Kevin Cramer Baptism
Glory to God for all things! By the Grace of God, Kevin Cramer will be baptized into Christ and His Holy Orthodox Church this upcoming Saturday, January 25th. Kevin has been a catechumen at Holy Cross, studying and embracing the Holy Orthodox Faith. After around six months of preparation and prayer, he will now be baptized and illuminated! May we keep Kevin in our prayers as he prepares for his reception in the Church.
Saint Emmelia Women’s Group
Our parish is starting a new ministry for the women of our community. This ministry provides a time and place for the fostering of relationships of women with each other and ultimately with Christ to our God. Saint Emmelia will meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the home of Fr. Spyridon and Psa. Sarah.
Why Saint Emmelia? Saint Emmelia is know as "the mother of the saints". Saint Emmelia raised five children recognized today by the Eastern Orthodox Church as saints! Mothers, God Mothers, and all Christians can learn from the Godly example Christ has given us in this His Saint. Saint Emmelia, pray to God for us!
The Saint Emmelia Women's group will meet for the first time on January 28th. This ministry is open to all women of the parish and friends you may bring along.
March For Life
Father Spyridon will be away on Friday, January 24th to represent our parish and the Orthodox Church at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Every year many of the bishops, priests, deacons, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in North America join in prayer and sing hymns as they join in witness to the sanctity of life and the love of the God who Himself dwelled in His mother's womb for our salvation.
Paraklesis for the Unborn
On this Wednesday, January 22nd at 6 pm our parish will replace our Wednesday Daily Vespers with a Paraklesis for the unborn, pregnant mothers, and all who have wrestled with the issue of abortion. We pray for life, peace, health, forgiveness, and salvation for all who have been affected by this issue.
Christ, our God, has sanctified life by being born as a man. He has sanctified motherhood and birth-giving. Christ has lived a human life for our salvation, starting with his conception. Please keep in your prayers all who have been affected by and struggled with abortion.
House Blessings
Instead of a signup sheet for house blessings this year, Father will contact everyone individually to set up a time for the house blessings. By setting up individual appointments, we hope to be able to accommodate everyone in the parish better.
Parish Synod
Our annual parish synod will be held at the parish on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, February 2nd, 2025, following the Divine Liturgy. Please be in attendance if you can make it.
Parish Growth!
By the grace of God, we continue to see our parish grow! Next week, we will have the second baptism this month in our parish. Our parish has four catechumens right now and will soon be blessed to witness more baptisms! Continue to pray with us for the catechumens that the Lord our God will teach them the Word of His truth and unite them to His holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
We look forward to, God willing, many more baptisms and chrismations in the future.
Bible Study
Every Wednesday, our parish has Bible study! We meet at 6 pm in the church for daily vespers, and then start our bible study right after. Please come, and bring your friends! We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark.
Help Support our Liturgical Worship
By the Grace of God, our parish continues to grow, and we continue to be able to come and experience Christ through the liturgical services and the sacraments. Our parish is in need of support in purchasing items that we use in worship. If you are able, we would greatly appreciate donations to cover the cost of certain items:
Adult Baptismal Gown: $72
Chrismation Brush: $25
Wine: $165 a case
Incense: $55 in bulk
Altar Server Robes: $105 (3 more needed)
Altar Covers: Price to be determined. We could use red and blue (speak with Fr. Spyridon)
If you are interested in providing the funds to cover these items, please leave a memo with your donation stating what item you would like to donate. Thank you!
Prayer List
Please keep the following in your prayers:
- Mary Ann
- Helen
- Charles