SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2023
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
ORTHROS 8:30 a.m. – DIVINE LITURGY 10:00 a.m.
Broadcasting begins at 8:25 a.m.
Altar Boy Team on Duty: Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker
New members or visitors, please stop by the Welcome Table across from the candlestand.
Orthros and The Divine Liturgy are broadcast live online each week.
Memory Eternal
Please join us in prayer following the Divine Liturgy for the repose of the servants of God:
Christ Capetanos (15 year), Mitsa Capetanos (7 year) and family
Spyridon Nicholaos Vlachos (7 year)
May the Lord rest their souls where the just repose.
The Coffee Hour is sponsored by the Capetanos Family
40-Day Blessing
Today we welcome Vasiliki (Lindsey) Abboushi with her precious son, Nicholas Charles Abboushi, as Father Paul provides the 40-Day Blessing to Nicholas and his mother Vasiliki.
Prayers for our former Assistant Priest, Fr. Theodore Roupas
We ask that you include Fr. Theodore Roupas in your prayers. He was our former Assistant Priest here at Holy Trinity. Fr. Theodore Roupas recently asked our parish to pray for him. He was diagnosed with a severe heart condition and had open heart surgery a few days ago with a long road of recovery ahead. We pray that he receives the hope and courage needed today and every day and that God heals his pain, calms his fears, and surrounds him with peace.
Sunday School
There will be no Sunday School classes this Sunday, May 14th.
The last day of Sunday School will be May 21st.
Commitment Sunday, May 21 - Capital Campaign Update
Dear friends and stewards of Holy Trinity,
You will soon be receiving in your mail a Capital Campaign Packet which will include a Three Year Pledge Card in support for our new Master Plan. Please fill it out and return this card to us by mail or you may choose to bring it to church with you on Commitment Sunday, May 21 where we will collect them at the end of liturgy.
In addition, here is a preview of the planned activities:
June 4 - Capital Campaign Special General Assembly to update Community on the Capital Campaign progress. We are planning on serving Loukoumades and Frappes! We want a big turnout. Hope to see you all there.
If you are interested in learning more about the work that is being done to make our new Holy Trinity home a reality, please contact George Pappas or Manny Economedes.
Here is the link for donations online: https://abundant.co/holytrinityraleigh/capcampaign2023
Church Office
The office will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
Please check our lost and found bin in the copier room if you are missing personal belongings, we have quite a few items looking for their owners.
Adult Greek Dance
The first practice will be Tuesday, May 16 at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please check out the church calendar for all future practice dates.
Greek Dance 8th - 12th graders
We practice every Sunday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
All are welcome even if they are beginners.
If you are interested in running for an officer position for next year, please fill out this form as soon as possible, but no later than May 13th. We will be holding elections after Sunday School on May 21st. If you are running for a position, please be in attendance on that Sunday. Candidate list and short narrative will be sent out next week. Here is the link to the google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwMCl_NfYtJrP85Zv7KuJ7InPSh-yC9FWJ0PCtS0uAy2UXyg/viewform?usp=sf_link
May 20, 3pm- Family pool party at the Nickolas' home. Please plan to bring a side or dessert. The Nickolas family will be providing the main course. We are so grateful for their generosity. Additional details and address will be in next week's email.
June 17, 4-7pm- End of year celebration at Kings Bowling
Alley and dinner at Chuy's. More details to come!
6th graders are encouraged to participate in all May and June activities. Please reach out to Bryce and Jamie to be added to the email list asap.
Preschool Summer Camps
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Preschool will be having 4 weeklong camps over the summer. All camps will feature a specific theme and will have arts & crafts, math, music, movement, and literacy.
June 12th-16th Ocean
June 19th-23rd Dinosaur
August 7th-11th Nutrition
August 14th-18th Bugs
Class Hours : 9:00am - 1:00pm daily
Cost Per Camp: $125.00 per child
Forms can be found on the candle stand, if you have questions please reach out to Shae Noffsinger at [email protected]
Philoptochos News
Dear Philoptochos sisters and supporters,
Christos Anesti!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers in our lives, including everyone that provides motherly love and guidance. You truly are the reason our world is so lovely!
Mark your calendars and attend the General meeting at 12 noon and party at 4pm on Sunday May 21! Purchase tickets in advance for our End of Year Party. Please see all the information below.
General meeting Sunday May 21 at 12 noon
This will be our last meeting before summer break. It will be brief and extremely important as we will conduct elections for our new Board members and vote for the nonprofits that will be our grant recipients.
Then join us for our End of Year Party on Sunday May 21 at 4pm.
Come celebrate alongside us as we eat, drink, and enjoy the end of a fabulous year. The Ladies of Philoptochos will be hosting this party from 4pm-6pm at:
Ladyfingers (3710 Exchange Glenwood Place)
Tickets are $35.00 and can be purchased during coffee hour. Payment can be made by cash, check (made out to Ladies of Philoptochos), or credit card.
If you have any questions regarding the party, please contact Francesca ([email protected])
or Anna([email protected]). We hope to see you all there!
St Anthony’s Group
20th - Saturday: Chair exercises at 1:30 in Parish Hall.
11th – Sunday: Annual group planning at 12pm in the library.
6th - Tuesday: Monthly spaghetti luncheon at 12:30pm in Parish Hall. Casey Baldwin will be available to discuss individual medication lists.
8th – Thursday: Herb tour by Maria Hristova-Kamierski
17th – Saturday: Chair exercises at 1:30 in Parish Hall.
Save the Date! Orthodox Parenting Retreat
with Dr. Philip Mamalakis on June 2-3
We're thrilled to announce that Dr. Philip Mamalakis, author of
Parenting toward the Kingdom: Orthodox Christian Principles of Child-Rearing,
will be visiting us for a parenting retreat Friday, June 2, and Saturday, June 3.
Friday evening, Dr. Mamalakis will provide a seminar to both moms and dads. Childcare will be provided.
Saturday, mothers will gather after the Saturday of Souls service for lunch and an afternoon focused on our unique role.
More details to follow in the coming weeks. We hope to see you there!
Graduation Sunday June 11
On Sunday, June 11, following Divine Liturgy, the 2023 Graduates will be recognized for their achievements. Parents of graduates, we need you to complete the Graduation Sunday Student Information Form and submit it to us by the end of day June 1st. If you don’t plan to attend the Liturgy in person, please complete the form and plan to join us virtually. If you would like an electronic copy of the form, please email [email protected]
Please email the completed form to [email protected]
or mail to: HTGOC, 5000 Lead Mine Road, Raleigh, NC 27612.
If you have questions, please contact: Shae Noffsinger at [email protected].
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy - 9:30am
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am
Divine Liturgy - 9:00am
Orthros - 8:30am
Divine Liturgy - 10:00am