Pastoral Message from the September Beacon
Dear Parishioners of our Beloved Assumption,
According to modern wisdom, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. In such a short period of time, one can change the momentum of one’s direction by instituting an exercise routine or embracing a healthy diet; one could stop having that evening bowl of ice cream or even stop smoking. A beneficial change is only 21 days in the making—but so is a bad habit— one could stop exercising or embrace an unhealthy diet.
Attending weekly Divine Liturgy and Bible Study are likewise choices that in 21 days can become routine. When we don’t come to church in the summer, it is hard to begin again—just as it is hard to stop when we regularly attend. Fasting, praying, tithing are also examples of choices that we make that become part of our way of being (in 21 days).
Why is this so important to be said right now? It is because we have come to the start of a new Ecclesiastical year! Regardless of what our momentum was before, we are now entering a new year of Sunday School, Bible Study, youth activities, fellowship, etc. Whether, in this last year, we were merely participating or completely committed doesn’t matter—the clock has been reset.
For each of us, this means that we decide what we want to be this year. We need to sit down and determine what is important to our families and ourselves. Then, commit to 21 days of making it a reality. Is it easy? Not really. Is it worth it? Absolutely!
It is our daily habits that define the health of almost everything that we can control about ourselves: physical fitness, weight, scholastic performance and financial health. Why would our spiritual health differ? The new year starts today—so can your new (or renewed) you!
I remain,
In His Service,
Rev. Father Jon Boukis