Schedule of Services for Week of September 8, 2024
Sunday, 9/8 8:30 a.m. Orthros / Liturgy - Birth of Virgin Mary
Monday 9/9 9:00 a.m. Orthros / Liturgy - Synaxis Joachim and Anna
Saturday 9/14 9:00 a.m. Orthros / Liturgy - Holy Cross Feastday - Holy Cross Blessing with basil branches.
YAL: Please join the St. Anna Y.A.L for its first official meeting after church today in the conference room. This is an great opportunity to partake in planning upcoming Y.A.L events in an open forum and we hope you can join us.
Parish Council Updates:
We pray that everyone has had a nice summer. As we start the new year, we would like to provide a few updates:
1. Over the summer, the ministries worked on their ministry plans and have submitted them to the Parish Council for approval. The PC and the Ministry Leads meet on Aug 28th to review and coordinate an overall, synchronized calendar. We aim to publish the calendar of events in the coming weeks.
2. Our participation in the Effective Christian Ministry Program has begun. This is a program that we have discussed and approved at our General Assembly meetings. We have selected six individuals who will participate in the first round - Fr. Jimmy, Dean & Lisa Soteropoulos, Maria Georgeles, Michael Manteo and Lucy Pavlow.
3. We have recruited a new full time Psalti who will be joining our volunteer Psalti Team. His name is Alexander Boubaris and his first Sunday with us will be Sep 22nd. He has extensive experience chanting in both Greek and English. To hear Alexander chanting, you can click on this link -
Welcome Back to Everyone ~ Let's get the Ecclesiastical year off to a great Start!!
The first Philoptochos board meeting of the new year will be on Sunday, September 22, directly after Divine Liturgy.
Please join us for the first Philoptochos General Membership meeting of the new year on Sunday, September 29, get your coffee and bagel and meet in the 1st classroom on the left; we have a lot of planning and decisions to make. Bring your ideas and an open mind and we will brain-storm some amazing projects for the year! Let's make this the best year ever!!!
Our 2nd Annual Paint & Sip is right around the corner on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Bring your talent and enthusiasm and take home a beautiful painting made by YOU! Be sure to sign up at the Philoptochos Table during Fellowship!
Sunday School Director: Nikol Toulatos [email protected]
Greek School Director: Maria Sfondouris [email protected]
GOYA Head Advisor: Larisa Trumpy [email protected]
Hope & Joy Advisor: Kristen Diagelakis [email protected]
Little Blessings: Lucy Pavlow [email protected]
Greek Dance Lead: Larisa Trumpy [email protected]
Young Adult League (YAL): Bill Johnson [email protected]
College Care Package Ministry: Maria Tattoli [email protected]
Parent Advisory Council (PAC): Lisa Soteropoulos [email protected]
Parent Advisory Council (PAC): The Parent Advisory Committee is looking forward to the start of our new ecclesiastical year. We are kicking off the PAC Ministry with a 'Parent Happy Hour Social' Oct. 5th 7pm-9pm. Parents, grandparents and caregivers of all Saint Anna Youth and Young Adult Ministry are welcome to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, share ideas and plan engaging activities and programs that will enrich the spiritual lives of our youth. Whether you are a returning parent or new to our community, we welcome your participation and look forward to working together to make this year a memorable and impactful one for all.
Please RSVP by 9/23/2024 so that we can ensure adequate preparations for our meeting. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact Lisa Soteropoulos at 908-328-2263 or [email protected]
Youth Field Day: September 29 after Divine Liturgy. Free event for children from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Please contact Nikol Toulatos at [email protected].
Greek School: We are looking forward to a new Greek school year! Our first day will be September 23rd. Please register your children using the attached registration form. If you have any questions,, please contact Maria Sfondouris [email protected].
Sunday School: We are looking forward to the first day of Sunday School on September 29th! Please email Nikol Toulatos to register your children for the 2024-25 school year. Parents interested in volunteering for Sunday School teaching / aiding please reach out to Nikol Toulatos.
GOYA: Registration for new and returning GOYA members is now available. If you have a child entering 7th grade and 12 years old interested in joining, please email Larisa Trumpy, [email protected]. Returning members will receive an email with registration this week.
Save the date: Sunday, 9/22 GOYA Kick Off Event after Divine Liturgy for members and parents.
HOPE & JOY: Our HOPE & JOY program is for children grades K-6th. Register Now for the upcoming year Our first meeting will be
October 6th. If you have any questions or you are interested in becoming a HOPE & JOY advisor this year, please contact Kristen Diagelakis at
[email protected].
