Pastoral Message from the July/August Beacon
Dear Parishioners of our Beloved Assumption,
Each Summer, our parish “travels” from festival to Festival!
The small “f” festival is one of our primary fundraisers of the year. It is an event that we so eagerly anticipate with excitement, yet also dread due to the amount of work it requires. We as creatures of the uncreated Lord extend our “Grecian” hospitality to all who present themselves. As the spiritual father representing His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas at your parish, I was proud to see how well our parishioners worked together to accomplish this massive undertaking—especially our chairpersons who put in many tireless hours in preparation. I was also excited to not only see your stewardship of time and talent, but also that even fellowship and happiness was present during those long hot days. It is through our love for one another and through our hospitality that we are recognized as Christian and witness to all His existence within each of us.
The capital “F” Festival is the Church Nameday Festival, the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th. This Festival is not built around our love being extended, but His love being extended to us. It is our receiving of His love that empowers us to love others—maybe even those we don’t necessarily like. It is through our worship, thanksgiving and love of our whole being towards God that we reveal ourselves not only as Christian, but as Orthodox.
My call to each of you is that we travel together. Let us make this journey of love to our Parish’s feast that we may worship Him while honoring her (the Theotokos). Let this Parish feast be a true celebration of worship and community. We have celebrated our love of our fellow man, let us now celebrate our love for Him as we receive His love for us!
In His Service,
Fr. Jon