Fellowship Hour
No one has Fellowship Hour today. Please sign up on the list by the kitchen!
Next Sunday Fellowship Hour will be our annual Christmas Brunch sponsored by the Outreach Ministry. Your generosity enables the Outreach Ministry to help our needy parishioners as well as local charities to help people in our community at large
If you enjoy spending some time with friends and having something to enjoy together, then sign up on the sheet in the Church Hall! Fellowship Hour does not need to be elaborate or complex. You can certainly share the day with friends or family to help out. Fellowship Hour is important to extend the fellowship of the Liturgy into the rest of our lives.
If you would like to put on a coffee hour (for example, for a memorial) but you are unable to do so, please talk to Presbytera, and we will help you put together a simple Coffee Hour. There are many empty spots till the end of the year. Please check out the schedule and sign up for a Fellowship Hour!
Great Vespers
Our twice a month celebration of Great Vespers for Sundays will continue on Saturday, December 28 at 5:00 pm.
Sunday School Christmas Pageant
Our Sunday School Christmas Pageant will take place next Sunday, December 22, at the end of Liturgy. This year we are doing a new pageant called The Night the Animals Spoke. Please come to support our children and learn from them the meaning of Christmas!
Orthodox Service of Lessons and Carols
Our annual celebration of the Orthodox Service of Lessons and Carols will take place Sunday, December 22 at 4:00 pm. This service is an adaptation of the Royal Hours of Christmas together with some Christmas Carol favorites. It is a wonderful way of "getting into the true Christmas Spirit"! There will be a Festive Reception following the service. All are welcome! Please bring friends and family!
Two Introductions to Orthodoxy?
Yes! In order to accommodate as far as possible the large number of our inquirers, we will be having two Introduction to Orthodoxy sessions every other week (alternating with Bible Study). Both sessions will cover the same material, so there is need only to come to one of them. Unless, of course, you would like to come to both. These classes are not restricted to our inquirers; anyone interested in learning more about our Orthodox Faith is welcome to join us. The Zoom link can be found in the Events of the Week in this bulletin, as well as in the announcements at the beginning of the daily meditations.
Orthodoxy on Tap
Orthodoxy on Tap is a chance for all our parishioners, new and old, to enjoy fellowship together and to learn more about our Holy Faith. After Vespers (at 5:00 pm) we gather in the hall for a nice dinner (Father and Presbytera provide the main course; we ask everyone else to bring drinks, chips and dip, appetizers, and/or dessert!). Afterwards will be a guest speaker or a presentation, and the change to ask any questions about Orthodoxy that you may have. It is an important opportunity to get to know one another better and to learn about the faith from various perspectives.
Our next Orthodoxy on Tap is Saturday, January 4, Great Vespers at 5:00 pm, Orthodoxy on Tap at 5:45/6:00 pm. Again, all are welcome and encouraged to come. Bring a friend!
Need for Socks and Blankets
The Coalition against Homelessness is in dire need of socks. Please bring some socks to help out! We will collect them at the church and take them over to the Coalition.
Our friend, Mary Aranosian, has asked for help collecting blankets for the homeless. She said they do not need to be new. We will collect them and give them to her to distribute to the homeless.
Thank you for your generosity!
Mark Your Calendar!
December 22--Sunday School Christmas Pageant
December 22--Christmas Brunch
December 22--Orthodox Service of Lessons and Carols
December 24--Vesperal Liturgy of Christmas
December 25--Morning Liturgy of Christmas
December 28--Great Vespers
January 1--Liturgy for the Circumcision and St. Basil the Great
January 4--Great Vespers and Orthodoxy on Tap