Schedule of Services for Week of March 16, 2025
Sunday, 03/16 8:30 a.m. Orthros / Divine Liturgy - Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
Monday, 03/17 6:00 p.m. Compline Service
Wednesday 03/19 6:00 p.m. Presanctified Liturgy
Friday, 03/21 7:00 p.m. Salutations to the Theotokos
Greek School: Please join us today, Sunday, March 16th, for our Greek Independence Day Program following the Divine Liturgy. Please contact Maria Sfondouris at [email protected] with any questions.
Jr. Greek Dance: We will practice TODAY, 3/16, after the Greek school program.
Email Spoofing: We have learned of several people getting fake emails from someone posing as Fr. Jimmy. As a rule, please ignore any emails that do not come from <role>
Procedure for Holy Communion:
Enter into the center aisle. Please wait until a member of the Parish Council calls your pew. The order is as follows:
-Any Newly illumined (newly Baptized, Chrismated)
- Choir
-Pew by pew per PC direction. Please wait until your pew is called.
-Those remaining in the narthex.
Sunday Fellowship Hour Sponsors: Please sponsor a fellowship hour to support the Saint Anna parish. The requested fellowship hour sponsorship donation is $50.
Donation statements were emailed out, if you did not receive or have questions, please email [email protected]. Our 2025 Stewardship drive is in progress, please complete your 2025 stewardship pledge to allow the parish council to properly plan for the year.
2025 Stewardship Status: We have 62 Pledges totaling $122,086 for an average of $1,969 and $71,928 received to date. We also have 6 families who have contributed $9,247 to date but have not submitted a stewardship card. It is important that all families complete a stewardship card to be considered a steward. Current Stewardship List and other stewardship information is posted in bulletin board by water cooler.
House Blessings: This is the time when we normally schedule House Blessings. If you would like Father Jimmy to come and bless your home, please email/call Father and the office by emailing [email protected] and/or calling (908) 968-4004.
Parish Council Updates:
Καλή Σαρακοστή: The Parish Council would like to express our prayerful wishes for a Blessed Lent to our fellow parishioners. If you would like to make a special contribution to the additional beautification needs of the Church during this period, please use the attached 2025 Easter Appeal Form. We thank you in advance for your generosity.
The next Parish General Assembly will occur on March 30th. Please see attached invitation and agenda for further information
Greek Independence Day Parade in Philadelphia, PA - Sunday April 6, 2025. The annual Greek Independence Day Parade is happening on Sunday April 6, 2025. Last year we had over 40 parishioners marching down the Ben Franklin Parkway. Let's try and top that number this year! Please use this link: to reserve your spot on the bus or see Bill Johnson at fellowship hour. Cost per seat is $15 for adults and Children under the age of 18 ride for free. Final Reservation/Payment is due Sunday March 30.
Palm Sunday Luncheon - Sunday April 13, 2025. We will be having our annual Palm Sunday Fish Luncheon following the Palm Sunday Liturgy. For details, please see attachment. If you plan to attend, please use this link to register:
There will be a BRIEF General membership meeting after church today, Sunday, March 16, in the center classroom, followed by the cleaning of the Church Nave and Narthex as our humble Lenten offering of love for our St. Anna church.
Annual elections are coming up on May 18th! Please contact an "Election Committee Member" if you are interested in running for a position on the Board! Thank You!
Tsoureki from Agia Skepi is available to order for $18 from now to Sunday, March 23. Please see Arge or Zoi in the fellowship hall after liturgy to place your order.
Palm Crosses will be available on March 23 thru Palm Sunday. The cost is $10.
We are continuing with our membership drive till the end of March, you can help us by joining the St. Anna Philoptochos and raising our numbers, by becoming a warrior for "Friends of the Poor"!
“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Acts 20:35
Save the Date: Our next senior Parea event is Tuesday, April 1st at 12:00.
Greek School: Please join today, Sunday, March 16th, for our Greek Independence Day Program following the Divine Liturgy. Please contact Maria Sfondouris at [email protected] with any questions.
Jr. Greek Dance: We will practice TODAY, 3/16, after the Greek school program.
GOYA: Our next meeting will be next Sunday, March 23rd, after Sunday School.
First Sundays are Youth Sundays at St. Anna. GOYA, HOPE & JOY (grades K-6th), and our Little Blessings (Pre-K and under) ministries will meet on the First Sunday of the month.
YAL: The Young Adult League will assist in PC duties on the second Sundays of the month (YAL Sundays). If you are of YAL age (18-35) and interested in participating or for more details about monthly meetings and get togethers, please reach out to Steven Tattoli at [email protected].
Forming new Women's Group Book Club. If interested, please send email (including day and time preferences) to [email protected]. Additional information will be coming soon.
ST. ANNA BOOKSTORE - Great Lent is here. Stop by the bookstore and see our new merchandise for Pascha. Questions? Send email to [email protected]. Here are some recommendations:
For Children: "Our Very First Easter"; "The Light"; " The Miracle of the Red Egg"; and "Pascha at the Duck Pond"
For Adults: "The Crucifixion of the King of Glory" and "Great Lent: Journey to Pascha"
The second in our series of iconography classes at St Anna will be held Monday, March 31, through Friday, April 4, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each evening. The icon subject will be a version of the famous Christ Pantocrator (Christ Ruler of All) icon from St. Catherine's Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai in Egypt. Although many ancient icons from the period were destroyed due to the iconoclast heresy, this one survived due to St. Catherine's remote location. It is therefore historically significant, and one of the oldest icons in existence (see PDF file attached for the image). No previous art experience is needed, and all supplies will be provided. The class fee will be $350 ($20 per hour, as before). For more information, or to register, please contact Gerard A. Pelletier ([email protected], 609-917-0990). (As no class will be offered during the summer, this may be our last class until Fall 2025.)
St Anna Website:
St Anna Greek Orthodox Church Calendar:[email protected]&ctz=America/New_York
For questions to the parish council: [email protected]
For general questions: [email protected]
To be added to the weekly bulletin email: [email protected]