Nota Bene:
*Online Giving now available! Please visit our website to see our new online givine through PayPal. We plan to expand the options and functionality as we move forward with this project.
*Zach Gentzlinger Baptism: Saturday, April 5 at 10:00am.
*Lent/Holy Week Donations. If you would like to donate towards needed Lent and Holy Week items, please note on your check the purpose. You're welcome to make donations in memory of someone departed or in honor of someone living.
*Myrrh-bearers: All goya aged girls are invited to serve as Myrrhbearers on Holy Friday during the Lamentations. Those wishing to participate should plan to wear white dresses.
Daffodils for the Cross - Donated
Flowers for the Epitaphios - $800
Palms for Palm Sunday - $250
Olive Oil for Holy Unction - Donated
Rose Petals and Bay Leaves - $300
Rose Water - $25
Easter Lillies - $25 per plant (12 plants needed)
Paschal Candle - Donated
Wreath for the Cross - TBD
*The Parish Council has voted to establish a Stewardship Committee. Donna Cavos has stepped forward to lead it. If you're interested in being on the committee, please contact Donna at [email protected] or see her after church. All are welcome to join the committee. Stewardship pledge cards will be available soon.
*Check out the updates to the parish website.
*There are commemoration slips in the narthex. If you would like to submit names to Fr. Seraphim for prayer (ie: during the Proskomide, during the litanties at the end of Orthros, during Liturgy, at Paraklesis, etc), please fill out a slip for the living or departed and give to one of the Parish Council members to bring to the altar.
As members of an Orthodox Christian family, we are called upon to pray for each other
We pray for: Geronta Silouan, Constantine, Susan Larkin, Sherrie, Vasilios, Sheldon Miller, Metropolitan Isaiah, Gael Levings, Chris Gianapoulos, Vickie Fellows,Sophia Gesner, Aristides N Maniatis, Stephen, Kalleope, Spiros, Eleni, Ernie Riach, Magdaleni Maggie Pappas, Judy Brophy, Panagiotis, and all of our brethren.
If you like to add a loved one to the prayer list, please contact V. Rev. Archimandrite Seraphim Proistamenos [email protected]
From Father:
Parish Council Members
President: Chris Catechis
Vice President: Nick Morris
Treasurer: Tiffany Wallace
Council Members: Nick Pavlakos, Angela Raines, Karla Vlahoulis, and Anne Pappas.
Nicki Panagopoulos in charge of the Chanters and folks should contact her if interested in joining. Her contact is [email protected]
Our Church is open and services are ongoing.
Services Schedule
Join us in prayer and fellowship.
*If you have something for the bulletin, please submit it to Fr. Seraphim at [email protected] by Wednesday at 5:00pm.