Please pray for our brothers and sisters: Christina, Malina, Athena, Ivana, Deborah, Nicholas, Christine, Anna, Joanne, Eva. We will keep the names for about six months unless the situation is resolved.
Trisagia services will be offered today for His Beatitude Anastasios of Albania who fell asleep yesterday at the age of 95 and for our sister Katherine (Kay) Decoulos. May their memory be eternal!
Metropolis Greek Letters Day Celebration will be held on Sunday, January 26, at 3 pm at the Cathedral Center - 162 Goddard Avenue in Brookline. Greek Schools will offer a program, and we will be represented by Vivian Asimellis. Please let Fr. Costin if you are able to attend.
Orthodoxy Discussion Group - continues January 27th at 7pm. The topic will be Christ and the Church This group meets every other week, on Mondays at 7pm. It is intended both for those who want to join the church through Baptism or Chrismation, those who want to have their wedding blessed, as well as for anyone who wants to learn more about their Orthodox faith. Please let Fr. Costin know if you want to participate. Those who cannot attend in person can connect by zoom using the church link
The Future of Our Parish Committee was launched on 18 January and plans to meet through the Spring General Assembly to develop a consensus vision and view of the future of our parish, that includes stewardship, ministries, outreach, finances, and an execution roadmap to achieve our goals.
Zach Lemnios (co-Chair), Jim Sperelakis (co-Chair), Fr. Costin, Suzy Brown (Secretary), Bruce Beck, Rick Brown, Jim Georgopoulos, Eric Hansen, Arthur Housianitis, John Housianitis, Joanna Tsiantas, Angela Tsopelas, Christos Patrinos, Marianna Toumbourou. Please reach out to Zach or Jim if you have thoughts you would like to share, and stay tuned for more from this committee.
To stay informed view our new web page FUTURE OF OUR PARISH COMMITTEE listed under the MINISTRIES drop-down menu or visit
Greek Food Festival (GFF) meeting after Church on Sunday, February 2·11:45am – 1:00pm, in the conference room to discuss GFF - Promo/Sponsor/Giving Tree. Please join us if you are interested in helping with the GFF promotional efforts.
Thank you to the Chitas Family for their generous donation of apples. The apples were distributed during Coffee Hour last Sunday and many of our parishioners took home bags of apples to enjoy in a multitude of ways.
GLAS Warm Winter Item Donation Drive - The Greek Ladies Aid Asssociation is collecting socks, hats, mittens, and scarves for the greater Newburyport Community, adults and children, through the winter season. Please drop off items in the designated basket and donations will be dropped off to various charities throughout the area all season long. Thank you for helping us keep our community warm this winter season.
Bible study continues on Monday, February 3rd at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join! The Bible study meets every other Monday.
Please Sign up for a coffee hour or for providing deserts to St. Basil Soup Kitchen. The sign up boards are in the Narthex. For details, inquire with parish council members.