SOUPER BOWL OF CARING: The familiar red soup cans will be on the Pangari on January 26, February 2 and February 9, 2025. Please give generously and help stamp our hunger. The proceeds will be sent to the IOCC—International Orthodox Christian Charities.
Upcoming Dance Practice Dates...
February 5, 2025 6:00 Little Angels 6:30 Middle and Hellenic
February 19, 2025 6:00 Little Angels 6:30 Middle and Hellenic
Lent begins on March 3rd. Practice will resume after Easter to begin preparation for the Food Festival.
Please check text messages and the Remind App for updates on practices. Please RSVP when link is sent.
Contact Information
Kathleen Marvin 724-601-4166
Valerie Lerch 724-494-4432
BOOK STUDY - February 10th at 7:15pm Part 2: Chapters 3 & 4
PHILOPTOCHOS MEETING - February 16th following the Divine Liturgy
GODPARENT SUNDAY - February 23rd: We invite all of our godparents and godchildren to join us for services and to prepare themselves to receive Holy Communion.
GYRO SALE - February 23rd: Help GOYA fundraise and enjoy a great meal on our last day of eating meat before Great Lent on Meatfare Sunday
As we have ended 2024, we are blessed to have fulfilled over 96% of our Stewardship pledges. To those who have given, we thank you deeply. If you haven't yet completed your pledge, this is your opportunity to help us keep the light of our parish burning brightly. Your generosity ensures that our ministries, programs, and spiritual outreach continue to thrive.
Having entered 2025, we invite you to become a luminary of our parish by making a new stewardship commitment, joining the 92 who have already pledged. As a new steward, you are a beacon of faith, lighting the path for others, and helping our church grow stronger for generations to come. Your gift sustains the life of our parish, nurtures the community, and ensures that the flame of our Orthodox faith burns brightly into the future.
Together, with God's grace, we can fulfill our mission and keep His light shining in our church and beyond. Thank you for your continued love, faith, and generosity.
To help the parish council and the office, please identify what year your stewardship donations are going towards.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - We are looking for members who are interested in helping us bolster our Social Media presence, our Website, and other communications. Please talk to Fr. Anastasios, Connie, or Raina if you are interested.
PARISH PLEDGES $20,000 FOR THE NEW METROPOLIS CENTER If you would like to add your own personal donation or pledge to the completion of the New Metropolis Center, please go to .
SUNDAY SCHOOL: The spiritual and religious education for our children is not only the 20-minute class following holy communion, it is attending each and every Sunday, hearing the hymns of the day, the readings for the day, Fr. Anastasios' kids' sermon, and worshipping alongside their family and community. Their formation also takes place in the home and in the example led by their parents, fortify yourself for the journey by coming to church too.
YOUTH SAFETY - Please register at This includes all Youth Safety Workers as well as Parish Council
PRAYER CHAIN - Members of Holy Trinity are being brought together in efforts to pray for those in need of prayers. Please contact Joanie Ondrako at 724-601-6298, Fr. Anastasios, or the Office to join the prayer team, a group of people who will pray for the names given each day.
Prayer requests can be submitted anonymously and will be on the prayer list as long as your request is wanted, even up to a year.
ONLINE GIVING & STEWARDSHIP: Is OPEN! Online giving can be found by clicking here! Please consider your continued support of our church through becoming one of our online giving families. You can make general contributions and stewardship contributions.
REGULAR GIVING: The church is still accepting donations in normal ways through the mail and drop-off. Thank you to all of those who have continued to contribute in these challenging times.
In response to inquiries regarding the donation of securities to Holy Trinity, a new brokerage account has been established with PNC Investments to receive stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Donating appreciated securities is often preferable to donating cash as the donor may benefit from the current tax code, creating the opportunity for donors to consider even larger gifts. Currently, this account can receive securities in lieu of cash for the fulfillment of stewardship pledges as well as directed gifts for special projects. If after consulting with your financial advisor, you are interested in this form of giving, please contact any parish council member or the office for more information.
LIVE-STREAM: If you don't have a Facebook account, don't worry: it does not force you to log in.