Little Blessings: Join
us on October 6th for the launch of our Little Blessings Ministry Group (Pre-K and under). After Sunday School, please come to the hall where we will be learning about St. Andrew and St. Peter. We'll have some fun with activities and games, along with some tasty treats to celebrate! If you would like to bring your child/children, please RSVP to Lucy Pavlow at
[email protected]. We hope to see you there!
College Care Packages: Fall care packages will be mailed October 1st. As our young adults go off to college - whether it is close to home or far away - it is important that they stay connected to their St. Anna family. This ministry aims to establish and maintain contact with each of our high school graduates as they progress through their college years. Our goal is to remind them that church is always HOME. We try to do this by sending them 2 care packages each school year. These include a letter with some information on our Orthodox faith to help their spiritual growth in college and some treats to simply put a smile on their face. For our freshmen students, we do some research and provide information about a local Orthodox church close to their campus, an OCF chapter on campus, Hellenic Club, etc. We also provide some of the Archdiocese’s resources that are geared toward young adults. We are mindful of striking a good balance of faith and friendship in our communications.
To register your student, please contact Maria Tattoli @ [email protected]. A registration table will be set up during fellowship hour. Registration deadline: September 23.
We welcome snack donations. The snack list and collection bin is in the church lobby. Thank you for your support!
ST. ANNA BOOKSTORE NEWS. Let's celebrate the Panagia this month:
---- Rejoice Panagia: Offering to Children the Akathist Hymn
---- Virgin Mary Mother of God: Blessed Above All Women
---- Orthodox Veneration of Mary, Birthgiver of God
---- The Way of the Pilgrim
Sunday Fellowship Hour Sponsors: The Parish Council would like to make an appeal for sponsors of our Sunday Fellowship Hour for the Ecclesiastical year. Please consider sponsoring a fellowship hour to honor a friend or family member (perhaps a birthday or graduation), for the memory of a deceased loved one, or as a donation to support the Saint Anna parish. The requested fellowship hour sponsorship donations is $50 which covers the cost of bagels, all the spreads, coffee and condiments.
STEWARDSHIP: Stewardship is a practice that can help shape our world and lives so that we can more fully and gratefully experience God's grace, love, and communion. Inspired by our love of God, stewardship is expressed through the many ways we support and engage in the life of our beloved Parish. Parish engagement in the form of time, talent and treasure supports the mission and programs of our Church. As we embark on our Church’s future and continued progress, we recognize the incredible efforts of so many individuals over the past 20+ years that have led to remarkable accomplishments for our humble Community. To continue to build and maintain our momentum, and achieve our vision for Saint Anna, we depend heavily on parish engagement and stewardship. With your heartfelt pledges, we can maintain our church facilities, do God's work, and grow in Christ together. If you haven’t submitted your annual stewardship pledge card for 2024, we ask that you take the time to download and complete the card attached to this message. Kindly hand in your card when you come to Church or send it via email or the postal service by September 30. Thank you again for your support and may God bless you!
2024 Stewardship Status: Growth in the number of stewards is annually assessed by the Archdiocese and the New Jersey Metropolis and is a key indicator of stability and progress. All families and individuals must complete a stewardship card to be considered a steward. We have 157 Pledges totaling $206,475 and $161,176 received as of 4 September 2024. We also have 4 families who have contributed $540 to date but have not submitted a stewardship card. It is important that all families complete a stewardship card to be considered a steward. The current Stewardship List is attached to this email and posted on the bulletin board by the water cooler.
KIDNEY DONOR NEEDED: National Philoptochos Board Member Joanne Kakoyiannis, a long-standing National Philoptochos Board member is currently facing stage 5 chronic kidney disease and urgently requires a kidney transplant, preferably from a suitable living donor. It should be noted that Joanne’s blood type is O-positive. Joanne is working with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Kidney Transplant Program. They are available at (215) 662-6200 for confidential discussions to provide information about the living donation process and address your concerns. There is no financial burden on the donor. If you know someone who may be open to donating a kidney, please let them know about Joanne’s situation. The following website tells Joanne’s story: If you need more information, please feel free to reach out to Penn (tel 215-662-6200), Peter Kakoyiannis (tel 215-715-5378; email [email protected]) and/or Jason Kakoyiannis (213-590-9125; [email protected]). Thank you!
St Anna Website:
St Anna Greek Orthodox Church Calendar:[email protected]&ctz=America/New_York
For questions to the parish council: [email protected]
To be added to the weekly bulletin email or for general questions: [email protected]