literacy talk. Topics will be how to identify the category of Saints, Iconostasis layout. Questions, and comments are encouraged.
OCF Event Upcoming on March 28th, Come and experience monastic life. Join us on a trip to stay at St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Monastery in Platina, CA, March 28th-30th. There are 3 male slots available & 5 female slots available. Cut off date is February 17th. Please contact Marco Cloninger to coordinate reserving a spot, [email protected]
Website Help: We are seeking someone familiar with WordPress to help maintain and update our parish website. If interested please speak with Dimi.
Collection Drive Coats Still Needed: Philoptochos has partnered with the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission to provide our at-risk population with urgently needed new winter coats and gloves in men’s sizes L, XL, and XXL. We've placed a Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission barrel in the breezeway entrance of our large hall to collect the coats. Please help us fill this need as there are several cold months still ahead of us.
Adopt-A Student Ministry of the Metropolis has assigned our Saint Anthony Philoptochos Chapter two students, Joseph Bosl, a second year student at Holy Cross from Resurrection, Castro Valley and Dn Gabriel Yepez, a student in Religious Studies from the Maui Mission. We will support the students with encouragement through greeting cards, emails, texts, gifts, gift cards, and treats. Please reach out to Philoptochos if you are interested in supporting this ministry.
Bible Study Meets on Thursdays at 11am, in person AND via zoom. We are reading through the New Testament Book of Revelation. Drop ins are welcome! Connection link:
Diakonia Ministry provides visits and meals to the sick, homebound, new families and mothers of our parish, hosts fellowship after Divine Liturgy once a month and assists with special events at our parish. Will you join us to help? Contact any of the following ministry leads: Homebound/Bereaved/Sick/Elder Care contact Halie Zimmerman 775-843-8030 [email protected] OR Miriam McClintock 650-690-6930 [email protected] Coffee Hour contact Deborah and Glen Barlas 530-330-0407 [email protected] Social and Projects contact Despina Dagrizikos 224-392-3692 [email protected] Plan to join us also on Sat. February 22 for an informative meeting after Divine Liturgy.
AHEPA Scholarships are available for graduating High School Seniors of our Parish. Scholarships are also available for undergrad and graduate students. For info/and to see if you qualify call or email John Copoulos 775-720-4051 [email protected]
Join our Live Stream Ministry We are looking to build up our Live Stream Ministry. This is a wonderful way to help provide service to the parish and provide a vital connection to those who are not able to join us in person on Sundays. No experience necessary, we will provide training. High school age and above are welcome. The commitment is just 1-2 Sundays a month.
Reading the Epistle at Divine Liturgy is a very important way to participate in our Sunday service. Won't you consider being an Epistle Reader? We are currently putting together a schedule, so if you would like to participate please talk to Larry Fitterer and tell him your interested in reading. There will be some brief training involved to get you oriented. Need help contacting Larry? Call the church office & we'll help.