Hurricane Helene brought devastation to the southeast from Florida to North Carolina. The pictures we see on the news broadcasts are horrific but also remind us of our battle with Hurricane Katrina. We received significant help from the Metropolis of Atlanta as well as nearly every church in the Metropolis. We know what our brothers and sisters are going through. Our Metropolis and the Philoptochos have started a fund raising campaign. Let's be generous in any way we can. Time, Talent, or Treasure. The fund raising campaign has been moved to the Archdiocese. Future donations must go there. Go to See the bulletin insert for the letter from President of the Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos.
Our once a month new Practical Orthodoxy Group began September 30. We thank everyone who joined us for this evening of good food, fellowship and learning. We encourage everyone who is interested to join us for the next meeting on Monday, October 28 at a site to be determined! Join us as we fellowship and learn together the practical and nuts and bolts practices in our lives as Orthodox Christians and faithful members of this Parish Community. For more information please talk with Father Paisius and Cassidy and Crystal Anderson.
This week we will celebrate the Great Feast Day of the Holy Apostle of Saint Iakovos (James) with Vespers with Artoklasia at 6pm on Tuesday, October 22 and Orthros at 9:30 am and Divine Liturgy at 10 am. We will also add to our schedule the celebration of Saint and Great Martyr Demetrius the Wonderworker with Great Vespers at 6 pm on Friday, October 25 and Orthros at 9:30 am and Divine Liturgy at 10 am on Saturday, October 26. Come and join us as we honor Saints Iakovos and Demetrius and pray together on these days. We also offer many years to James Milam and the three Demetrius' in our Parish Community!
We offer a reminder that every Sunday following Divine Liturgy we offer the Prayers of Thanksgiving after Holy Communion. We encourage anyone who can to join us as we offer these beautiful prayers of Thanksgiving for having received the Precious Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion!
For anyone who is interested in learning more about our Byzantine Chant, we are having a Chanting class every Saturday at 5:00 pm. Please talk with our Chanter Angelos Vamvakas for further information.
We ask that everyone please note that when you light candles in the Narthex Sandbox to be careful not to put them to close to the edges and too close to the Icon Stands and Icon Vestments. Thanks in advance!
With Greek OXI Day coming up next Monday, October 28 on the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Theotokos, we will commemorate this both next Sunday, October 27 and Monday, October 28.
Printed copies of our Parish October service schedule are now available in the Narthex and Church Side Entrance. Please pick up your copy and join us in the worship of our Parish Community. The schedule is also on the church website at
At this Fall General Assembly nominations were taken for two positions on the Parish Council and selectees for the Election and Audit Committees. Nominees for the two Parish Council positions are Cassidy Anderson, Olga Angel, and George Vaporis. A leter was sent to all parishioners announcing the election and procedures for absentee balloting. See the bulletin insert for a copy of the letter. Our Parish Council Elections will be held Lord Willing on Sunday, November 17. Please join us in supporting our Parish Community by participating in our Parish General Assembly!
Please note anyone nominated for Parish Council Elections will be asked to attend several classes, beginning Sunday, October 20, with Father Paisius before the election to learn the duties and responsibilities of a Parish Council Member in our Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.
We offer a reminder for our Catechumens that October 6 following Coffee Hour we will begin our new Catechumen class. Please join as we learn and develop our Faith and grow in our spiritual journey!
Today we extend our best wishes and congratulations to Peter Georgian as he celebrates his birthday on October 21, to Nicholas Kaleto as he celebrates his birthday on October 21 and to Chris Mavromihalis as he celebrates his birthday on October 22. May the Lord our God bless His servants Peter, Nicholas and Chris and may He grant to them many more blessed and happy years!
Pray for Father Paisius, Saidi Maalouf, Niki Arnold, Wilson Arnold, Karen Henderson, Photine Hagicostas, and Demetri Vlahos as they recover from their illnesses. May the Lord our God quickly heal His servants. Get well soon. Let us continue to pray for those of our Parish Community who are recovering in various ways. Let us always remember that praying for each other is important and beneficial to all!
Please let Father Paisius know of any parishioner who is sick so we may pray for them.
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed. See bulletin inserts for the 2024 Stewardship Pledge Form and a current list of parishioners who have pledged for this year.