Christmas Party - Invitations are in the mail. Join us for a “Very Country Christmas” celebration on Saturday December 9, 2023 at the Betty Reckas Center. It will be a fun event with a Tree Lighting Ceremony at 5:30pm followed by Dinner, Live Band and Dancing. Prepaid Reservations only by December 1, 2023. $50.00 for Adults Prepaid, ($60.00 at the Door); $20 for Children under 12.
Pay by Venmo @Philoptochos-LongBeach or by check Payable to Assumption Philoptochos. We are also selling tickets every Sunday after Church in the Hall.
For Information please contact Mary Polychrones (714)343-5866; Lia Kakaris (562)773-1778
Trinity Christmas Tree: Beginning November 5, 2023, the Trinity Christmas Tree will be in the Narthex with the names of the children and their Christmas wishes. Let us put a smile on a kid’s face by making their Christmas wishes come true. Last day to bring the gifts is 12/10/2023.
Holiday Baking: Let the Philoptochos ladies bake for you for the upcoming Holiday season. Place your orde/s for Melomakarona, Kourabiedes, Koulourakia. For special orders ONLY: Tray/s of Baklava, Karidopita, Spanakopites & Tiropites. To place your order/s please contact Lia Kakaris at 562-773-1778 or via email at [email protected]. We will only bake what you order.
Toys For Tots: Philoptochos has partnered with Sunday School to sponsor and collect toys for underprivileged children in Long Beach that will bring a smile to a child’s face during this holiday season. Bring a small new toy and drop in the box at the Betty Reckas Center till December 10. Your generosity is appreciated.