Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Publish Date: 2024-08-18
Bulletin Contents

Organization Icon
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

General Information

  • Phone:
  • (408) 246-2770
  • Fax:
  • (408) 246-0143
  • Street Address:

  • 1260 Davis Street

  • San Jose, CA 95126
  • Mailing Address:

  • 986 Chapman Street

  • San Jose, CA 95126

Contact Information

Services Schedule


Orthros at 8:15am followed by Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Church School 9:30 a.m.

Weekdays: Orthros at 8:30am followed by Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.

Feast Days: see embedded Calendar on website:

Confessions: Please call Office.

Past Bulletins

Special Services


Please join in prayer for the souls of those who have fallen asleep in the Lord:  

STAVROS DIMOS (40 DAYS), father of Marianthi and George Maroudas

PETER MOUTZOURIDIS (40 DAYS), husband of Joanne, father of John Moutzouridis and Athanasia (Paul) Buentello, brother-in-law of Spilios (Vicki) Boumis, grandchildren

IOANNIS AND STAVROULA (ANNUAL), parents of Peter Moutzouridis

ANDREAS AND ATHANASIA (ANNUAL), parents of Joanne Moutzouridis

GEORGIOS KOLLIOPOULOS (2 YRS), father of Nikolaos (Anna) Kolliopoulos

May their memory be eternal


We welcome all to Sunday coffee hour hosted by the Center of Hellenic Education in the Small Hall with support from families with memorial services. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all our hosts.




Gospel and Epistle Readings

Matins Gospel Reading

Eighth Orthros Gospel
The Reading is from John 20:11-18

At that time, Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus has lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him." Saying this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?" Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni," which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God." Mary Magdalene went and said to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and she told them that He had said these things to her.

Eighth Orthros Gospel
Κατὰ Ἰωάννην 20:11-18

Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, Μαρία εἱστήκει πρὸς τὸ μνημεῖον κλαίουσα ἔξω· ὡς οὖν ἔκλαιε, παρέκυψεν εἰς τὸ μνημεῖον, καὶ θεωρεῖ δύο ἀγγέλους ἐν λευκοῖς καθεζομένους, ἕνα πρὸς τῇ κεφαλῇ, καὶ ἕνα πρὸς τοῖς ποσίν, ὅπου ἔκειτο τὸ σῶμα τοῦ Ἰησοῦ, καὶ λέγουσιν αὐτῇ ἐκεῖνοι· Γύναι, τί κλαίεις; λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὅτι ᾖραν τὸν Κύριόν μου, καὶ οὐκ οἶδα ποῦ ἔθηκαν αὐτόν· καὶ ταῦτα εἰποῦσα ἐστράφη εἰς τὰ ὀπίσω, καὶ θεωρεῖ τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἑστῶτα, καὶ οὐκ ᾒδει ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστι. Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· Γύναι, τί κλαίεις; τίνα ζητεῖς; ἐκείνη δοκοῦσα ὅτι ὁ κηπουρὸς ἐστι, λέγει αὐτῷ· Κύριε, εἰ σὺ ἐβάστασας αὐτόν, εἰπέ μοι ποῦ αὐτὸν ἔθηκας, κᾀγὼ αὐτὸν ἀρῶ· λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· Μαρία· στραφεῖσα ἐκείνη λέγει αὐτῷ· Ῥαββουνί· ὃ λέγεται Διδάσκαλε· λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς, Μή μου ἃπτου· οὔπω γὰρ ἀναβέβηκα πρὸς τὸν πατέρα μου, πορεύου δὲ πρὸς τοὺς ἀδελφούς μου, καὶ εἰπὲ αὐτοῖς· Ἀναβαίνω πρὸς τὸν πατέρα μου καὶ πατέρα ὑμῶν, καὶ Θεόν μου καὶ Θεὸν ὑμῶν· ἔρχεται Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ ἀπαγγέλλουσα τοῖς μαθηταῖς ὅτι ἑώρακε τὸν Κύριον· καὶ ταῦτα εἶπεν αὐτῇ.

