November 10 to December 9, 2024
8th Sunday of Luke
8:45AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
Veterans Day
10:00AM WCDNF using hall
5:55PM Orthodoxy 101
🍇 John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople
6:30PM Hosting Parish Council Seminar
5:00PM DFC event in Hall
11:00AM Festival of Tables
🐟 9th Sunday of Luke
3rd Breaking of Bread
8:45AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
2:00PM Holy Road (Clapboard Ridge House of Worship Gathering)
5:00PM Archbishop Nameday Dinner - Terrace on the Park
5:55PM Orthodoxy 101
5:55PM Great Vespers
6:45PM 4th Wednesday LIGHT & LIFE
🐟 The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple
8:45AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy
7:30PM Parish Council Meeting
🐟 13th Sunday of Luke
8:45AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
11:45AM Election General Assembly Meeting
🐟 Catherine the Great Martyr of Alexandria
8:45AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy
9:30AM WCDNF using hall
4:00PM Visitation
9:30AM Visitation
11:00AM Funeral
12:00PM Dorothy Day Sandwiches - parish hall
Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed
Day after Thanksgiving - Office Closed
🐟 Andrew the First- Called Apostle
🐟 14th Sunday of Luke
8:45AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
9:00AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy - St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia
11:00AM Blood Drive (Lion's Club of Danbury)
🍇 Barbara the Great Martyr
9:00AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy at St. Barbara, Orange, CT (Ordination to the Diaconate of Dn. Anastasios Halas)
5:55PM Paraklesis to St. Nicholas
6:30PM Ladies Philoptochos Meeting
🍇 Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra
9:00AM Orthros & Divine Liturgy
3:00PM Kafenio
🐟 10th Sunday of Luke
8:45AM Orthros
10:00AM Divine Liturgy
12:30PM 4th Breaking of Bread
🐟 The Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos