Please pray for our brothers and sisters: Dean, Christina, Malina, Athena, Ivana, Deborah, Nicholas, Christine, Anna, Joanne, Eva, Charlie, Sheree, Ann. We will keep the names for about six months unless the situation is resolved.
THIS SATURDAY: We will celebrate Apokries on Saturday, Februrary 22nd with a MeatFare celebration featuring "YOUVETSI" Greek Lamb Stew with orzo & rice. Join us at 6pm. For details see flyer.
40 Day Memorial Services - for our sister Irene Frangos Decoulos and our brother John James Decoulos. May their memories be eternal. The Height/Decoulos family is hosting Coffee Hour in their memory.
Souperbowl Sunday - concludes this Sunday. We are raising funds for IOCC's food outreach that is used to feed families in Greece, Lebanon, Holy Land and throughout the world. Please help us reach our goal of $250 by participating in our raffle for the five $5 coupons generously provided by Panera Bread. As an example, a $15 donation will give you 3 chances to win. The drawing will be on February 23. You can make your donation in person in the narthex or downstairs at coffee hour, or by going to
Orthodoxy Discussion Group - continues February 24th at 7pm. The topic will be the Holy Spirit This group meets every other week, on Mondays at 7pm. It is intended both for those who want to join the church through Baptism or Chrismation, those who want to have their wedding blessed, as well as for anyone who wants to learn more about their Orthodox faith. Please let Fr. Costin know if you want to participate. Those who cannot attend in person can connect by zoom using the church link
The Future of Our Parish Committee has expanded to include additional Stewards and is beginning to outline our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. We started to see some trends and opportunities to connect ideas. We have posted our initial thoughts on several posters in the conference room and encourage all Stewards to add their comments. Please contact Zach or Jim a call to discuss your ideas.
To stay informed view our new web page FUTURE OF OUR PARISH COMMITTEE listed under the MINISTRIES drop-down menu or visit
Bible study continues on Monday, March 3rd at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join! The Bible study meets every other Monday. We are doing a scriptural study of the Divine Liturgy. Those who cannot attend in person can connect by zoom using the church link
GLAS Warm Winter Item Donation Drive - The Greek Ladies Aid Asssociation Donation Drive is complete and items were dropped off at Newburyport Community Service this past week. Thank you for helping us keep our community warm this winter season.
Please Sign up for a coffee hour or for providing deserts to St. Basil Soup Kitchen. The sign up boards are in the Narthex. For details, inquire with parish council members.