Epistle Reading

Prokeimenon. Grave Mode. Psalm 28.11,1.
The Lord will give strength to his people.
Verse: Bring to the Lord, O sons of God, bring to the Lord honor and glory.

The reading is from St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 1:10-17.

Brethren, I appeal to you by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brethren. What I mean is that each one of you says, "I belong to Paul," or "I belong to Apollos," or "I belong to Cephas," or "I belong to Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispos and Gaius; lest any one should say that you were baptized in my name. (I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any one else.) For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Προκείμενον. Grave Mode. ΨΑΛΜΟΙ 28.11,1.
Κύριος ἰσχὺν τῷ λαῷ αὐτοῦ δώσει.
Στίχ. Ἐνέγκατε τῷ Κυρίῳ υἱοὶ Θεοῦ, ἐνέγκατε τῷ Κυρίῳ δόξαν καὶ τιμήν.

τὸ Ἀνάγνωσμα Πρὸς Κορινθίους α' 1:10-17.

Ἀδελφοί, παρακαλῶ δὲ ὑμᾶς, ἀδελφοί, διὰ τοῦ ὀνόματος τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, ἵνα τὸ αὐτὸ λέγητε πάντες, καὶ μὴ ᾖ ἐν ὑμῖν σχίσματα, ἦτε δὲ κατηρτισμένοι ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ νοῒ καὶ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ γνώμῃ. Ἐδηλώθη γάρ μοι περὶ ὑμῶν, ἀδελφοί μου, ὑπὸ τῶν Χλόης, ὅτι ἔριδες ἐν ὑμῖν εἰσιν. Λέγω δὲ τοῦτο, ὅτι ἕκαστος ὑμῶν λέγει, Ἐγὼ μέν εἰμι Παύλου, Ἐγὼ δὲ Ἀπολλώ, Ἐγὼ δὲ Κηφᾶ, Ἐγὼ δὲ Χριστοῦ. Μεμέρισται ὁ Χριστός; Μὴ Παῦλος ἐσταυρώθη ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν, ἢ εἰς τὸ ὄνομα Παύλου ἐβαπτίσθητε; Εὐχαριστῶ τῷ θεῷ ὅτι οὐδένα ὑμῶν ἐβάπτισα, εἰ μὴ Κρίσπον καὶ Γάϊον· ἵνα μή τις εἴπῃ ὅτι εἰς τὸ ἐμὸν ὄνομα ἐβάπτισα. Ἐβάπτισα δὲ καὶ τὸν Στεφανᾶ οἶκον· λοιπὸν οὐκ οἶδα εἴ τινα ἄλλον ἐβάπτισα. Οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλέν με Χριστὸς βαπτίζειν, ἀλλʼ εὐαγγελίζεσθαι· οὐκ ἐν σοφίᾳ λόγου, ἵνα μὴ κενωθῇ ὁ σταυρὸς τοῦ Χριστοῦ.

Gospel Reading

8th Sunday of Matthew
The Reading is from Matthew 14:14-22

At that time, Jesus saw a great throng; and he had compassion on them, and healed their sick. When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a lonely place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves." Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They said to him, "We have only five loaves here and two fish." And he said, "Bring them here to me." Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children. Then he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds.

8th Sunday of Matthew
Κατὰ Ματθαῖον 14:14-22

Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, ἐξελθὼν ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἶδε πολὺν ὄχλον, καὶ ἐσπλαγχνίσθη ἐπ᾿ αὐτοῖς καὶ ἐθεράπευσε τοὺς ἀρρώστους αὐτῶν. ὀψίας δὲ γενομένης προσῆλθον αὐτῷ οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ λέγοντες· ἔρημός ἐστιν ὁ τόπος καὶ ἡ ὥρα ἤδη παρῆλθεν· ἀπόλυσον τοὺς ὄχλους, ἵνα ἀπελθόντες εἰς τὰς κώμας ἀγοράσωσιν ἑαυτοῖς βρώματα. ὁ δὲ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· οὐ χρείαν ἔχουσιν ἀπελθεῖν· δότε αὐτοῖς ὑμεῖς φαγεῖν. οἱ δὲ λέγουσιν αὐτῷ· οὐκ ἔχομεν ὧδε εἰ μὴ πέντε ἄρτους καὶ δύο ἰχθύας. ὁ δὲ εἶπε· φέρετέ μοι αὐτοὺς ὧδε. καὶ κελεύσας τοὺς ὄχλους ἀνακλιθῆναι ἐπὶ τοὺς χόρτους, λαβὼν τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους καὶ τοὺς δύο ἰχθύας, ἀναβλέψας εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν εὐλόγησε, καὶ κλάσας ἔδωκε τοῖς μαθηταῖς τοὺς ἄρτους, οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ τοῖς ὄχλοις. καὶ ἔφαγον πάντες καὶ ἐχορτάσθησαν, καὶ ἦραν τὸ περισσεῦον τῶν κλασμάτων δώδεκα κοφίνους πλήρεις. οἱ δὲ ἐσθίοντες ἦσαν ἄνδρες ὡσεὶ πεντακισχίλιοι χωρὶς γυναικῶν καὶ παιδίων. Καὶ εὐθέως ἠνάγκασεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς τοὺς μαθητὰς αὐτοῦ ἐμβῆναι εἰς τὸ πλοῖον καὶ προάγειν αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ πέραν, ἕως οὗ ἀπολύσῃ τοὺς ὄχλους.


Hymns of the Day

Resurrectional Apolytikion in the Grave Mode

By means of Your Cross, O Lord, You abolished death. * To the robber You opened Paradise. * The lamentation of the myrrhbearing women You transformed, * and You gave Your Apostles the order to proclaim to all * that You had risen, O Christ our God, * and granted the world Your great mercy.
Κατέλυσας τῷ Σταυρῷ σου τὸν θάνατον, ἠνέῳξας τῷ Λῃστῇ τὸν Παράδεισον, τῶν Μυροφόρων τὸν θρῆνον μετέβαλες, καὶ τοῖς σοῖς Ἀποστόλοις κηρύττειν ἐπέταξας, ὅτι ἀνέστης Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, παρέχων τῷ κόσμῳ τὸ μέγα ἔλεος.

Apolytikion for Afterfeast of the Dormition in the 1st Mode

In giving birth you retained your virginity, and in dormition you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. You were translated unto life, being the Mother of Life. And thus by virtue of your intercessions you deliver our souls from death.
Εν τή Γεννήσει τήν παρθενίαν εφύλαξας, έν τή Κοιμήσει τόν κόσμον ού κατέλιπες Θεοτόκε, Μετέστης πρός τήν ζωήν, μήτηρ υπάρχουσα τής ζωής, καί ταίς πρεσβείαις ταίς σαίς λυτρουμένη, εκ θανάτου τάς ψυχάς ημών.

Seasonal Kontakion in the 2nd Mode

Neither the grave nor death could contain the Theotokos, the unshakable hope, ever vigilant in intercession and protection. As Mother of life, He who dwelt in the ever-virginal womb transposed her to life.
Τήν εν πρεσβείαις ακοίμητον Θεοτόκον, καί προστασίαις αμετάθετον ελπίδα, τάφος καί νέκρωσις ουκ εκράτησεν, ως γάρ ζωής Μητέρα, πρός τήν ζωήν μετέστησεν, ο μήτραν οικήσας αειπάρθενον.

Stewardship and Donations


Stewardship 2024 as of August 14, 2024:

Goal: $491,000 (Approved 2024 Budget with tentative stretch goal of $500,000)
Pledged: $390,550
Pledges Paid: $305,792
Average Pledge: $1,220
Outstanding unpaid commitments: $84,758
Number of Stewards Pledging: 320

Stewardship 2023 on August 17, 2023 for comparison purposes:

Goal: $500,000 ($3000 per Stewardship Family, as an average)
Pledged: $401,741
Pledges Paid: $318,127
Average Pledge: $1,232
Outstanding unpaid commitments: $83,614
Number of Stewards Pledging: 326

Please continue to keep our Saint Nicholas Church in your thoughts and prayers throughout 2024. 

Dedicate yourself to Christ and His mission here at Saint Nicholas.  Look for opportunities to volunteer your time and talents, and pay toward your 2024 commitment pledge. 

Not a Steward of Saint Nicholas?  Please prayerfully consider becoming a Steward by completing the 2024 Stewardship Commitment Card.  You may also submit your commitment either online or by mailing it to the Church Office.

To give by mail: Stewardship 

                        St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
                        986 Chapman Street
                        San Jose, CA 95126

To make a committment electronically, please visit our online stewardship link:

Donation link:

Company Matching Donations: many companies offer some type of philanthropic program in which a company may financially match donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations. When an employee makes a donation, they will request the matching gift from their employer to the specific nonprofit organization. If you are interested to learn more about Company Matching Donations at work, please inquire with your Company's Human Resources Department if it offers a similar program. Please note that Saint Nicholas Church would be identified in a Company Matching Program as "Greek Orthodox Community of Santa Clara County". 

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is a 501©3 Corporation and our tax ID is 94-1578745. 


In our Light A Candle program, vigil candle(s) are lit along with an opportunity to submit names to be prayed for at the Prothesis (Preparation) for forty days. Only Orthodox Christian first names (baptismal names) should be submittedIt is important to separate the names of the living and the reposed.  When lit, the vigil candles last for one week.  Please see the online form on our website or use the link below.  

Donate online here: 

If you would prefer to mail in your request, please write the name(s) for whom the candle(s) will be lit and send to Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Attention: Light a Candle, 986 Chapman Street, San Jose, CA 9126.  For more information, please call the church office.


We are a registered non-profit on Facebook and you can donate any time (without any fees for the church) by pressing the donate button in this link:


Special Announcements


Does Saint Nicholas church know your name? The only way to quantify both how many families we have in our church and how much revenue we can expect to raise through stewardship is by having each family fill out a pledge card.

Pledge cards are available in Narthex and online on our website at:

The online donation link is: 


Upcoming Events


Volleyball practices for our 19th Annual St Nicholas Volleyball Tournament begin Sunday, August 18th at 7pm in the Community Center.  Please join us!

Tuesday Nights
7:00 pm - Young Adult & Adult Practices

Thursday Nights
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm - Junior High
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - High School 

Sunday Nights
7:00pm - Open Gym practices for High School, Young Adult and Adult

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Chairman George Spilios (408) 806-1699 or Head Coach Elias Papas (408) 497-4522.

Come join the fun!  The Volleyball Tournament is scheduled for the weekend of October 18-20th.


St. Nicholas Church is on the move for missions! From August 10th until September 14th, we can make a difference in the world. The OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) has presented the opportunity to walk, run, hike, bike, or swim with the sponsorship of friends and relatives. Funds will be used to support international missionaries. We share their quest to reach the over 1 billion people who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus Christ.  Please sponsor the Saint Nicholas Team by visiting the link below:

You could also send a check with “Trek4Missions” on the message line to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 986 Chapman St., San Jose, CA 95126.


Putting our Orthodox Faith into action! Join us at Second Harvest Food Bank the 4th Tuesday of every month, 6pm to 8pm, to prepare food for distribution in our Santa Clara County community.  One in five families in Santa Clara County faces food insecurity.  Help us serve our community while enjoying the fellowship of our Parishioners!  Advance registration is required; vaccination is suggested but not required; open to ages 12 and up. 

We invite you to sign up in advance for Tuesday, August 27, 2024 using the link:*14wxdv1*_gcl_au*MTIzOTMyNTAxMi4xNzIyMjc4MDUw*_ga*MTM3ODc3MTE0My4xNzIyMjc4MDUw*_ga_E3SL0CTS82*MTcyMjI3ODA1MC4xLjEuMTcyMjI3ODA1OC41Mi4wLjA


Please join us on Monday, September 16, 2024 for the 35th Annual Father Berris Golf Classic. The tournament benefits Father Berris Seminarian Scholarships and the youth ministries of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose.

The event includes a 4-player scramble, box lunch, an awards dinner following golf and much more! Registration is now open at and remember to invite your friends to play.

Check out all the Sponsor opportunities too. Can't play? You can make a donation and/or join us for dinner. We appreciate your support! For more information contact us at: [email protected]. Please see the attached flyer in the Special Events section of this e-bulletin.


Adult Open Gym Basketball is every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Community Center.  All parishioners (including guests) must sign up first before participating; online sign up form is at the link below.  All communications will be handled through WhatsApp where there will be live updates on the day of the event; link down below to join.

Adult Open Gym sign up form:

Adult Open Gym guidelines:

Adult Open Gym WhatsApp group chat:


The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Family Wellness Ministry and the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries invite all couples to participate in the upcoming "Eight Dates" marriage program. Presented for the fourth time, this powerful relationship series is based on the book Eight Dates by Drs. John and Julie Gottman.

Any couple wanting to improve their communication and connection can benefit from this lively and evidence-based program, where the Family Wellness Ministry team integrates the riches of our Orthodox Faith into each presentation. Couples will meet online every other Thursday and are encouraged to connect on their “8 Dates,” engaging in essential conversations during the following weeks.

Register by September 11:

Sessions begin: Thursday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. (Pacific) via Zoom

Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your relationship!


Special Events

    Elpida Panagia Retreat! - San Francisco - August 24th

    Elpida Panagia Retreat! - San Francisco - August 24th

    The Metropolis of San Francisco is excited to introduce the Elpida program, a vibrant new ministry designed to bring families together through faith and community. Founded by Mia Fanourgiakis and Christo Pappademos, Elpida has already made significant strides in revitalizing religious education and fostering connections among our youth. Elpida retreats are designed with the whole child in mind, focusing on mind, body, and spirit. The upcoming fall retreat, scheduled for August 24th, is poised to be an exceptional event. The curriculum, crafted by Mia , promises to be both informative and enjoyable. Participants will delve into topics such as the life of St. Fanourios, the significance of the Panagia, the elements of the Divine Liturgy, and the symbolism behind clergy vestments. Following the educational sessions, families can look forward to a carnival-like party, fostering a spirit of community and fun. Please see the attached flyer.

    Mediterranean Food Festival - Los Altos Hills - Sept 7-8th

    Mediterranean Food Festival - Los Altos Hills - Sept 7-8th

    Please see the attached flyer.

    Fr. Berris Golf Classic - San Jose - September 16th

    Fr. Berris Golf Classic - San Jose - September 16th

    Please join us on Monday, September 16, 2024 for the 35th Annual Father Berris Golf Classic. The tournament benefits Father Berris Seminarian Scholarships and the youth ministries of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. We will have a great day of golf at the beautiful Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose. The event includes a 4-player scramble, box lunch, an awards dinner following golf and much more! Registration is now open at and remember to invite your friends to play. Check out all the Sponsor opportunities too. Can't play? You can make a donation and/or join us for dinner. We appreciate your support! For more information contact us at: [email protected]. Please see the attached flyer.

    Eight Dates Marriage Program Offered This Fall – Register Today! - Virtual

    Eight Dates Marriage Program Offered This Fall – Register Today! - Virtual

    The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Family Wellness Ministry and the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries invite all couples to participate in the upcoming "Eight Dates" marriage program. Presented for the fourth time, this powerful relationship series is based on the book Eight Dates by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Any couple wanting to improve their communication and connection can benefit from this lively and evidence-based program, where the Family Wellness Ministry team integrates the riches of our Orthodox Faith into each presentation. Couples will meet online every other Thursday and are encouraged to connect on their “8 Dates,” engaging in essential conversations during the following weeks. Register by September 11: Sessions begin: Thursday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. (Pacific) via Zoom. Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your relationship!

    Ministry to Students at Santa Clara University

    Ministry to Students at Santa Clara University

    In cooperation with the national orthodox ministry to college students - Orthodox Christian Fellowship - we are attempting to form a group at Santa Clara University and are looking to see if we can make contact with any parishioners or anyone you may know who is a student at SCU. We would appreciate it if any contact information you may have is sent to me, so we can attempt to form the group this quarter. Please feel free to view the flyer in the special events section of this e-bulletin and share Fr. Nebojsa's contact information, [email protected], with anyone interested in forming this group at Santa Clara University.


Education Programs


Reminder that Saturday, August 18th, is the final day to register for the Elpida Retreat scheduled on Saturday, August 24th at Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco.  If you haven’t signed up yet, please register your child soon.  Space is limited, with only 2 spots left in the 2nd-3rd grade class and 5 spots in the middle school class. To register for the retreat on August 24th, click here

See the attached flyer to learn about the Retreat:  On August 24th, the Elpida program of the Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco will be hosting a multi-parish youth retreat, “Panagia, Parables, and Parea,” at Annunciation from 1-5pm.

Parents must be present for the afterparty from 5-7. They will have transformed their gym into an inflatable wonderland with large slides, obstacle courses and more. Children in grades Transitional Kindergarten (age 4) through 8th grade are welcome to join for an afternoon of collaboration and fun.

Children will learn about some of the miracles of the blessed Theotokos, Greek Orthodox parables, and August saints.  Delicious food, onsite security, valet parking, and some good old-fashioned parea will be provided. 

In addition, Annunciation will be hosting a parent workshop for those parents who wish to stay on their campus while their littles ones participate in the Elpida program.  Elpida’s main focus is community and bringing people together.  Let Elpida show your children how many children share their faith and culture. They cannot wait for you to join them!

If you’re unable to participate in person this time, a wonderful way to contribute from afar is by supporting our backpack drive. Your involvement, in any form, is greatly appreciated. To support the backpack drive, click here.

See the flyer in the Special Events section of this e-bulletin.


We are pleased to announce that the Center of Hellenic Education is now accepting registrations for the 2024-2025 academic year!

Why Choose Us?

At the Center of Hellenic Education, we are dedicated to providing an enriching and comprehensive educational experience rooted in Hellenic culture and traditions. Our programs are designed to:

  • Enhance Cultural Understanding: Deepen your appreciation and knowledge of Hellenic heritage through immersive courses and activities.
  • Foster Academic Excellence: Benefit from a curriculum that balances classical studies with modern educational practices, and learn from teachers who are native speakers of the Greek Language!
  • Promote Personal Growth: Participate in a nurturing environment that supports personal development and lifelong learning.

Programs Offered:

We offer a wide range of programs to suit various interests and educational needs, including:

School Age Greek Language Classes (3-18 years old)

1. In-person classes: Offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm & Saturdays 10:00 am - 11:45 am.

2. On-Line classes: These classes are time flex and are offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays.

Adult Greek Language Classes (18 years and older)

New Testament Greek: Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm

Intermediate Conversational Greek: Thursdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm

Beginner Conversational Greek: Saturdays 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

For more up-to-date information in regards to the adult Greek classes kindly contact: Dr. Peter Nanopoulos at [email protected] 

Community Activities (All students & families):

In addition to the classes, several assemblies occur annually to celebrate the following national holidays: October 28th (OXI Day), March 25th (Greek Independence Day), Christmas, and the Graduation/End-of-the-school-year party. Parents and other family members attend or participate in the gathering, while the students recite poems, skits, songs, and dances.

How to Register:

  1. Complete the Online Registration Form:

Important Dates:

  • Classes Begin: Monday, August 26, 2024

We look forward to welcoming you to a vibrant and engaging academic year!


 We are pleased to announce that Greek School registration for adults is now active!

The registration link is located at:

Initial meetings for each Adult Education course have been scheduled on the following dates:
** Modern Greek Beginner Level 1: Wednesday, September 4-2024, 7:00 pm.
** Modern Greek Beginner Level 2: Tuesday, September 3-2024, 7:00 pm.
** Modern Greek Level 3, Intermediate/Advanced: Saturday, September 7-2024, 9:00 am.
** New Testament Greek Beginner Level 1: Monday, September 2-2024, 7:00 pm.
** Ancient Greek Beginner Level 1: Friday, September 6-2024, 7:00 pm.

For further information, please contact Dr. Peter Nanopoulos by email ([email protected]) or by phone (408-646-7308).


New from the Department of Religious Education of our Archdiocese!  Take a look:


Ministries and Organizations


Please read the Canon of Faith for August 2024 using the online link viewing:


Sunday School

Register here for the new year: (Updated link! - Register now!)

