Upcoming Special Services
Orthros 8am / Divine Liturgy 9am
Saturday, March 8 - 3rd Saturday of Souls Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, March 25 - Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Annunciation
Weekday Lenten Services at 6:00pm
Monday: Great Compline
Wednesday: Presanctified Liturgy **
Friday: Salutations of the Theotokos
Move Clocks Forward 1 Hour on Saturday Night!

Icon Procession
All children are invited to bring their favorite icon and join in the Sunday of Orthodoxy procession following the Divine Liturgy this Sunday.
Feed the Hungry
On March 13 at 6pm, we will meet at Holy Trinity to prepare the meal. We also encourage everyone to bring ingredients (see flyer in the previous email). Then on Friday, March 14, we will meet at 12pm at TLOT to serve the meal to those in need.
March 9: special tray will be passed for Metropolis Philoptochos Social Services Fund.
March 23: Lenten Spaghetti Luncheon to benefit Holy Cross Seminary
March 23: Homemade Fresh Tsoureki (sweet bread) goes on sale. $10 each. Only 100 will be
available. Proceeds benefit Philoptochos.
Schedule Change **
There will be no Presanctified Liturgy this Wednesday, March 12, due to Fr Theodore being away.