Upcoming Special Services
Orthros 8am / Divine Liturgy 9am
Saturday, February 8 - St. Theodore the Commander
Fast Free Week - February 9 - 15
Monday, February 17 - St. Theodore the Tyro
Saturday, February 22 - 1st Saturday of Souls

Oratorical Festival
Holy Trinity’s Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival will be held following liturgy on Sunday February 23rd. The Oratorical Festival is an opportunity for students to develop their thoughts on a question regarding our faith, which they share in a short speech. Our elementary, middle, and high school students will be participating. Thank you for supporting our young people’s efforts.
This Sunday February 9th Philoptochos will pass a tray for donations for St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine, an institution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. This shrine is dedicated to the first colony of Greek people who came to America in 1768.
GOYA Retreat
We will be holding our annual GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) Retreat for the state of Virginia from March 28-30. All youth from 7th-12th grade are invited to join us for a weekend of fun and fellowship at Camp Piankatank in Middlesex, VA. I have seen very many young people come back from this retreat with a new sense of closeness to God and enthusiasm for their faith. Transportation to and from Roanoke will be provided free of charge. Please see the brochure included in Thursday's email or the hardcopy bulletin for the link to register.
Feed the Hungry: Thursday cook food at 6pm (at the church); distribution Friday at noon.
Family Night: Saturday, February 15 at 4:30pm
Details in the print bulletin and previous email messages