Greek Folk Dance

Information for our Dance program here:

Register here for the new year:  Dance Registration 2023-2024  (updated!)

Greek School

Our Greek School is up and running again this year with both in-person and online classes for all ages and levels.  

Registration link:


Information here: .  Please contact Paul Papageorge at: [email protected] for more information about spring season which begins March 5th!

Register here: 

Altar Servers:   

Any young men over the age of 7 and interested in serving the altar are invited to join one of our Altar Groups for the next ecclesiastical year. 

Please register here:  Updated!


GOYA is a ministry for children from 6th - 12th grades.  We meet every 2nd Sunday of the month and have social events throughout the year, as well as sessions and retreats.  For more information please visit our site:

Register here:


JOY/HOPE is a ministry for children from Kindergarten to 5th Grade and open to all. We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the Month in the evening at 7:00pm.  For more information visit our site:  

Register here:


We are collecting unwanted paper icons, wooden icons, and palms that require disposing, please drop off in the baby room in the Church.  There is a plastic bin located underneath the pew.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Julie via email: [email protected].

Please contact the church office at 408-246-2770 if you plan to leave items outside the office or Community Center.


If you wish to order kollyva, artoklasia, prosphora, paximadia, koulourakia, melomakarona, kourambiedes, or other Greek pastries, please see the bakers listed below with their phone numbers to call.  Payment is arranged with the bakers and not the church.

For kollyva:   Marcella Fotis 408-723-4124  

For paximadia, koulourakia, melomakarona, kourambiedes, and other Greek pastries:   Maria Tsaboukos  408-723-5175      Antonia Komianos  408-472-3888     Marcella Fotis  408-723-4124.

For artoklasia:  Antonia Komianos 408-472-3888   Marcella Fotis 408-723-4124   

For prosphora:  Marcella Fotis 408-723-4124


Schedule of Services



Sunday, August 18 - 8th Sunday of Matthew
8:15am - Orthros
9:30am - Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Saturday, August 24 - St. Kosmas of Aetolia
8:30am - Orthros
9:30am - Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 

Sunday, August 25 - 9th Sunday of Matthew
8:15am - Orthros
9:30am - Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom



Online Links to the Text of Church Services:

At our parish we use an online tool for all of our Liturgical services called Ages Initiatives. Please know that we always encourage participation through the praying of the services, and this online resource is the primary resource we use at the chant stand and the Altar.  To access services, please check out the daily calendar available on Ages:

Also, there is an Application that you can use and download on the Apple platform:

Please also note that you can use this resource for ALL of the services we have in our church, and that we will be using this resource as well. 


Saints and Feasts

August 18

8th Sunday of Matthew

August 18

Floros & Lauros the Monk-martyrs of Illyria

These Martyrs were twin brothers, and stonemasons. After the martyrdom of their teachers Proclus and Maximus, they left Byzantium and came to the city of Ulpiana in Illyricum, where a certain Licinius hired them to build a temple for the idols. The wages he gave them, they distributed to the poor, and when the temple was built, Floros and Lauros gathered the paupers, and with their help put ropes about the necks of the idols, pulled them to the ground, and furnished the temple as a church. When Licinius learned of this, he had the paupers burned alive in a furnace. Floros and Lauros were tormented, then cast into a deep well, where they gave up their souls to the Lord. When their holy relics were recovered years later, they poured forth myrrh and worked many miracles; they were enshrined in Constantinople.


Kontakion of the Fallen Asleep

Remember, O Lord, as good, your servants, and forgive whatever sins in life they committed, for no one is without sin, except you the Mighty One; and grant rest to them who have been removed from among us.


Wisdom of the Fathers

And another thing too we learn, the self-restraint of the disciples which they practised in necessary things, and how little they accounted of food.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 49 on Matthew 14, 4th Century

For being twelve, they had five loaves only and two fishes; so secondary to them were the things of the body: so did they cling to the things spiritual only. And not even that little did they hold fast, but gave up even it when asked.
St. John Chrysostom
Homily 49 on Matthew 14, 4th Century