This Week
November 17 to December 1, 2024
8:30AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
11:30AM 40 day Blessing (churching)
11:30AM 40 day blessing
11:30AM Memorial
11:45AM Choir Rehearsal
12:15PM Loss and Bereavement Grief Support Group - Classrooms
12:15PM Opalakia Dance - Preschool Rooms
12:30PM Atromitoi Dance - Phillips Center
2:00PM Light the Path
3:00PM GOYA Friendsgiving
5:00PM Meraki Dance - Phillips Center
7:00PM Meli Dance- Phillips Center
Monthly Vine Submission Due
4:00PM Greek School - Children Lvl A
4:00PM Greek School - Children Lvl B/C
6:00PM FDF Choral Group Practice - Church Sanctuary
6:30PM Greek School - Adult Beginners
6:30PM Pacific Coast Harmony - Rehearsal
7:00PM Scout Troop 2000 - Conference Room
9:00AM Silent Prayer
10:30AM Bible Study (via Zoom)
6:15PM Youth Board (Zoom)
7:00PM Meli Dance - Phillips Center
7:00PM Meraki Dance- Pappas Hall
10:00AM Philoptochos Budget Committee meeting - Conference Room
6:00PM Atromitoi Dance- Phillips Center
6:30PM Greek School - Adult Beginners
7:00PM Scout Troop 2000 - Pappas Hall
8:30AM Orthros - Entrance of the Theotokos
9:00AM Baking Group - Phillips Center Kitchen
9:30AM Divine Liturgy - Entrance of the Theotokos
11:00AM Fr Michael Art Show
1:00PM Dance Workshop -Phillips Center
8:30AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
11:30AM 40 day blessing
11:45AM Choir Rehearsal
11:45AM ARCHON Sunday Presentation -After Service -Church Solea
12:15PM Opalakia Dance - Preschool Rooms
12:30PM PC Candidates Meeting w/ Fr. Michael -After Church-Pappas Hall
12:30PM Atromitoi Dance - Phillips Center
12:30PM Hope/Sprouts/Joy - Thankful Craft - After Liturgy - Pappas Hall
5:00PM Meraki Dance - Phillips Center
7:00PM Meli Dance- Phillips Center
4:00PM Greek School - Children Lvl A
4:00PM Greek School - Children Lvl B/C
6:00PM FDF Choral Group Practice - Church Sanctuary
6:30PM Greek School - Adult Beginners
6:30PM Pacific Coast Harmony - Rehearsal
8:30AM Saint Stylanos - Orthros
9:00AM Silent Prayer
9:30AM Saint Stylanos - Liturgy
7:00PM Meli Dance - Phillips Center
7:00PM Meraki Dance- Pappas Hall
6:00PM Atromitoi Dance- Phillips Center
Happy Thanksgiving
9:30AM Divine Liturgy- St. Andrew
8:30AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
11:30AM Memorial
11:30AM 40 day - Churching
11:45AM Choir Rehearsal
12:15PM Opalakia Dance - Preschool Rooms
12:30PM Atromitoi Dance - Phillips Center
5:00PM Meraki Dance - Phillips Center
7:00PM Meli Dance- Phillips Center